Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2308: The dead king is injured

Immortal mountains, that huge cave.

At this moment, I saw a large group of the Black Knight Legion of the Gangaluo Family walking toward the huge stone cave with great strength, followed by many members of the Heiyi Clan vampires.

The leader is naturally another earl of the Nagangro family: Berwick.

Next to him were the big snake girl and the death breath Antonio.

It turned out that they came with a large force.

But they said that when they rushed to the cave in this immortal mountain range, they smelled the blood rushing over their faces and saw the mountain of corpses.

The corpse included the corpse of the Ganguro family black knight, the corpse of the Kawi captive, and the corpse of the nihtoy family member.

"What's going on here?" the big snake girl asked in her green eyes blinking in astonishment.

That Breath of Death Antonio didn't understand what was going on here.

But seeing that pale face Count Berwick looked at everything around him coldly.

He murmured: "It seems that something is really happening here..."

After speaking, he suddenly raised Sen Leng's eyes and looked at the Gangeuro family members who were guarding the cave.

"Where is Elder Corpse King?"

After Berwick asked about the exit, the faces of the black knights of the Gangelo family standing at the door showed a strange look of fear.

Naberik looked at their expressions, and now his face became ugly.

"What's the matter?" Berwick asked sharply.

After Berwick roared out, the black knights of the Gangaro family hurriedly replied: "Elder Corpse King...Elder is injured... is resting in the cave."

"What?" When the horrified Gangelo family members around him suddenly said so, Berwick in front of him suddenly screamed in shock.

And the big snake girl beside him, and Antonio also showed a strangely surprised expression, they all raised a pair of unbelievable eyes and looked at the members of the Gangelo family over there.

But what about Earl Berwick? With a roar, the body flew directly off the riding death horse, and then an icy hand suddenly grabbed the black knight of the Gangelo family who had just answered, and then gave him his whole body. Mentioned it.

"What nonsense you bastard? You dare to say that Elder Corpse King was injured?" Berwick roared in front of him.

Obviously, he couldn't believe the injury of the corpse king Uris.

Because in their impression, the corpse king Uris is a symbol of invincibility! And now the fellows dare to say that Elder Corpse King was injured?

How can this be?

How could he not let Count Naberik feel shocked and angry.

The subordinate of the Gangelo family in front of him, who was firmly grasped by Berwick, looked horrified at this moment, and replied at that moment: "Earl Berwick...I'm talking about... facts... Elder Corpse King...really...really injured."

After he said so, the other guys who followed the Gangelo family member also showed horror at the moment and muttered one by one: "Yes, yes, what he said is fact."

After Naberik heard all his subordinates say this, he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

Gosh? Could it be that Elder Corpse King was really injured? Naberik was horrified in that heart.

The big snake girl standing behind him and Antonio Breath of Death were all stunned for a moment after hearing this horrible news, and no one could believe this fact.

It was shocking! What a surprise...

"How is it possible? Under heaven and earth, who can hurt the elder of the corpse king?" Berwick roared.

After Naberik said so, the members of the Gangelo family in front of them all lowered their heads and became silent one by one, and they dared not speak any more.

"Tell me, who hurt Elder Corpse King? Who is it?" Berwick asked in surprise.

The vampire member under his head bowed his head and hesitated and said, "Yes...yes...that Asian kid..."

"What? Is it him?" Berwick almost jumped up after hearing the news.

And the big snake girl behind, and Antonio? At the same moment, I was confused.

"Is that kid?"

"How could this be?"

The big snake girl was also shocked there, but she personally fought against that Li Tian... But in her impression, the strength of that Li Tian would not be enough to defeat the corpse king Yuris?

After all, the corpse king Uriss is a monster that has survived for nearly two thousand years.

But in front of me, looking at the expressions of the Gangelo family's men, they didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that the corpse king Yuris was really badly hit by the Asian boy?

Thinking of this in his heart, Naberik looked very ugly.

He angrily asked, "Where is Elder Corpse King now?"

The subordinate replied, "Return to Earl Berwick, Elder Corpse King is resting in the innermost cave..."

After hearing what the subordinate said, Berwick in front of him suddenly didn't even look at that man again. He flew up and down and flew very fast towards the cave.

And the big snake girl who followed and Antonio, Breath of Death, all followed quickly.

Soon, Naberik flew to the innermost place.

After they arrived in the cave, they saw that many of the black knights of the Gangaluo family had heavy faces, standing there with their heads down.

In the dull and **** cave, no one dared to speak loudly.

Naberik quickly found the cave where the corpse king Uris was resting according to the place the members told him.

After reaching the entrance of the cave, Berwick took a deep breath, and then walked towards the cave step by step.

When he was about to reach the stone cave, there was a roar and roar from the deep cave.


The moment the cold explosion sounded as the exit, it was filled with endless anger and murderous intent.

That voice is undoubtedly that of the corpse king Uris.

After hearing the voice of the corpse king Uris, the Earl Berwick in front of him hurriedly said: "Elder corpse king, it is Berwick's subordinate!"

After hearing Berwick’s voice, the corpse king there suddenly said with a hoarse voice, "Come in!"

After the voice of the corpse king uttered, Berwick in front of him replied, "Yes!"

Then walked in step by step.

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