Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2450: What about Fairy Baihua?

After the co-pilot's voice came, the Cthulhu immediately heard it.

Yes, there are a lot of things in the main driver's cabin, especially the compass, map, these main tools!

In such snow and ice, there are no signposts and no directions. If there is no tool to guide the way, they will be trapped here alive...

So after hearing the weak voice of the co-pilot Xiaogao, Cthulhu quickly arrived in the main driving cabin, and then began to look for things.

In the main driving cabin, Cthulhu found the compass and the map...not only that, he also found two flashlights and some food supplies.

After all the searches were completed, Cthulhu slowly withdrew from the cockpit.

The whistling north wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the whistling wind sounds like a ghost crying, blowing in the ice and snow.

I saw that little Gao, the co-pilot lying in the snow, almost half of his body was covered by snow.

"Xiaolong, go and help him up..."

"We need to leave here as soon as possible... Find a place to avoid this **** wind and snow first." Seeing such a scene, the evil **** yelled quickly.

After hearing the Cthulhu's instructions, Tang Xiaolong ran over quickly, and then slowly helped Xiao Gao, the co-pilot who had broken an arm and limped a leg.

And what about Xue Wuhen here? He was sprained because of a leg, and he was also supported by Chen Qiaozhi...

Duguxie, Cthulhu, and Ghost Servant, the three of them are holding all the salutes, ready to start looking for a place to escape the wind and snow.

"Go, let's leave here." Cthulhu shouted in the wind and snow.

The brothers nodded silently, and then stepped forward step by step in the deep snow, facing the howling north wind.

The wind and snow continued to blow.

In the endless white snow, I saw several black figures like ants walking in the wind on the pale snow-capped mountains.

They are the evil **** and brothers.

Because the north wind was whistling and the snow was extremely deep, they all didn't walk very fast. They all walked in the deep snow one by one.

The flying snow hit them... Their faces, eyebrows, and clothes were all white...

In this way, they walked step by step, looking for a place to escape the wind and snow.

Finally, after walking for about an hour, the Cthulhu suddenly saw a snow-capped mountain about 2 kilometers ahead, and there was a place under the snow-capped mountain that could escape the wind and snow.

"I found... I found... the place in front can escape the wind and snow." The evil **** in front of him exclaimed excitedly.

When he said this, the brothers all raised their heads and blinked their eyes to look ahead, and they really saw the snow-capped mountain.

So I heard the evil **** shouting there and saying: "Brothers, hurry up... Let's go there to escape the wind and snow."

The Cthulhu who was talking, was holding the equipment full of his body... and then quickly ran to the place to hide from the wind and snow, but what about the brothers? They followed one by one, and quickly followed.

Soon, after seeing hope, the brothers speeded up.

After a while, I saw the Heretic God come to the foot of the mountain quickly, but I saw that there was a foot under the mountain that was not too deep, but it was enough to block the snow.

After the Cthulhu arrived here, he quickly put all the luggage and equipment down from his body, and after putting it down, he quickly went to help the brothers.

Finally, after working hard for a long time, the brothers finally reached the foot of the mountain.

The foot of this mountain can be sheltered from the wind and snow, so it can be said to be a good place for the brothers.

"Finally, I can avoid the wind and snow." After the brothers arrived, they slapped their bodies one by one and said with a deep layer of snow.

That Tang Xiaolong slowly put the badly injured co-pilot Xiaogao on the ground, but also patted the snow on his body.

"Brother, this place is good, we can escape the wind and snow temporarily." Duguxie said.

Cthulhu nodded.

The wind and snow outside are still blowing ragingly, the boundless Daxue Mountain... Can't see the front at a glance...

"Damn, how could we be so unlucky when we encountered a big storm!" Tang Xiaolong said in front of him.

Yes, if it were not for this storm, the brothers would not be embarrassed like this.

"Hey, in this kind of place, you can't see the side at a glance... and we don't have a specific location... It's really unlucky." The brothers complained there.

The Cthulhu did not listen to their words, but stood alone at the foot of the mountain with an extremely worried expression looking at the flying snow in the sky.

Suddenly he turned around quickly, staring at the trembling co-pilot Xiao Gao, who was lying on the ground, and asked: "Yes, comrade pilot, where are my third sisters and the helicopters? How about the three helicopters? How are they? Have they encountered a blizzard?"

The evil **** in front of him suddenly remembered the vernacular now.

The Cthulhu in the plane didn’t know what happened to the second helicopter that Baihua Fairy was riding in... let alone whether they had encountered the strong storm just like themselves... So the Cthulhu in this society asked quickly Tao.

What about brothers? After hearing what Cthulhu said, they all suddenly understood.

Yes, what about Fairy Baihua and the others? How are they? And what about the helicopter that is full of field special forces in the North China Field Military Command?

After the Cthulhu in front of him inquired, he saw the extremely weak co-pilot Xiaogao lying on the ground and gasped and said, "This...I...I...I don't know..."

"I only know that since we changed the course, the two helicopters behind have been following us... After we crashed, the information about the two following planes disappeared." The co-pilot said with a face. After ugly speaking this sentence, the brothers were suddenly stunned.

That Cthulhu was even more stunned in his heart!

Gosh, the two helicopters behind have been following them...

Doesn't this mean that the two helicopters, like theirs, also encountered storms? Did the plane crash?

After Xiao Gao, the co-pilot in front of him, said weakly, the evil **** in front of him suddenly asked in shock: "Tell me, how likely is it that they will crash? Will they temporarily leave the storm circle?"

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