Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2437: treacherous

After the red archbishop showed the "firing phoenix picture", he "slapped" the leather suitcase in front of him again with a "slap". .

Then he looked at the gate of **** and said: "Treasures, you have seen them, can you start to exchange them now?"


Xuanyuanjian exchanges the Fiery Phoenix Picture?

After the archbishop in red said this all at once, the master of the gate of **** in front of him suddenly laughed.

His smile was a little weird, which made the believers in the Vatican feel a little weird.

"Can I ask you a question?" Just listen to the **** gate master in front of you suddenly asking.

After the red bishop heard the **** gate master asked this question, he not only stunned, "What's the problem?"

But seeing the **** gate master sneered and asked, "Tell me, why are you exchanging these two treasures with me?"

It turned out that the followers of the Vatican took the initiative to contact the sect master of the Hell Gate, and then they wanted to exchange the "Fire Phoenix Picture" for the "Xuanyuan Sword"

After the **** gate master asked, the cardinal in front of him was silent for a moment, as if he didn't want to answer.

"Why? Is there a reason?" The **** gate master asked again.

He has always wondered why these high-nosed foreigners would ask to exchange this Xuanyuan sword. You must know that the Fire Phoenix picture and that Xuanyuan sword are all supreme treasures, so the gate of **** in front of him mainly understands.

After hearing the inquiries from the master of the gate of **** again, the cardinal finally spoke, and only listened to him saying: "Well, I'll tell you..."

"Because...because...this blazing phoenix picture, we simply can't see through it!" The red archbishop said depressedly.

After listening to the archbishop in red finally saying the reason, the **** gate master in front of him suddenly laughed wildly.

It turned out to be so!

It turns out that these high-nosed gangs can't penetrate the phoenix picture!

The Cardinals in the Vatican got the phoenix picture of the blazing fire a long time ago, but unfortunately, they have been unable to penetrate...In desperation, they chose to exchange!

After all, that Xuanyuan sword was much better than that of Lihuo Phoenix.

But he said that after hearing the real truth, the master of the gate of **** not only burst into laughter.

When the cardinal of the Vatican saw that the master of the gate of **** laughed wildly, his expression became ugly: "What are you laughing at?"

But seeing that **** gate master suddenly lifted his cold and gloomy voice and said: "What am I laughing at? I laughed at you guys with high noses that are so stupid. Even our Huaxia Supreme Treasure can't be penetrated... Hahahaha. "

The ferocious laughter laughed from the master of the **** gate.

The Vatican believers over there heard the evil **** insulting them, and immediately furious.

"You, you, how do you insult people?" the cardinal roared.

But seeing that the master of the **** gate suddenly revealed his murderous aura! Waves of gloomy aura surrounded him.

"I always thought that you stupid foreigners who wanted to exchange that Xuanyuan sword with me might have any purpose. I didn't expect you to be so stupid... Hahahaha! And this time, you automatically took the Fiery Phoenix The picture is sent to me... Hey, you say, can I be unhappy?"

Listening to the words of the master of the gate of hell, the few Vatican followers were all at a loss.

"What do you want?"

Following the cardinal's roar, the five black-clad followers around him who were protecting him all pulled out their guns at the moment, and the black and cold muzzles were all aimed at the **** gate master in front of him.

But what about the master of the gate of hell? After hearing the red-clothed archbishop of the Vatican asked so angrily, he laughed hahaha: "What do you say I want to do? Today you automatically sent it to the door... and holding the picture of the phoenix I coveted for a long time, Hey, what do you think I am going to do?" With the sneer of the master of the gate of hell, his murderous aura was exposed.

When the red-clothed archbishop and the black-clothed disciples around him heard what the **** gate master said, he roared immediately.

"Things looking for death... Archbishop, let us kill him with one shot!"

"Yeah, Archbishop, let us kill this **** **** and grab the Xuanyuan sword."

The five black-clothed disciples said as they pointed their guns at the master of the gate of hell.

What about the master of the gate of hell? Looking at their five guns, they didn't even move, just sneered in that gloomy way.


"Come on, let me see if your gun can hit me?" The **** gate master said coldly.

After he said this, the cardinal could no longer tolerate it.

He originally wanted to exchange that "Fire Phoenix Picture" for a "Xuanyuan Sword" today, but unfortunately he didn't expect this **** gate master to **** the treasure in his hand. How could he not be angry?

At this moment, he said angrily to the five black-clothed believers under his hand: "Kill me this **** and take back Xuanyuan Sword!"

The five disciples in black were already ready to go. At this moment, after hearing the voice of the archbishop in red, all five pointed their guns at the master of the gate of hell, and then shot directly without hesitation.

Bang, bang, bang...

Five howling bullets flew toward the **** gate master.

But what about the master of the gate of hell? The moment he saw five bullets shot deadly at him, he didn't even move, but a cruel and vicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, at the moment when the five bullets were about to hit his body, he suddenly shouted.

The invisible Qi Jin bursting out of his body suddenly blocked the five flying bullets.

The space seemed to be still at this moment... I saw that the five howling bullets were alive blocked by the terrifying energy of the master of the gate of hell... actually stopped in the air.

The five black-clothed followers in the Vatican were dumbfounded when they saw the terrifying power of the master of the gate of hell...

My God, they have seen such a fierce Kung Fu, they used Qi to block the bullet coming from flying?

At the moment they were stunned, the sect master of the **** gate suddenly turned around, and the five bullets that had stopped in the air were directly shocked by the energy and shot back.

Puff puff!

The five bullets that shot upside down and flew away all hit the bodies of the five black-clothed disciples.

Ahhhhh, with a series of screams, all the 5 disciples in black died under their guns.

When they died, they didn't even close their eyes, as if they didn't even know how they died!

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