Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2303: The vampire is coming

"I saw it! Gosh, what the **** is that shot out of the Immortal Mountain Range?" Chen Qiaozhi muttered with his eyes widened.

Where is the evil **** here?

Of course he also saw the meteor-like blood shadow light shot from the Immortal Mountains just now. I don't know why, when the Cthulhu saw that strange blood shadow light, his heart suddenly shook.

In my heart, as if grasping, I suddenly mentioned it.

And the Duguxie and the ghost servants beside them did not see the strange changes of the evil god, they were all in the place where the blood shadow light disappeared with blinking eyes, couldn't help but be surprised.

"The Immortal Mountain Range is too weird... We better not go to that broken place." The brothers in front of them shouted there.

The fairy Baihua next to him also murmured: "Yes, right now, it is most important for us to find the sky, and we should not go to the immortal mountains."

Since the moment when the brothers saw that **** light shoot out from the Immortal Mountains as fast as a meteor, their hearts felt an invisible and strange sense of fear towards the Immortal Mountains!

In addition, the Cthulhu and the brothers now only want to find that Li Tian, ​​so under everyone's final decision, the brothers are not willing to go to the immortal mountain to cause trouble!

So, they chose to deviate from the right side of the immortal mountain range, where they went.

Although Cthulhu felt a strange feeling in his heart, he didn't say anything to say it. He was only worrying about his son more and more in his heart.

So David led the evil gods and they deviated from the direction of the immortal mountain range, and turned to the other right side.

After walking for about half an hour, the Cthulhu's keen intuition suddenly noticed something moving in front of him.

When he felt a movement coming from him, the evil **** suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "Stop!"

After the Cthulhu Doctor screamed, the brothers were stunned for a while, and then all raised a pair of puzzled eyes and looked at the Cthulhu.

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Duguxie over there walked over and looked at the evil **** and asked.

The shining eyes of the evil **** suddenly stared at the darkness in the distance and said: "I heard the sound of human footsteps coming towards us."

"Footsteps?" When the Cthulhu said this, Duguxie and the ghost servants looked ugly.

Fairy Baihua over there, Situ Ningbing behind, and Ouyang Shiqing and other girls also showed caution.

But seeing the evil **** listening to the voice of the cold wind, he suddenly said, "They are getting closer and closer!"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. As for the enemy or passers-by, we don't know. The best way is to hide it first!" Cthulhu finally decided to say there.

After the Cthulhu said so, the brothers nodded quickly.

I saw barren woods standing around them, and the brothers looked at the barren woods around them, so they flew toward the tree one by one, some hiding behind huge rocks.

After all of them were hidden, they all breathed, quietly waiting for strangers in front of them.

No one knows what character is walking ahead!

The Cthulhu was hiding in the dark, and continued to listen.

Just now because the distance was too far, the Cthulhu could only distinguish the messy footsteps, and now that the footsteps were getting closer, the Cthulhu could already hear that there were definitely no fewer than twenty people coming from the other side!

And these twenty-odd footsteps seem to feel like they are walking in a hurry, just like something terrifying behind chasing them, their steps are messy and terrified, and they rush from the front.

The more Cthulhu listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

At this moment, the blood hunter David hiding beside the evil **** suddenly illuminated a small green bottle in his arms.

When the strange little bottle glowed brightly, David's face suddenly changed.

"Vampire?" An exclamation whispered from his mouth.

When he yelled, the evil **** was taken aback, raised his extremely cold eyes at the Blood Hunter David, who was staring in front of him, and asked coldly: "What did you say?"

"Vampires! The people in front are vampires..." David said with his eyes widened.

When the Cthulhu heard this, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and he looked at David in front of him and asked, "How do you know?"

Then David took out the small bottle with weird light in his arms and said: "See if...My holy water bottle is on. This bottle is the holy thing of our Pope Sun. It has been blessed, so if there is a vampire When you get closer, the holy water bottle will automatically light up."

"Our blood hunters of the Pope the Sun, everyone will have such a holy water bottle, so that when we hunt down those vampires, we can find their whereabouts." David explained to the evil **** in front of him. .

After the evil **** heard what David said in front of him, he was not only taken aback, and then raised his eyes to look at the weird "Holy Water Bottle" in David's hand.

Secretly: Is this what David said is true? Was it the terrible vampire who rushed forward?

After the Cthulhu thought this way, he suddenly said to the Duguxie, the ghost servant, and the other brothers who were hiding behind him: "Everyone is ready to fight. The terrible vampire is coming ahead... I want you to be sure. Protect yourself as much as possible."

When the words "vampire" came out from the Cthulhu's mouth, the faces of the brothers changed in shock.

Then they clenched their fists tightly, and then stared at the front in the darkness with wide eyes.

The messy footsteps are getting closer!

And Cthulhu can judge that the number of vampires rushing towards them is definitely no less than twenty...

Thinking of this in his heart, he became depressed, after all, there were still a lot of vampires.

But the current Cthulhu couldn't take care of that much anymore, he could only wait and watch the situation before him.

The footsteps are getting closer!

Now not only the evil **** can hear the rushing footsteps, even Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi can hear the messy footsteps coming in front...

Getting closer, the brothers became more cautious.

Twenty meters...

Fifteen meters...

Ten meters...

When the distance got closer and closer, I suddenly saw the dark depths ahead, and the figure jumped.

They were trying hard to run wildly towards the evil god... Every guy looked flustered, and while running, he couldn't help looking back, as if something terrible was chasing them behind.

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