Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2297: He is "Kui"

But he said that the moment the corpse king Uris turned his face to see Li Tian, ​​a vicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He saw Li Tian and the "prey" he had bitten with his mouth.

"Sure enough, it's you." Suddenly, the king of the dead smiled and faced Li Tiandao with a grimace.

Li Tian's eyes were red, and that originally handsome face was already showing a terrifying ferociousness at this moment, and his vampire fangs had also been stretched out of his mouth, and his pupils were red with blood at this moment, looking at his greatest enemy!

The man in front of him was the **** who turned himself into this vampire monster. It was he who bit himself in the country and caused himself to become a vampire.

All the hate, all the anger, all came to Li Tian's heart.

"You bastard! I finally found you." Li Tian gritted his teeth and looked at the corpse king Uris distortedly.

But seeing that the corpse king Uris suddenly laughed wildly after hearing Li Tian say this.

"Boy, shouldn't you thank me? It was me who turned you into an undead! It was I who turned you into a very powerful vampire... Hey, isn't this not what you want?" Uris spit out something in that mouth.

The more Li Tian listened, the more angry he was, and his whole body trembled.

"You **** turned me into a **** vampire! Li Tian will never forget this hatred!"

"Today, I will have a break with you!" Li Tian's anger suddenly increased at this moment, saying there.

But seeing that the corpse king heard Li Tian say this, he smiled gloomily.

"Boy, no matter how hard you struggle, the blood flowing into your body is the blood of our Gangaluo family. I now advise you, if you follow our Gangaluo family obediently, my corpse king promises you will definitely do it. When I get to the earl's position, I will let you follow me, how about? Is this condition tempting enough?" The Corpse King said while looking at Li Tiandao with a sneer.

When Li Tian heard it, he only felt nauseous.

"Asshole, do you think it's possible? Will Li Tian follow you, **** bastard?" Li Tian cursed there.

When the corpse king in front of him heard Li Tian's scolding, his body was violent.

"Boy, do you really want to die?" The corpse king in front of him suddenly said angrily.

The dark death crow that fell on his shoulder suddenly became a "quack, quack, quack" when the corpse king was angry.

It seemed that even this beast felt angry.

"Boy, do you know why I don't want to kill you myself?"

"Just because you were created by me, I don't want to ruin you!"

"But if you really don't want to follow my Gangelo family, don't be ruthless under the monsters. Since I can turn you into an immortal vampire, I can also turn you into ashes in an instant." The corpse king Uris issued a final statement. In that gloomy face of Li Tiandao in front of him.

Listening to the corpse king saying this, Li Tian suddenly stood there and sneered.

"Is it?"

"Do you think I, Li Tian, ​​would really be afraid of you as a human, a ghost, a monster?"

"If you have the ability, I will make a final decision with you today!" Li Tianzai said coldly.

The king of corpses saw that he could not persuade Li Tian anyway.

The smell of corpse all over his body suddenly became heavier and heavier.

"Okay! Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you..." Accompanied by the roar of the corpse king, he had grabbed the head of Count Roger with his right hand, and suddenly flung it casually.

Count Roger's body was thrown out like a ball.

There was a plop, but he saw that Count Roger fell heavily on the rock wall, and then fell off the rock wall.

His face was bloody, and he didn't know whether it was dead or alive and fell to the ground.

When Mary saw that her father was covered with blood, she crawled from the ground and cried out, "Dad!"

But Count Roger didn't hear the slightest answer, as if he had died.

But what about this side?

I saw Li Tian and the corpse king Uris standing face to face.

Li Tian's whole body is exuding incomparable qi, but what about the corpse king Uris? It is completely different from Li Tian, ​​his whole body is exuding a strong smell of corpse.

The disgusting and unpleasant smell smelled inside people's noses, like nausea.

"Boy, before I kill you, I have a question I want to ask you!" The corpse king Uriss suddenly asked with a hoarse voice staring at Li Tian.

Li Tian snorted coldly: "Ask."

The **** eyeballs of the corpse king Uris rolled upwards, as if thinking about something. After thinking about it for a minute, he suddenly said: "Hundreds of years ago, I met a fellow in your China. An old monster like you, he is the only one that my corpse king has seen in his life. There is no dead old thing under my hands. His Chinese name is: Kui, I wonder if you have any impression?"

When Li Tian heard "Kui" in front of him, Li Tian not only frowned.

He does not know the character "Kui".

In his impression, only the "Wuji Old Man" is the legendary powerhouse!

But the "Kui" in this corpse king Uris's mouth is not an old man of Promise! But who exactly is "Kui" he said?

"I don't know!" Li Tian replied coldly in front of him.

After Li Tian said this, the corpse king in front of him rolled his blood-red eyes, as if he was recalling the past, and said silently: "Hey, I thought you could know that old monster... now Come, my corpse king can't fight that old monster anymore!" There was a trace of regret in the corpse king's voice.

"Huh, what happened hundreds of years ago? The Kui in your mouth may have died long ago." Li Tian said coldly.

After Li Tian said this, the corpse king suddenly said, "No, he will not die!"

"Because what he cultivates is the real magic way!"

"He is Demon Lord! He will never die!"

Li Tian was slightly startled when he heard the King of Corpse say so.

I suddenly remembered what the old man Wuji had said to him. When the old man Wuji taught Li Tian Maha Wuliang, he once said that Li Tian cultivates the way of God, and the opposite of the way of God is the way of magic!

He also said that under the heaven and the earth, there is another person who is cultivating the magic way, and he is the lord of the devil!

As for the Lord of the Demon Venerable that the old man Wuji said? Li Tian didn't know. And what about the old man Wuji? It was only vaguely speaking the words here, and then there was no more!

Li Tian now has a question in his mind: Kui, who is it? Is it true that as the corpse king in front of him said, that Kui is not dead yet?

Kui, are you really from Huaxia?

After thinking this way in his mind, Li Tian suddenly choked in his heart. He didn't know what was going on, and suddenly remembered in his mind that the old monster who was once in the endless purgatory of the **** gate was like a corpse... The old monster was chained by fine steel chains, and the whole body was embedded in the boulder.

he is?


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