Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2326: Weird Rock Cave

First, she held the rope tightly with both hands, and then began to descend the cliff.

Both feet were on the hideous stone, and then the body began to descend little by little, and the tightly pulled rope began to tighten continuously as her body descended.

"Ningbing, be careful." Fairy Baihua said to Situ Ningbing with concern.

Situ Ningbing had gone down two to three meters at this moment, nodded slightly, and then started to continue descending while holding the rope with both hands.

Situ Ningbing's rock climbing skills are really good.

Her movements were very flexible, and her hands and feet were also very agile. After a while, she saw that Situ Ningbing had gone down more than ten meters.

Seeing that Situ Ningbing's figure is getting smaller and smaller, the Fairy Baihua and Chen Qiaozhi on the cliff all showed concern.

However, Situ Ningbing continued to climb downward.

She held the rope tightly with her hands, and every time she dropped one meter, her body was vertical, and then both feet stepped on the rock wall. Repeatedly, Situ Ningbing soon reached the cliff. The clouds and mist in the middle are now.

After reaching the misty place in the middle of the cliff, seeing Situ Ningbing frowned slightly, she lowered her head and glanced at the misty place below, and her heart was secretly: How deep is this cliff to end? If there is not enough rope, it will be a problem!

Situ Ningbing, who was thinking this way, began to continue to decline.

Her body went down little by little, and her two hands holding on to the rope began to relax slightly.

Soon, but saw that Situ Ningbing's body had completely entered the depths surrounded by clouds.

And the Fairy Baihua and Chen Qiaozhi on the top could no longer see Situ Ningbing.

"Ningbing has reached the cloud and mist on the cliff..." said Ouyang Shiqing here.

Fairy Baihua nodded slightly with a nervous look and said, "Yes."

"I don't know if the rope can reach the bottom of the cliff..." Ouyang Shiqing said worriedly.

After she said this, the Baihua Fairy and Duanmuying fell silent, everyone did not speak, and they all looked at the cliff under the cliff with worry.

"I hope I can arrive..."

I saw that Situ Ningbing entered the cloud-filled depths, her delicate body continued to descend, and the body suspended in the air began to feel more and more stressed as she continued to descend.

Finally, after Situ Ningbing descended about 45 meters, he finally passed through this deep cloud.

After passing through the deep clouds, Situ Ningbing quickly lowered his head to look down at the cliff and the rope.

At this look, she was immediately stunned.

I saw that the cliff below was still very deep, and the rope they connected couldn't reach the bottom of the cliff at all! ! ! Only three-quarters of the cliff can be reached, and Situ Ningbing can no longer go down the rest of the place.

Looking at this situation, Situ Ningbing suddenly felt cold!

"What can we do about this?" Situ Ningbing held the rope with both hands, and slammed his feet on the rock wall in secret.

Just as she was thinking like this in her mind, the voice of Fairy Baihua on the cliff came down.

"Ningbing... can you hear it?" A faint voice came from the cliff.

After hearing the sound, Situ Ningbing responded vigorously, "Auntie Hua, I heard..."

The sound came from the depths of the cliff, echoing in the entire space for a long time.

When the fairy Baihua on the cliff heard the voice of Situ Ningbing, she became excited, and quickly asked, "Ningbing, have you reached the bottom of the cliff valley?" Fairy Baihua's voice came again. .

After Fairy Baihua asked so, Situ Ningbing under the cliff replied, "No..."

"The cliff is too deep, the rope can't reach the bottom at all!"

Fairy Baihua and the girls above were all depressed when Situ Ningbing said this.

"What can I do? I didn't expect this cliff to be so deep..." Ouyang Shiqing on one side frowned Liu's eyebrows deeply.

Then Chen Qiaozhi said: "Since the rope can't reach the bottom, let Miss Situ come up quickly."

The fairy Baihua thought for a while, and finally shouted at the bottom of the cliff: "Ningbing, come on!"

After the voice of Fairy Baihua passed down, there was no sound of Situ Ningbing under the cliff.

After waiting for a while, after finding that Situ Ningbing had no sound, the Baihua Fairy above was stunned.

"Ningbing...Ningbing...what's the matter with you?" Fairy Baihua quickly asked in panic there.

After a long time, suddenly the voice of Situ Ningbing came up.

"Auntie Hua, I'm fine...I just saw some weird situations."

After hearing Situ Ningbing under the cliff suddenly say this, Fairy Baihua was slightly startled, and quickly asked, "What is the weird situation?"

But Situ Ningbing under the cliff said: "I saw a huge hole on the cliff's mountain!"


The Baihua Fairy above them were all dumbfounded when they heard it.

"What hole?" Fairy Baihua asked quickly.

Situ Ningbing replied, "I don't know... but the blood-colored light is emitted from the deep hole."

After Situ Ningbing said so, Fairy Baihua and the others looked at the **** light soaring to the sky in horror.

None of them knew what happened to this **** light.

But what about Situ Ningbing below?

It turned out that after a closer look just now, she found that there was a huge black hole tens of meters below the cliff... and the blood-red light was refracted from that black hole.

Obviously, there is something terrible in the black hole.

"Auntie Hua, I want to go into that deep cave to see the situation..." A word came out of Situ Ningbing's mouth.

After she said that, the fairy Baihua above said, "Is it dangerous?"

Situ Ningbing glanced down at the black hole tens of meters below... Not only Liu frowned.

It turned out that the rope she was holding in her hand was only more than 20 meters long, and she couldn't reach the black hole at all... This meant that she could not reach the black hole safely.

But after seeing Situ Ningbing looking at the black hole, she said to Fairy Baihua on the cliff, "It's not dangerous, it's okay."

Situ Ningbing did not tell the truth! Because she was afraid of the Baihua fairies above.

After Situ Ningbing uttered a "lie", the fairy Baihua said with confidence: "Since it is not dangerous, you can go down and take a look... but be careful!"

Situ Ningbing in front of him replied, "Okay, I get it!"

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