Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2316: Weird situation

When Duanmuying saw the scarlet blood flowing out of the cracks in the weird stone, she couldn't help being stunned.

"How could this be?"

"How can blood flow out of this stone gap?" Duanmuying blinked her beautiful eyes while looking at the blood, whispering in her mouth.

At this moment, I saw Fairy Baihua, Situ Ningbing, and Ouyang Shiqing three beauties also quickly rushing over.

After they rushed over, they all looked at the pale ring in surprise, and then quickly asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

After they asked, Xiaohuan lowered his head and said nothing.

It was that Duan Kiying slowly turned her face.

"Come here and see..."

While talking, Duanmuying stretched out her hand and pointed at the **** stone gap in front of her.

After Situ Ningbing and Fairy Baihua hurried over, everyone saw the scarlet blood flowing out of the stone gap.

When they saw it, they all stunned slightly.


"How can blood flow out of this stone gap?" Situ Ningbing in front of him said in surprise in his mouth.

All of them were surprised at the moment. Everyone looked at the bleeding stone gap in front of them with beautiful eyes.

But I saw that the stone gap was very long, very long, extending to the top, and the blood stains flowed out from the gap.

Looking at this situation, but seeing that Situ Ningbing took a step forward suddenly.

Then she slowly pressed her ear to the top of the stone wall. After applying it, she raised her hand slightly, and then tapped her hand on the stone wall near the ear.

A hollow sound came out following Situ Ningbing's percussion.

After hearing such a weird sound from the stone wall, Situ Ningbing was stunned.

"There is nothing behind this stone...There is a hole here..." A word suddenly came out of the beautiful Situ Ningbing's mouth.

After she suddenly said this, the fairy Baihua in front of her and Ouyang Shiqing were all astonished.


"Is there nothing behind this cave?" Fairy Baihua said in disbelief.

Then she also raised her hand to knock on the stone wall in front of her.

The hollow voice came out from the top of the stone wall again.

After hearing the weird sound again, the fairy Baihua in front of him was also stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it is indeed empty... I didn't expect it to be empty behind the stone." The fairy Baihua in front of him also said in shock.

After Baihua Fairy confirmed that, several beautiful girls raised their weird eyes and looked at the bleeding stone gap in front of them.

"It seems that there should be a huge hole behind this stone wall...otherwise, it won't make such a hollow sound." Fairy Baihua said.

"En, yes." The beauties next to them nodded.

"Auntie Hua, what should I do now?"

"Would you like to break this stone wall and take a look at the situation inside?" The beautiful women such as Ouyang Shiqing looked at Fairy Baihua and said.

Fairy Baihua thought for a while, her beautiful eyes stared at the blood flowing from the gap in the stone, and then she shook her head slightly and said, "No, no hurry!"

"Well, I think it's better to notify my elder brother of this matter... and then let him come and see the situation." Fairy Baihua said there.

She didn't dare to break the stone wall rashly, because after all, this immortal mountain range was a little unsafe.

Besides, if something terrible happened, the beauties around Baihua Fairy would not be able to withstand the battle, so for the sake of safety, Baihua Fairy decided to tell the evil spirits quickly.

After hearing Baihua Fairy say so, the beautiful women like Situ Ningbing in front of her nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Then I'll go find Big Brother...you wait for me here first." Fairy Baihua said.

Several beautiful women nodded in agreement.

So I saw that Baihua Fairy stretched out, and quickly swept towards the evil god.

Here, Situ Ningbing, Duan Muying and Ouyang Shiqing are waiting here.


But he said that the evil god, Duguxie and ghost servants were looking for them there.

At this moment, the figure of Baihua Fairy quickly swept over.

The ghost servant turned his head inadvertently and saw the figure of Fairy Baihua. After seeing this, he screamed.

"San Jie..."

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Third Sister are here." The Ghost Servant shouted, and quickly said to the Duguxie and Cthulhu Dao around him.

After hearing the voice of the ghost servant, the evil **** and Duguxie in front of them not only turned their heads together, and then they really saw the Baihua Fairy that had come.

The Cthulhu and Duguxie not only frowned slightly when they saw Fairy Baihua flying by.

Why are the three sisters here? They secretly lined up.

"Sanmei." The Cthulhu cried out after seeing the fairy Baihua who had swept over.

Fairy Baihua had already swept over quickly, and after reaching the Cthulhu and them, he said: "Big brother, second brother..."

"What's the matter, Sanmei, why are you here?" Duguxie in front of him looked at the Baihua Fairy and asked.

After the Cthulhu and Duguxie asked, Fairy Baihua said, "We have discovered the situation."

Hearing Baihua Fairy say this all of a sudden, the Cthulhu and Duguxie in front of him instantly became excited.


"Sanmei, what did you find?" Cthulhu quickly turned his head and asked.

So the fairy Baihua preached there, "We found blood in the cracks in the stone in the front place... and the stone wall seems to be empty... there seems to be a huge hole in it."

"Blood? Hole?"

Upon hearing that Baihua Fairy said this, the Cthulhu and Duguxie were shocked instantly.

"There?" Cthulhu asked urgently.

The fairy Baihua then pointed to the place in front and said, "It's just ahead."

"Take me to see..." Cthulhu said immediately.

The fairy Baihua nodded and said, "Okay."

After speaking, Fairy Baihua took the lead and flew up, and then took the evil **** to the place where the blood was found just now.

The Duguxie behind said to the ghost servant: "Ghost, you go and inform Xiaolong, and Qiaozhi and the others... let them come quickly too."

The ghost servant responded, and then went looking for Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi, while Du Guxie followed the evil **** and the Baihua Fairy and flew away.

Soon, but seeing that Baihua Fairy brought the Cthulhu and Duguxie in front of him to the foot of the highest mountain range here.

Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing and Duanmuying were all standing there.

After seeing Cthulhu and Duguxie coming, they all stared at him.

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