Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2470: my lover

Looking at these tearful girls, the old Xuanwu man finally said there, "Well, the old man promised to take you to see him."

"But, let me speak first. After I show you the little baby, I hope you can leave here as soon as possible."

After hearing the old Xuanwu say this, although the girls were heartbroken, they nodded one by one.

"Old man, we promise you."

In their minds, as long as they can see Li Tian.

In this way, the Situ Ningbing agreed, and the old Xuanwu...so they took the girls in front of them to see the ruined Li Tian.

Following the Xuanwu old man, they passed through an ice corridor, then turned around in front, and saw an ice cave enclosed by an ice gate.

Pointing to the ice cave, the old Xuanwu man in front of him said slightly: "That little baby is inside..."

After his finger pointed, Na Situ Ningbing saw the cold ice cave.

"Thank you, senior." Situ Ningbing said, looking at the old Xuanwu man.

The old man Xuanwu didn't speak, only a slight smile appeared on his face, and then he floated away.

Here, at this moment, only Situ Ningbing and other girls are left. They look at the ice cave where Li Tian is staying, and they feel uneasy. They don't know what happened to Li Tian, ​​let alone why. I don't want to see them...At this moment, I walked towards the ice cave step by step with an uneasy mood.

When they reached the ice cave, they began to gently push the ice gate.

When the ice gate was pushed open, Li Tian inside thought it was the old Xuanwu who came, and turned his head and shouted there, "Older..."

But when he turned his head and saw that it was not the old Xuanwu man who pushed the ice gate, but his beloved women, he was stunned there like an electric shock.

"Ah? Ningbing... poetic love, Duanmu Ying..."

"Yes...Yes...you?" Li Tian in front of him screamed out! Looking at the girls standing in front of the ice gate in disbelief.

And the moment that Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing saw Li Tian's face wearing a bronze mask at this moment, they were also completely surprised there.

"Li Tian?"

"It's really you..."

"Tian'er, your face...how...how like that?"

All their exclamation sounds came out of their mouths.

When their voices suddenly reached Li Tian's ears, Li Tian's heart was suddenly struck by lightning.

He immediately turned around, and turned his face wearing a bronze mask for an instant... with his back facing Situ Ningbing and the others.

"Auntie Hua, Ningbing... why are you here..."

"I... can't see you now..." Li Tian said painfully.

After the Baihua Fairy and the others saw Li Tian's bronze mask, although they were filled with curiosity and doubts, they still came over there quickly.

"Why? Why did you refuse to see us? Do you know... We have been looking for you from the beginning... from home to abroad, and from abroad again... Now here, I finally found you, why don't you Will you see us?" Situ Ningbing said sadly.

"Tian'er, is it all because of your mask? Tian'er, tell me, what the **** is going on with you? What happened to your face?" Fairy Baihua said there too.


Listening to their words, Li Tian's heart was cut with a knife.

Finally, seeing Li Tian plucked up the courage to turn that face suddenly.

The terrifying bronze mask on his face showed a trace of hideousness.

"My face is ruined! Do you know? My face...has been ruined!"

"I don't deserve to see you... I can't let me see you like this... Do you know?" Li Tian hissed.

After Li Tian roared, Situ Ningbing finally understood everything!

It turns out all this is because of Li Tian's face! His face is ruined! The handsome face now turned into a rotten and distorted face... it was even more terrifying than the ugly.

"Li Tian, ​​don't you know? We never care about your face..."

"It's not your face that we love, it's your people... Li Tian, ​​do you understand?" Situ Ningbing said.

But what about Li Tian? But suddenly he smiled bitterly.

"my people?"

"No... Ningbing... I am not a human! I am no longer a human... I am a vampire, I am a strange dark creature..."

"Ningbing, poetry, Duanmuying, I am ashamed of you... I can't bear your love!"

"In this life, I owe you too much love...I can't repay it! The only thing I can do now is...not to hurt you...not to let you get hurt because of me...Do you know?" Li Tian was there Distressed road.

Yes, everything Li Tian does is for the good of a few girls!

But by doing this, he also indirectly hurt several girls.

Listening to Li Tian's words, all the girls understood that Li Tian was because of his status as a vampire.

"Li Tian, ​​no matter what you look like...we will never give up on you!"

"Yes, Sister Ning Bing is right... From the beginning to the end, whether you Li Tian is a human or a vampire, we will stick to it."

"This life, this life, we have identified you... and never thought of giving up again."

The vow of no regrets came out of the mouths of several peerless girls.

They have no regrets and love without regrets!

Listening to the words of his favorite women, Li Tian didn't know whether it was sad or happy at that moment.

"Fools...you are so stupid!" Li Tian suddenly said sadly.

Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, and Duanmuying silently walked in front of him, crying in unison, "Are we really stupid?"

"It's hard to find a true love in a person's life, luckily we found it!"

"Can that man save his lover regardless of life and death? Can that man abandon his life and save his brother? Can that man give up everything for a vow? That man can bear the blood and blood and go forward...? Lee, we love you ! This life, this life, is only for you, and only for you!"

"Regardless of the mountain alliance, regardless of the future... we are destined to be by your side in this life."

The tragic pre-language came out of Situ Ningbing's mouth.

A love, a love.

At this moment Li Tian was completely melted!

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