Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2458: Special forces

In the endless wind and snow, no one knew who shot the "sniper".

So accurate, so terrible.

Two shots, two ice wolves were headshots.

When the third cruel icy snow wolf once again rushed towards Tang Xiaolong, the bullet flew out once again.

With a pop.

The huge force shot straight in the wind and snow... The sniper bullet with a diameter of 12.7mm once again shot through the head of the ice snow wolf.

puff! Blood splattered and the skull shattered!

The ice snow wolf didn't even have time to make a howling sound, and was directly killed by the entire heavy sniper bullet.

This time, the icefield snow wolves didn't dare to charge anymore...One by one, they screamed in a low voice, surrounding Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Chen Qiaozhi.

What about Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Chen Qiaozhi? Also all dumbfounded.

None of them knows where the terrible "sniper" in the wind and snow came from... and why should we protect them? Who on earth is protecting them in the wind and snow?

I saw two snow-covered figures lying motionless in the wind and snow about 600,700 meters from the foot of their mountain.

One of them is holding a high-powered telescope... the other is holding a domestic heavy-duty lr2a 12.7mm heavy sniper, lying motionless in the cold wind and snow.

Through the ice and snow covering them, you can vaguely see their clothes.

Camouflage uniforms, on the shoulders also read: North China Field Army Special Forces Brigade!

It turned out to be a special force of the North China Field Army! ! !

They are not dead? There are two remaining.

No wonder the ghost servant and Du Guxie found the bodies of 5 special soldiers in the crashed engine room... It turns out that these two North China Field Army special forces escaped from the engine room and survived.

This is the elite force sent by Commander Mu! It is a special force specializing in protecting brothers!

The marksmanship is accurate and can be called the **** of sniper.

"There are dozens of icefield snow wolves ahead...can't be taken lightly! One blow is fatal...as much as possible to disperse those icefield snow wolves...save the friends of the old commander!" The low, hoarse voice was raised from that high power. The special soldier of degree sent it out.

Holding the heavy lr2a 12.7mm heavy sniper special forces sniper tightly in his hand, he nodded slightly and said: "I have found the Wolf King!"

"Tell me the wind speed... there is still distance... I want to kill the wolf king with one shot... only if the wolf king is solved... can we save them." The special forces sniper lying motionless on the ground said slightly.

The special soldier with a high-powered telescope lying next to him began to detect the wind speed.

"Distance: 670 yards...Wind direction, three quarters strong, two points to the left..." The special forces companion next to him reported the wind speed and distance.

But seeing the sniper lying on the ground in front of him, motionless, holding the cold trigger tightly with one hand, he suddenly muttered: "I have aimed at the target..."

"Okay, shoot!"

Accompanied by an order from a companion next to him, the fingers of the sniper in front of him decisively pulled the cold trigger.


The 12.7mm large-caliber bullet shot out from the barrel of the blocking gun, and then whizzed through the wind and snow, and shot towards the strongest "Wolf King" among the wolves of the ice wolves.

With a bang, the terrifying bullet accurately penetrated the head of the "Wolf King"... Half of the wolf king's huge body was shattered by the bullet...

The sputtered blood swayed down from the sky like rain.


The wolf king of the snow wolf of the ice field died.

However, the snow wolves of the ice field couldn't help screaming at the moment they saw their wolf king being "shattered" by a shot and half of his body fell into a pool of blood.

Ooo, the howling voice of wolves came out from their mouths.

Then I saw that these ice wolves, after dying the leading "Wolf King", suddenly began to flee...Sure enough, they all dispersed.

Those dozens of ice wolves fled like crazy dogs into the flying snow!

All disappeared in the endless wind and snow in an instant.

"The target has disappeared...safe!" said the special soldier who was lying in the snow and holding a high-powered telescope.

Another special soldier with a heavy sniper in his hand, after hearing what he said, sighed slightly and said, "Very good!"

"Come on, let's meet them."

As he said, they saw two special soldiers abruptly climbed up from the ice and snow, and then the heavy snipers in their hands came step by step from the snow.

Chic and awesome!

But what about Tang Xiaolong, Xue Wuhen, and Chen Qiaozhi who were rescued at the "Ghost Gate"?

Completely dumbfounded.

The three of them stared blankly at the endless wind and snow, and even ignored the pain they felt at the moment... They seemed to be stupid and looked at them silently.

Suddenly that Xue Wuhen spoke first.

"Who...who...who...save us?"

Chen Qiaozhi in front of him shook his head with a pale face and said, "No... I don't know!"

After speaking, they continued to look at the endless wind and snow with their blank faces.

In the howling wind and snow, only two figures were seen coming step by step from the wind and snow.

One of them was carrying a heavy sniper rifle, the other carrying a bag on his shoulder, holding a semi-automatic rifle in his hand, and slowly walking towards them from the wind and snow.

When they saw two figures coming from the endless wind and snow in an instant, then Chen Qiao and Tang Xiaolong were speechless.

"It's them?"

"Did they save us?" Xue Wuhen's voice was still unbelievable.

What about Tang Xiaolong and Chen Qiaozhi? It is completely stunned.

Seeing that when the two special forces members walked to them step by step, Tang Xiaolong Xue Wuhen still stood there with wide eyes.

"The 43rd Corps of the North China Field Army, first-class special forces, Wang Hao."

"The 43rd Army of the North China Field Army, first-class special forces, Liu Ziming..."

At the moment when the soldiers of the two field special forces came in, they suddenly said that Tang Xiaolong and Xue Wuhen, who were standing and looking in front of their home, said.

The resolute voice was chased by the whirring cold wind, and two 21st-century soldiers stood in the cold wind and saluted them.

"The North China Field Army special forces,?"

"Are you...the few special forces that the old commander sent to protect us?" Chen Qiaozhi in front of him finally woke up from his stupidity, and looked at the two special forces in front of him.

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