
A roar came out of Cthulhu's mouth first.

Accompanied by his roar, his figure flew into the vampire of the Heiyi tribe for the first time.

The two palms full of vigor, in the instant they flew over, directly hit the head of the Heiyi tribe vampire over there.

The heads of the two vampires of the Black Yam tribe were held high... only saw a black shadow pounce on them with their scarlet blood eyes. They had not had time to escape, but saw that the vicious palms had hit their heads.

With a bang, blood splattered, two vampires of the Heiyi clan let out a scream, and the whole body suddenly fell to the ground and died.

Where is Duguxie here?

The sword has been pulled out of its sheath.

His bronze sword has long been broken, and now he has replaced it with an ordinary sharp sword, but even if the ordinary sword is in the hands of Duguxie, it exudes infinite power.

Due to the sword light, everybody saw the vampire of the Heiyi tribe being chopped into pieces!

However, even though Duguxie used the evil sword to chop the bodies of the vampires of the Heiyi tribe, they still did not die.

"Cut off their heads...otherwise they can't kill these **** vampires." When David over there saw that Duguxie was brave, but could not kill these Heiyi clan vampires, he quickly reminded him.

After hearing David's voice, that Duguxie instantly understood.

The sharp sword in his hand spun suddenly, and then the strange sword move came out.

Scrubbing, a terrifying sword stroke was directed at the heads of a few vampires from the Heiyi tribe over there...

With a chuckle, a vampire from the Heiyi tribe was chopped off with a sharp sword, his head grunting rolled on the ground, and then he fell to the ground.

After seeing that the vampire was finally killed by himself, Duguxie really understood.

It turns out that these **** vampires can only be killed by cutting off their heads.

After thinking like this in his heart, Duguxie held a sharp sword and flew over. The evil sword attacked the vampires of the Heiyi tribe viciously.

Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Ghost Servant over there have already taken action.

Although there are a lot of vampires of these Heiyi tribes, they are a piece of cake facing the evil god!

After a while, I saw that more than a dozen terrifying Heiyi vampires were all slaughtered.

The remaining 67 vampires of the Heiyi tribe all looked at the Cthulhu and them in horror...the bloodthirsty eyes showed scared eyes.


A strange cry came out of the stone cave suddenly.

When the weird cry came out, the vampires of the Heiyi tribe suddenly fled towards the stone cave.

They run away like frightened beasts.

Seeing the vampires of the Heiyi tribe suddenly escape, the evil **** and the brothers here were all excited.

"Damn vampire... How capable I thought I was? Unexpectedly, it was so useless... Kill a few and suddenly ran away?" Tang Xiaolong grinned there.

He felt in his heart that this vampire was not as terrifying as he thought!

It turned out to be so easy to kill!

Xue Wuhen here, and the ghost servants also think that vampires are simply too ridiculous! It all ran away like this...

However, the evil **** over there was not as happy as he thought.

Because he suddenly felt a terrible breath pouring out of the cave.

The Cthulhu at this moment just raised his cold eyes and stared coldly at the deep cave.

"Xiaolong, don't take it lightly. The vampire that swiped just now is obviously not the horrible vampire before...I believe that there are still powerful vampires waiting for us." Duguxie said coldly in front of him.

Listening to Duguxie's words, Tang Xiaolong stopped speaking, raising his eyes to look at the place of the stone cave.

Suddenly, a strange gas of death surged from the cave.

When the weird death aura came over, the surrounding aura instantly changed... even a layer of purple-black aura suddenly appeared on the rock.

"Be careful, everyone!" The Cthulhu suddenly shouted when he suddenly felt a powerful death aura.

He subconsciously felt that the breath of death was terrifying...so his body suddenly flew back! In order to avoid the death breath that hits your face.

As for Duguxie and the ghost servants, when they saw the evil **** retreating in shock, they all followed him and swept back.

When they all swept back, a purple-black death gas suddenly emerged from the place where they saw the stone cave...and above the death gas, a man with a pale face was floating in the air.

He is the breath of death, Antonio.

A demon who destroys all living things wherever he reaches.

Besides, after Antonio appeared in the air outside the cave, his face had a hideous smile, looking at the evil **** and others in front of him.

And what about Cthulhu?

It was also the whole stunned, looking at Antonio in front of him.

"Hey, is this guy a vampire?"

"His body can float in the air?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help but say in surprise when he saw Antonio.

The Cthulhu and Duguxie looked at Antonio coldly.

At the moment when Antonio appeared, a neigh erupted in the cave.

The neighing sound is a horse cry, but what about the horse? It is a death horse from the dark hell, a monster with a green flame.

Then I saw a sinister man with a pale face riding a death horse also came out from inside.


Another earl of the Gangelo family: Berwick.

When Berwick came out, he first raised his blood-red eyes and glanced at the evil **** and others in front of him, and then a grimly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I haven't tasted the taste of human blood for a long time...Unexpectedly, there is Humans who are not afraid of death come to die? Very good, very good." Berwick said with a weird smile.

With his evil eyes, he glanced at the evil **** and others with a beastly look.

It seems that this evil **** and others are his prey.

After Berwick and Antonio came out, another figure flashed out.

But seeing from the cave, a fishy smell came first... and then I saw a huge snake crawling out of the cave.

That flower python is not more than a meter thick, more than 20 meters long, covered with red flowers and spots, looking at Shenren!

The raised triangular head, spitting out poison core, after the hissing noise, crawling out, glared fiercely at the Cthulhu.

Look carefully, there is still a strange woman standing on the body of this big python. The woman is wearing a one-piece blood-red dress, and her vicious eyes are like snake eyes, standing on the body of the big snake.

The big snake girl.

A terrible woman who can repel snakes.

Unexpectedly, Antonio, Berwick of the Gangelo family, and the three big snake woman came out.

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