Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2408: anger

After Duguxie reminded him, the ghost servant and Fairy Baihua were slightly startled.

Then they all began to sense the surrounding breath.

"Yes, there is indeed a strong energy around them." Ghost servant and Fairy Baihua said at the same time.

"It seems that Big Brother did encounter an enemy." Fairy Baihua said with a worried expression on his face.

Duguxie was silent and did not speak.

He raised his eyes and looked around for a while, and suddenly said, "Hey, since his martial arts was abolished, he has always been in pain! Although he has never talked about it in front of us, I can learn from him. His sadness can be seen in his eyes..."

"Now that we are adding the young master's affairs, the eldest brother is really suffering too much."

"Tonight, we encountered something like this again... We really can't help my eldest brother! Even this little safety did not protect him."

Duguxie said with a face full of remorse.

Listening to what Duguxie said, the ghost servant in front of him and the face of the Baihuaxian also showed endless guilt.

"Yes, we deserve to die." The ghost servant over there also blamed himself.

Fairy Baihua looked at the deeply self-blaming Duguxie and the ghost servant, and suddenly said: "Second brother, fourth brother, don't blame yourself. Let's go back and see what happened to Big Brother?"

After Duguxie and the ghost servant heard Baihua Fairy say this, they nodded quickly.

Then the three of them quickly walked towards the room into which the evil **** was helped.

After returning to the room, I saw Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Chen Qiaozhi all staying worried in the room, but they didn't see the evil god.

"What about Big Brother?" Du Guxie asked after walking in.

Then Chen Qiaozhi replied: "We have helped Senior Cthulhu to go in and rest... Senior Cthulhu is in a very bad state. He kept his mouth silent and looked scary."

Listening to what Chen Qiaozhi said, this Duguxie, Ghost Servant, and Baihua Fairy were all worried.

"This is how to do?"

The ghost servant in front of me suddenly said, "I want to go in and see Big Brother."

Just when the ghost servant was about to enter the room to see the evil god, Du Guxie grabbed the ghost servant.

"Do not!"

Hearing Duguxie suddenly said a "no", the ghost servant in front of him was taken aback.

"Second brother, what's the matter? Why don't you go to see Big Brother?" asked the ghost servant looking at Duguxie in surprise.

But seeing Duguxie said: "Big brother is in a very unstable state now, I think we should not go in and disturb him."

"Wait for eldest brother to rest for a while... we will go in again, that would be better." Duguxie said.

Listening to Duguxie's words, the ghost servant in front of him thought for a while, then nodded.


So I saw the brothers and Duguxie all standing in the room one by one, each with an extremely solemn expression on their faces, silent and silent.

"What kind of **** did Big Brother meet?"

"What **** dares to enter the North China Field Military Region at night?" the ghost servant in front of him roared.

The Duguxie and Fairy Baihua didn't speak here, because they didn't know who broke into the North China Field Military Command.

And also hurt the evil god!

However, the better thing is that the evil **** is not life-threatening, which makes the brothers more happy.

Just when the brothers stayed in the room, wondering who hurt the Cthulhu, suddenly only the figure of Cthulhu came out of the room inside.

"Big brother?"

The moment he saw the evil **** coming out, the ghost servant in front of him hurriedly shouted and said.

Duguxie and Fairy Baihua rushed to the evil god.

Then Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen also exclaimed in their mouths: "Senior Cthulhu..."

"Big Brother, how are you? Is there any physical injury?" After Duguxie in front of him walked over, he quickly asked the Cthulhu.

But seeing Cthulhu's eyes were bloodshot.

The moment he walked out, his body trembled slightly. It was obvious that his forehead strength had dropped too much now.

"I'm fine..." Cthulhu finally spoke.

After hearing the evil **** speak, the brothers don't even mention how happy they are.

"Brother, did that **** hurt you?"

"Yeah, brother, who on earth broke into the North China Field Military Region?" Duguxie and Fairy Baihua both asked at the same time.

After they asked, they saw endless hatred in the eyes of the evil god.

"It's him!"

"It's the most damned bastard." An angry word came out of the Cthulhu's mouth.

When the evil **** uttered these words in a hostile manner, the Duguxie and the ghost servants in front of them all looked at the evil **** in wonder, because they didn't know who the evil **** was talking about!

"The master of **** gate!" Suddenly the evil **** said again.

When the evil **** in front of him suddenly uttered the words "master of the gate of hell", the brothers in front of him suddenly screamed.


"Yes... is... he?"

"The gate of hell... the master?"

The brothers all opened their eyes wide, and all were stunned.

Master of Hell Gate!

A terrible figure who has been up and down in the country!

Unexpectedly, he would appear here.

"My God, that **** would come here?" Duguxie said in shock.

Duguxie knew the hatred between the Cthulhu and the master of the gate of hell, so when the Cthulhu said that, the Duguxie in front of him was completely shocked.

According to their previous hatred, the gate of **** would never let go of the evil god, but did not expect that this time the evil **** was only slightly injured and not dead? This really made Duguxie's heart pounding.

"Big brother, that bastard... come here... what the **** do you want?" the ghost servant in front of him asked in surprise.

Cthulhu gritted his teeth and said angrily: "He came for the heavens."


"For the young master," the brothers in front of them screamed immediately.

Just listen to Cthulhu: "Yes."

"Why is that **** looking for Young Master?" Du Guxie asked inexplicably.

"Because Tian'er has the Heavenly Book Pill scroll among the three ancient relics in his hands, this **** wants to find Tian'er...to capture the Heavenly Book Pill scroll." The Cthulhu said angrily.

After listening to Duguxie and his brothers, they all became angry.

"Damn **** gate master... it turned out to be for Brother Tian's Heavenly Book Pill scroll."

Cthulhu said: "That bastard, now is not what he used to be... He has already practiced the magic skills in the masterpiece of the Demon Sect."

"The Demon Sect Code, I once heard my master talk about it is a rare and peerless magic skill, it is extremely terrifying, few people in the world dare to practice, what I didn't expect is that the **** **** has now successfully practiced. "The Cthulhu clenched his fists tightly, as if blood was dripping out of his eyes, he said angrily.

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