Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 236: I can't die, never!

The woman in black in front of her said quietly in the night: "Tu Wei, you'd better not tell lies."

"Do you think you can really hide from us? Do you still remember what you said at 1 o'clock in the morning today? You said that if you were caught by the Ouyang family, you would tell us at that time... These words are Did you mean it?"

Hearing Tu Wei said by the black-clothed woman, his entire face suddenly became pale as paper.

Gosh! How does she know the words she said to her men today...

How could she know those secrets.

Is it really as horrible as the rumors say, the dark Duanmu family is no longer anywhere, as long as you say bad things about them, or do things unfavorable to them, only death will end!

A dead end.

Is this rumor turned out to be true?

"Admit it?" The black-clothed woman continued suddenly.

Tu Wei's face was severely distorted.

Suddenly, his eyes were filled with a desperate feeling of going all out.

Now that she knows everything, what can he do? Only fight it.

Otherwise, he must die.

"I fought with you...you go to die."

With a loud roar, Tu Wei suddenly raised the gun in his hand, and then his finger was ready to pull the trigger.

But at the moment his finger was about to pull the trigger, the woman in black in front of him suddenly moved. If the wind speed is very fast, her speed may be faster than the wind, and she will swiftly approach the Tu Wei’s. In front of her, then her white arm tied with a red rope lifted up, and the sharp blade sandwiched between the **** and index finger struck Tu Wei's neck with a flop.

The Tu Wei behind that suddenly began to choke and tremble violently...with a plop, his body fell to the ground, and a thin red line on his neck soon came out with traces of scarlet blood.


Tu Wei is dead.

He didn't even close his eyes when he died.

The black-clothed woman standing behind her gently retracted the white arm tied with the red string, and then sighed gently from the corner of the scarlet **** mouth.

When Li Tian clutched his chest where he had been shot, gasping violently and chased after Tu Wei's escape route, but saw her.

Seeing her standing there dressed in black.

At the same time, he saw Tu Wei who fell on the ground with his eyes. His pupils dilated, and the corpse had begun to slowly get cold, and his eyes filled with panic and unwillingness.

When seeing all this, Li Tian was stunned.

Holding the gunshot wound on his chest, blood flowed out dripping through the cracks between his fingers.

The black-clothed woman slowly turned around, raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Li Tian who was running over with a smile on her face. There was a strange feeling in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at him and smiled.


Li Tian finally recognized her, that woman with a face more beautiful than a fox and more vicious than a snake, Duanmuying.

A existence with double contradictions, as beautiful as cherry blossoms, but darker than poppies, Duanmu Sakura.

Duanmu Ying was smiling there.

"I said that we would meet again, but I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." Duanmuying said in the dark while laughing.

Li Tian stared at her blankly.

"Why are you here? And why are you killing that bastard? What is your relationship with her?" Li Tian couldn't help asking.

Originally, he wanted to kill that Tu Wei to avenge Dayong Liu Jie, but now? Tu Wei died early and was killed by her.

Duanmuying smiled suddenly.

"Since you said he was a bastard, shouldn't he die? Is there any difference between killing me and killing you?" Duanmuying asked back.

Hearing her say so, Li Tian had nothing to say.

It’s just that he suspected that this girl appeared here, and suddenly killed Tu Wei in front of him. It was definitely not a coincidence, but he had not yet figured out what the real reason for her killing Tu Wei was, but that **** Tu Wei was finally dead. Up.

Looking at Tu Wei's corpse, the hatred in Li Tian's eyes slowly faded, and the horror aura that permeated him began to fade away.

His gunshot wound made his body a little unstable. Li Tian, ​​who had just used his physical limit to get up, fought against Artai and chased him madly. There was a lot of blood flowing on his body, and it was still a trace. Emerging from his fingers.

Li Tian, ​​who was leaning on the wall, was pale as paper, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help gasping.

That Duan Kiying glanced at Li Tian, ​​and suddenly said quietly, "Don't move in the end...or else the blood on your body will dry up... You will never have a chance to see me again next time, hey."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly sighed softly.

Li Tianjue straightened up strongly and stared at this weird woman.

"I'm done with things, and it's time to go."

"It's just you...when you get better, I will come to you right away."

"Remember my name, my name is Duanmuying."

When her silver bell-like voice rang in his ears, her slender figure suddenly jumped up and jumped out of the alley in front of her...The two-meter-high wall was so easily jumped by her. In the past... Then her ghostly figure disappeared into the darkness.

All that was left were those lingering voices echoing word by word in Li Tian's ear...

Looking at her disappearing figure, Li Tian didn't know why he felt a sense of melancholy in his heart.

But immediately he woke up again...

She is from the Duanmu family!

Why didn't I catch her and ask her about the poison of the Sanshengmen, because my future wife was poisoned by the Sanshengmen, and I came to this southern Jinghai City for the poison of the Sanshengmen.

After thinking about it this way, Li Tian couldn't help but blame himself, and he forgot about major events at the critical moment.

But although he blamed himself in his heart, the physical pain forced him to sit down on the cold ground.

The blood from the gunshot wound on his chest had dried up, as if the blood on his body had drained away, and his entire face was as pale as paper as a dead man, and fell there.

Li Tian, ​​who gasped violently, sat like that in the cold alley... There was no power to bomb, let alone the energy to call for help... Just waiting like that, waiting for the wound to recur little by little, little by little death... …

Is he really going to die?

There are still so many things to do...There are still so many things to do...I can't die, absolutely can't die!

Li Tian warned himself to support his lingering body with the last bit of survival in his life.

His eyes began to fall into a coma and slowly entered a semi-coma state...

So that when a few men in suits with guns ran over, he did not see their faces clearly.

He just heard the voice of their conversation dimly...neither knew whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

p: The flowers will continue to explode in the afternoon! Wait! I stayed up all night last night! Hehe.

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