After they asked about the exit, they saw the evil **** in front of them glanced at the guard standing there, and then said: "No..."

Cthulhu did not tell the truth!

Because now, except for the brothers, everyone in this North China Field Army is suspected of being an inner ghost, including the guards standing around.

So he can only say so at the moment.

After Cthulhu said so, the brothers in front of him frowned.

But seeing Fairy Baihua said with a worried face, "How can this be good? Commander Mu is so old...Where is this now?"

After hearing what Baihua Fairy said, Duguxie said slightly: "Sanmei, don't worry about it, Commander Mu has a big life, and nothing will happen."

"Let's go, let's find a place to take a short break." The Cthulhu said at the end.

After the Cthulhu finished saying this, the brothers followed the Cthulhu towards the reception room of the military area.

Along the way, they were all armed soldiers, and the evil gods didn't talk too much.

After returning to the lounge, the brigade commander that week was very wise to remove all the soldiers who were on guard in the room. After leaving, he said mysteriously, "Senior Cthulhu, is it safe now?"

The Baihua Fairy and Tang Xiaolong over there were stunned when they heard the mysterious words of the Lord Brigadier this week.

"Hey, what's going on with the brigade commander this week? How do you talk sneaky?" Baihua Fairy thought curiously in their hearts.

At this moment, but seeing Cthulhu Dao said: "En."

"Brigade Commander Zhou, you go and bring me all the information of the guards who were standing around when the Commander-in-Chief disappeared that night." Cthulhu said to Brigadier Zhou.

When Brigadier Zhou heard this, he nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I will get it now."

After speaking, Brigadier Zhou trot all the way to the data room of the military area quickly.

Right now, only Cthulhu and brothers stayed in this room.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

"Yes, Senior Cthulhu, why is Brigadier Zhou a little sneaky?" Fairy Baihua and his brothers who have not yet figured out the situation here asked in surprise.

After the Fairy Baihua in front of them asked, they saw that Duguxie slowly explained to them: "Sanmei, it was not easy to speak just now, now I can tell you the truth."

Fairy Baihua was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Duguxie at the moment with his surprised eyes: "Second brother, what happened?"

"Commander Mu was kidnapped." A word came out of Du Guxie's mouth.

As Duguxie said this all at once, the fairy Baihua in front of him became excited.


"Commander Mu was kidnapped?" Fairy Baihua asked in surprise, and Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen around him opened their eyes wide.

But seeing Duguxie nodded and said: "Yes."

"Second brother, you found a clue in that lounge, right?" Fairy Baihua said.

Duguxie said: "Well, and we also feel that the person who hijacked Commander Mu should be from the North China Field Military District. There are ghosts in this army."

"Inner ghost?" Fairy Baihua was surprised.


"But it's hard to say who it is now, but we are sure that this inner ghost is definitely still hidden in the North China Field Army Military District." Duguxie said.

"Just now, in order to prevent the words from being heard by the inner ghost, the eldest brother deliberately deceived you. Now it's fine, it's safe here, so I told you."

Listening to Duguxie's words, the current Baihua Fairy finally understood what was going on.

Just listen to Fairy Baihua saying: "I didn't expect Commander Mu to be kidnapped... It's damned."

Duguxie and the ghost servant did not speak.

Stayed in the room for a while, but saw that the brigade commander came soon after that week.

He also held a bundle of portfolios in his arms.

After entering, I saw Brigadier Zhou said: "Senior Cthulhu, I have brought all the information..."

The brigade commander said that while putting those materials on the table.

The Cthulhu and the brothers all walked over, looking at this pile of information.

"Are these the security guards' profile files standing outside the commander-in-chief lounge that night?" Cthulhu asked.

The brigade commander replied that week: "Yes."


"Dugu, Ghost Servant, Xiaolong... You all come over and start to check these files one by one... Any suspicious places should be found out as much as possible." The Cthulhu Road in front of him.

After hearing what the evil **** said, the brothers nodded there, and then ran over here quickly.

Holding a file of information, one person began to inquire.

Time passed by every minute.

Brothers and Cthulhu, they just checked the information of the guards on duty that night.

I watched it for several hours, but there was no clue.

"Forget it, it seems that there are no clues from these materials." The Cthulhu said in front of him.

The brothers also looked downcast one by one.

Brigadier Zhou also frowned deeply.

"Well, everyone, don't check it. You have worked so hard along the way, so let's take a rest first." Brigadier Zhou said while looking at the evil **** and the others.

Hearing what Brigadier Zhou said, the brothers nodded.

After all, they really couldn't find out anything at this time.

"Senior Cthulhu, how about you live here?" Brigadier Zhou looked at the Cthulhu and asked.

Cthulhu said: "No problem."


"By the way, Senior Cthulhu, where is Li Tian? I haven't seen him for a long time since the last battle... How is he?" Brigadier Zhou asked.

When he asked about Li Tian, ​​Cthulhu suddenly became strange and ugly.

The brothers also looked guilty and painful.

When Brigadier Zhou saw the reaction of the brothers, he was taken aback.

Just as he wanted to continue to inquire, but when he saw the evil **** replied, "Tian'er is still somewhere else..."

After hearing the deep voice of the evil **** that week, the brigade commander nodded silently and said, "Oh, that's it."

"Then you all rest, I won't disturb you for now." Brigadier Zhou said as he walked outside.

After the brigade commander left that week, the brothers slowly came to their expressions at this time.

Everyone was silent at the moment, and they were all silent. Thinking of Li Tian's affairs, everyone felt an unspeakable sense of sadness and pain in their hearts.

So they each looked for a room and prepared to rest.

The boats and cars on this road were really hard work. At this moment, the brothers all found a room, and then began to prepare to rest.

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