"Second brother, I will give you this sword now." The ghost servant in front of him was suddenly looking at Duguxiedao.

When Duguxie heard that this peerless sword "Burial Yin Sword" was going to be given to himself, he was taken aback.

"No, no..." Duguxie refused.

Although he really liked the ancient sword in front of him, it was indeed a waste of such a famous sword to match himself.

"Such a famous sword...How can I own Duguxie?" Duguxie said in embarrassment.

But seeing the ghost servant said: "Second brother, who do you not use this sword?"

"Brother, he has his Dragon Dragon Sword! Senior Promise never used swords... Among the rest of our brothers, except you, who deserves to use this peerless sword?" The ghost servant in front of him blinked his eyes.

When Duguxie heard it, he was stunned, his eyes fiercely looking at the "burial sword" in his hand.

Since Duguxie’s bronze sword was destroyed in the last war, Duguxie has never used a sword again. He was originally a master swordsman. Once he abandoned the sword, his skill would be greatly reduced. After hearing the ghost servant in front of him say this, a warm feeling rose in his heart.

After the ghost servant finished speaking, the fairy Baihua at this moment also came over with a smile, looking at the Duguxie in front of him, and said: "Second brother, fourth brother said all right, you can use this funeral sword..."

"The second brother is a master of kendo, such a famous sword fits the second brother's kung fu! It is really perfect jasper." The fairy Baihua smiled at the still hesitant Duguxie Dao.

"Second brother, just accept this funeral sword." The ghost servant said again.

At this moment, Duguxie not only hesitated when he heard the words of the ghost servant and Baihua Fairy, but finally saw Duguxie said loudly, "Well, since you think of me so much, then I will accept the funeral sword. Up!"

After speaking, he saw that Duguxie slowly took the Funeral Sword with both hands.

After this funeral sword touched that Duguxie's hand, a sharp chill was revealed.

"It really is a peerless sword!"

"I hope I Duguxie will not be sorry for this famous sword." Duguxie muttered with his hand in the mouth of the sword that gently wiped the cold air.


Inside the Cthulhu's room, only a puff of white innocence was leaking outward.

Standing far away can feel the mighty infuriating energy reverberating around the house.

Inside, but seeing the Cthulhu sitting cross-legged, his face blushed...Up and down his whole body, I saw two strange strengths wandering all over his body.

That true energy, one is red light, the other is black light, this is the Yin and Yang true energy of the Wu-ki old man's two-yi divine art.

And what about the old man Wuji?

He didn't hesitate to spend hundreds of years of his skills to get through the Evil God's strange veins and veins bit by bit.

I saw the sweat on the face of the old man Wuji falling drop by drop, and the Qi of Liang Yi from his whole body was continuously inputting into the body of the evil god.

Such a loss of internal strength is really too hurtful.

But the old man Wuji didn't care, he must open up the strange veins and veins for the evil **** at this moment.

"Shendao, Lingtai, Mingmen, Shentang!" A loud shout burst out of the old man's mouth.

The eight characters he called are the eight major acupuncture points on the back of the human body...and also the most important linking hub among the eight veins and veins...

After the old man Wuji screamed, he suddenly doubled his internal strength, and then quickly touched the back of the evil **** with his hands like a flying dragon: Shendao, Lingtai, Mingmen, Shentang, and four acupuncture points.

When the old man Wuji's fingers touched every point on the acupuncture points behind the evil god, the evil **** uttered a painful grunt... and then he saw a "wow" spit out black blood from his mouth .

When the black blood came out of the evil god's mouth, white smoke was still there!

In fact, this black blood stain is the congestion of the Heretic God blocking the strange veins and veins!

Cthulhu’s skill was abolished by the devil’s dragon Yin, and at the same time, in order to prevent the Cthulhu from regaining his skill, Long Yin deliberately shattered the Cthulhu’s strange veins and veins with his deep internal energy, so at this moment, the Wuji old man could only use his own internal force. First clear the blood congestion in the evil god... and then get through the strange veins and veins of the evil god.

But it was said that after the evil **** spit out four black bloodstains... the old man Wuji sighed, and then exhaled a pale white gas from his mouth.

Then I saw Old Man Wuji slowly retracting his arms...

"All right!"

"The old man finally cleared the congestion of the odd tendons and eight veins for you." A word came out weakly from the old man's mouth.

After the old man Wuji finished saying this, he slowly raised his sleeves, and then wiped the rain-like sweat on his forehead.

But what about the evil god?

After the old man Wuji retracted both palms, the Heretic God's hands were slightly lowered from his dantian. He breathed out gently, and then his body jumped and bounced from his seat.

"Master, thank you Master for his rebirth." The evil **** in front of him knelt before the old man Wuji.

It turns out that the old man Wuji has cleared the congestion of the strange tendons and eight veins in the Cthulhu at this moment. As long as the congestion is cleared, the remaining is to open up the strange tendons and eight veins. Once the strange tendons and eight veins are opened, the Cthulhu's skill will be slow restore.

Although only 50% of the skill can be restored, this is already a great good thing for the Cthulhu.

I saw that the old man Wuji smiled slightly after hearing the evil **** say this, and then wiped the sweat from his face while looking at the evil **** said: "Kuafu, the blood in your body has been cleared, the next step, old man It will help you get through the odd tendons and eight meridians, and then your skills will slowly recover."

As soon as the evil **** heard the master say this, he said, "Master, your internal energy consumption is too great..."

The old man Wuji shook his head slightly and said, "It's okay, the old man can hold it."

The old Wuji who said this slowly got up from his seat, and then said to Cthulhu Dao: "Now that the blood in your body has been cleared, you can slowly try to use the true qi, and then slowly inside your body. Mobile... The old man is a little tired... I want to take a rest."

Hearing what the old man Wuji said, the evil **** nodded and said: "Yes, Master."

Then he saw that Wuji old man walked towards the outside of the evil **** room step by step with weak steps.

As soon as he walked out a few steps, the old man Wuji suddenly became empty, his feet floating, and his body almost fell to the ground.

"Master!" Seeing that the old man Wuji wanted to fall to the ground weakly, the evil **** in front of him suddenly said in shock.

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