Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2332: Li Tian changed

"Ningbing woke up... Ningbing woke up..."

"Auntie Hua, Ningbing is awake." Accompanied by Ouyang Shiqing's cry, but seeing the walking fairy Baihua, Duanmuying and Chen Qiaozhi all hurried over.

"Ningbing..." they all ran over and shouted.

But seeing that fainting Situ Ningbing had indeed become conscious... she was opening her mouth... as if calling someone's name... but her eyes had not opened yet.

"Lee... Lee... Lee... God..."

Finally the name of the person she called out was heard by Fairy Baihua and the others.

Hearing Situ Ningbing's mouth yelling Li Tian's name, every girl felt inexplicably sad.

"Ningbing, wake up... wake up..." Fairy Baihua yelled in concern while supporting Situ Ningbing.

Finally, Situ Ningbing's eyes slowly opened.

At the moment she opened, her eyes were filled with unknown horror.

"Ningbing...Ningbing, you finally woke up! Great," the fairy Baihua in front of him exclaimed excitedly the moment he saw Situ Ningbing sober.

Ouyang Shiqing and other girls were also looking at her happily.

"I...Why am I here?" A weird word suddenly came out of Situ Ningbing's mouth.

Then her delicate body trembled, suddenly raised her eyes and exclaimed, "Where is Li Tian... Where is Li Tian?"

Suddenly, Situ Ningbing seemed to be mad, and he suddenly jumped up from the ground, blinking her beautiful eyes in panic and said.

Fairy Baihua and the other girls saw Situ Ningbing all of a sudden... When this weird situation appeared, they were all taken aback!

Not only was there a hidden line in my heart: What happened to Ningbing? Why did he ask Li Tian in the first sentence when he woke up? Did she forget that Li Tian has disappeared for a long time?

But seeing that Baihua Fairy walked in front of Situ Ningbing and said to her there, "Ningbing...are you okay?"

But seeing that Situ Ningbing didn't answer Baihua Fairy's words, but raised her beautiful eyes and stared at the surroundings... After watching for a long time without seeing Li Tian's figure, she suddenly seemed to collapse and collapsed suddenly. Fell to the ground.

Her beautiful eyes are dull! The expression seemed stunned.

"Ningbing!" Looking at Situ Ningbing's strange situation, none of Baihua Fairy and the others knew what happened to her.

"Ningbing, what's the matter with you? How come you are called Tian'er's name?"

"Also, Ningbing, what happened to you under that cliff? Why did you faint?" The fairy Baihua hurriedly asked.

Next to Ouyang Shiqing, Duanmuying and Chen Qiaozhi were all looking up at Situ Ningbing... Each of them wanted to know the truth.

But what about Situ Ningbing? Faced with their questions, she did not answer.

She just sat there blankly, with an extremely painful look on her face, and said in a sad voice: "Li Tian...has changed...he has become less like him..."

"When he saw me... he didn't even want to know me... he drove me away!"

The weird words came out sadly from Situ Ningbing's mouth.

Listening to Situ Ningbing's sudden strange words, everyone was stunned.

"Ningbing, what are you talking about?"

"You said...you... have you seen Tian'er?" The fairy Baihua asked in horror.

Ouyang Shiqing and the others were also stunned for an instant.

But seeing that Situ Ningbing finally slowly raised her beautiful eyes, and then glanced at Baihua Fairy and the others in front of her.

Then he said, "Yes, I saw him! I saw Li Tian."

"What?" After Situ Ningbing uttered those words, Fairy Baihua and the others all yelled.

No one can believe this fact.

"Ningbing, did you really see Tian'er? Where is Tian'er? Where is Tian'er?" The fairy Baihua asked quickly in surprise.

And then Chen Qiaozhi hurriedly asked: "Miss Situ, where is Li Tian? Where did you see him?"

After they asked, Situ Ningbing suddenly said, "The cliff."

"Cliff?" When Situ Ningbing said so, everyone was stunned.

Situ Ningbing said: "Yes, right under the cliff."

Then Situ Ningbing in front of him accidentally fell down, as well as the fact that he was suddenly sucked into the cave by an inexplicable force after falling off the cliff... and also said that Li The matter of heaven.

After speaking like this, Fairy Baihua and other girls were all confused.

Each of them looked like they had seen a ghost, and they were stunned.

"Oh my God, are you sure what you saw is really Tianer?"

"Tian'er is really under the cliff?" Baihua Fairy asked again confirmingly.

Situ Ningbing nodded and said, "Yes."

"That is indeed him... It's just that Li Tian seems to have changed... His figure... and appearance has all changed..." Situ Ningbing thought of Li Tian's blood-colored hair and that piece of When the distorted face was extremely pale, an uncontrollable terrible feeling would rise in my heart.

After Situ Ningbing said this all at once, Fairy Baihua and the others stayed.

"Tian'er is under the cliff?"

"Oh my God, he is actually under that cliff?" Baihua Fairy said regretfully.

She regretted that she didn't go down the cliff at the time. If she went down, she would definitely be able to see Li Tian, ​​but it would be useless for her to regret it now, after all, they had already come here.

"Ningbing, why didn't he come up? Why didn't he come out with you?" Fairy Baihua asked quickly.

Situ Ningbing showed grief in her beautiful eyes, and muttered, "Auntie Hua...I said, Li Tian has changed."

"What do you mean? What makes Tianer changed?" Baihua Fairy asked in astonishment.

But seeing Situ Ningbing said: "He has become extremely weird... and terrifying... His whole body is blood-colored... even his hair has turned blood-colored... When I entered the cave, When he first saw him, he could hardly recognize me... Later, he recognized me... Unfortunately, he didn't say much, just let me leave him... let me Go...In the end, I didn't even have a chance to say more...I passed out into a coma... and then I didn't know anything."

After listening to Situ Ningbing in front of her saying this, Fairy Baihua was shocked.

She knew in her heart that Li Tian's favorite woman was Situ Ningbing in front of her!

But Situ Ningbing actually said that after seeing her, Li Tian let her leave? why?

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