Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2402: Claws

I saw the guard quickly took out the key, and then opened the commander-in-chief's lounge.

After opening, Wang Zhen led the way and said, "Senior Cthulhu, this is the commander-in-chief's lounge."

The evil **** in front of him glanced at the lounge, and suddenly said to the many brothers around him: "You are all staying outside for the first time...Dugu, ghost servant, you two come in with me."

After the Cthulhu said so, Fairy Baihua and Tang Xiaolong were slightly startled, but they quickly understood what the Cthulhu meant.

Cthulhu is going to enter this room now to look for clues...maybe even the slightest clue can reveal the secret of the disappearance of the commander-in-chief.

And now that there are so many brothers, if they want to enter this lounge at this moment, they will probably rub the clues away...So for the sake of stability, Cthulhu let the brothers stay outside first.

After Cthulhu said so, Fairy Baihua nodded and said, "Okay, brother, we are waiting for you outside."


After finishing speaking, I saw the evil **** walking in with the Duguxie and the ghost servant towards the commander-in-chief's lounge.

Wang Zhen walked in the front, he had already reached the room at this moment.

Cthulhu followed closely, and soon followed.

After walking in, the empty lounge showed up in the eyes of the evil god.

But seeing the commander-in-chief’s lounge is really simple, there are only a few red lacquered wooden tables, and an antique old bed. There is also a bookshelf over there, and the bookshelves are full of different kinds of books. books.

"This is the commander-in-chief's lounge." Brigadier Wang Zhen in front of him said slightly.

Cthulhu raised his brilliant eyes and scanned the entire room.

The room is very tidy and nothing is noticeable.

After a brief glance, the Cthulhu said: "Dugu, Ghost Servant, you two will carefully search for clues in this room from now on... Remember, don't let any clues go."

After Duguxie and the ghost servant heard what the evil **** said, they nodded quickly and said, "I see, brother."

Thus, under the leadership of the evil god, several people began to search for clues in this room.

Brigadier Wang Zhen saw the Heretic God and the others carefully searching in this room, and was following them at the moment.

But seeing Cthulhu carefully observe everything in this room.

Suddenly, he set his eyes on the wooden bed over there.

But on the red-lacquered wooden bed, there are neatly stacked quilts...

Glancing at the neat quilt in front of him, Cthulhu turned his head and said, "Brigade Commander Wang Zhen, the commander-in-chief seems to have disappeared before taking a rest."

Wang Zhen was taken aback when he heard the evil **** say this.

"Senior Cthulhu, how do you know?"

But seeing Cthulhu pointed at the neat stack of quilts and said: "Look at this quilt, it has never been opened... and it is neatly folded. This is enough to show that the commander-in-chief has not completely rested before he disappeared."

"According to this inference, the commander-in-chief should have disappeared in the first half of the night." Cthulhu continued.

Listening to the analysis of the evil god, Wang Zhen kept nodding his head there.

But seeing the Cthulhu looked at the tables and chairs around him again, he found that none of these tables and chairs had moved.

This not only made Cthulhu depressed.

"Isn't the commander in chief really kidnapped?"

"Why are there no clues in this room?"

"How is it possible?" Cthulhu said silently in his mind.

Suddenly at this moment, Duguxie over there called out: "Brother, come and see here."

Accompanied by that Duguxie's utterance, the evil **** ran to Duguxie and said, "What's the matter? What did you find?"

But seeing that Duguxie pointed his finger at the corner of the wall and said, "Brother, look at the wall, it seems that there are painted marks."

After Duguxie in front of him said so, the evil **** looked intently.

I saw the most inconspicuous part of the wall, there are indeed traces of powder coating!

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

After seeing this situation, the Cthulhu suddenly frowned.

Then he quickly stretched out a hand, then touched the powder on the wall... and then put it in front of his nose and sniffed it slightly.

A strong smell of wet paint passed into the evil god's nose.

"It really was painted just now." Cthulhu said suddenly there.

"This surface layer of lime seems to have been painted on in a short time." The evil **** in front of him said suddenly.

"And, I'm sure, the paint was applied within a week."

Wang Zhen, who was standing behind, heard what the evil **** said, and immediately asked depressedly: "But...but... since the commander-in-chief disappeared, no one has ever entered this lounge."

Cthulhu said: "You are wrong!"

"Someone has come in here... and also wants to erase the clues." The evil **** in front of him looked at the white wall and said.

When the evil **** said this, Wang Zhen was stunned.

"Dugu, wipe all the paint on this wall...I believe that the clue is on this wall." Just listen to the Cthulhu Dao in front of you.

After hearing what Cthulhu said, Duguxie quickly said, "Okay, brother."

Then, seeing Duguxie and the ghost servant together, they began to slowly scrape the paint off the wall.

Their actions are very cautious...for fear of wiping out the clues.

As Duguxie and the ghost servants wiped off the white lime from the entire wall little by little, three deep marks appeared on the wall.

"Brother, there really is a clue." I saw that Duguxie couldn't help but excite the moment he saw the three deep marks.

Wang Zhen was also stunned.

He didn't expect that Cthulhu's analysis was so accurate! There was a clue on this wall, and he blinked his eyes and leaned closer to take a closer look.

"There are really marks." Wang Zhen said in surprise.

Where is Cthulhu? He didn't have time to pay attention to him, just raised his cold eyes and looked at the deep marks on the wall without blinking.

"This mark is not a sword mark... nor is it a knife mark... but a mark of some kind of sharp claw." The evil **** in front of him said, looking at the mark on the wall.

Upon hearing the Cthulhu's analysis, the Duguxie in front of him nodded in agreement and said, "Big Brother said all right."

"This mark looks like a claw mark!"

The Cthulhu silently said: "Well, it's a claw mark! And this claw is like an extinct claw!"

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