Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2476: Danger

The white Tianshan Mountains, but seeing the north wind still whistling there.

In the ice and snow, I saw a group of people walking slowly in response to the howling north wind.

Their steps are extremely heavy, coupled with the extremely thick snow, it is very difficult to walk, but they are still walking hard.

They are just brothers like the evil **** and Duguxie.

"Big Brother, are we going in the right direction?" In the endless ice and snow, I saw the ghost servant's voice.

After hearing the ghost servant's voice, the evil **** who was walking in front turned his head and said, "It's in this direction... the map is displayed well."

The ghost servant and the brothers behind them all nodded silently after hearing the evil **** say this.

"Senior Cthulhu... Let's take a break... I can't walk anymore."

Chen Qiaozhi over there suddenly said in the wind and snow.

It turned out that they had gone for almost a day and a night! During this day and night, they relied on eating simple food and drinking snow water... Constantly walking towards the front, now Chen Qiaozhi, who was exhausted from behind, could not help but speak.

After the Cthulhu heard the sound, he looked at the brothers behind.

But seeing everyone's faces showing extreme exhaustion, after seeing the brothers so exhausted, Cthulhu could only say: "Okay, let's rest where we are."

After he said so, the brothers gathered one by one, and then sat in the endless wind and snow.

The cold wind tore and whizzed...Ice and snow were rolled towards them.

"Damn it, how far is it from the Piaoxue Peak?" A word roared from Tang Xiaolong's mouth over there.

His voice was instantly blown away by the howling north wind.

Here the Cthulhu replied: "Come on, if we walk at the speed today, we should be able to see the Piaoxue Peak in two days."

When the Cthulhu said that it took two days, the brothers in front of him were suddenly depressed.

"Oh my god, it will take two more days..." Xue Wuhen over there frowned.

Walking this day and night has completely exhausted my brothers!

However, now he has to continue walking for two days and two nights?

Don’t forget, it’s not land here, it’s the Tianshan Mountains with deep snow... Besides, the temperature here is extremely cold, and the wind is blowing from the north... just the opposite of their direction... It’s too difficult to walk this way. Up.

Looking at the extremely decadent expressions of the brothers, the evil **** in front of them was comforting the brothers and said: "Brothers, don't be discouraged, let's hold on for two more days... hold on for another two days and we will reach the snow peak."

At the moment, Duguxie and the ghost servants looked at the evil god, and they didn't know how to speak.

"The third sisters are gone... now I can't even find the corpse..." The ghost servant over there suddenly said sadly.

Such wind and snow, in the hearts of Cthulhu and the brothers, that fairy Baihua might have been sacrificed long ago!

In such a heavy snowstorm, burying an individual would be a matter of twenty minutes... Thinking of that Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and others, everyone in the heart of the brothers in front of them has something unspeakable. Pain.

"The third sister will never die, she will never die." Du Guxie said with his fists tightly clenched and staring.

"Can the Third Sisters survive such a heavy snowstorm?" The ghost servant said again.

Listening to the ghost servant saying this, Du Guxie suddenly roared.

"I said, Sanmei and the others will not die! You shut up." Duguxie said angrily at the ghost servant with red eyes.

It was the first time that Ghost Servant saw his second brother angry at him. He lowered his head at the moment, and really stopped talking.

What about Cthulhu?

He was also silent, with endless pain on his face.

He was also worried about the Baihua Fairy and Situ Ningbing and other girls...

But he has found it! He took the Duguxie and the ghost servant to search for a long time, and finally searched for a long time by himself... But the vast Snow Mountain is endless, where to look for it! ! !

You can't even see a personal shadow!

That's why the last Cthulhu gave up helplessly...

Because if he gave up, it is very likely that all these brothers will accompany him to death in the snow-capped mountains, after all, they don't have much food, and because of the crash of the plane...some of those food are still missing.

So in this ice world, there is only death to stay! So Cthulhu chose to take the brothers away...

He wants to take his brothers to reach the "Piaoxue Peak" as soon as possible.

Because only when they reach Piaoxue Peak can they find the "Old Man Wuji". The place where they met with the Old Man Wuji was originally at the foot of the Piaoxue Peak.

The current Cthulhu takes the brothers to rest here... They are facing the huge wind and snow...

Suddenly while they were resting, the evil **** suddenly heard a "boom boom boom" sound.

"There is movement!" A sudden shout out of the evil god's mouth in surprise.

When he screamed, the brothers who had been sitting in the snow and ice could not help but suddenly...then they all stood up quickly.

"Big brother, what's the matter?"

"Senior Cthulhu, what did you hear?" Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him, and all the brothers raised their eyes.

At this moment, Duguxie and the brothers have not heard the movement!

But what about Cthulhu? But his face became more and more ugly, and he saw his eyes coldly betting in the ice and snow in front.

"Dugu, ghost servant...be prepared...we are in trouble." A roar screamed from the evil god's mouth.

The Cthulhu's skill is far greater than that of Duguxie and the ghost servant...Although his skill has only recovered by half, it is enough to hear the loud noise coming from afar!

But he said that when the evil **** screamed out, suddenly, Du Guxie and the ghost servant turned their faces together!

Then the two of them also heard the "boom boom boom" movement at this moment!

"This...this...what is this sound?" The ghost servant suddenly said in shock.

The brothers here also raised their shocking eyes one by one, looking at the depths where the north wind is raging... woof ice and snow are blowing from the gray sky!

Suddenly, a word came from the side of Duguxie's mouth.

"That voice...seems to be...like...from the soles of the feet." A shocking word came out from the mouth of Duguxie.

When that Duguxie suddenly said it in such an instant, the brothers in front of him were shocked! Everyone looked down at the snow under their feet...

Suddenly, with a bang, the deep snow that had been stepped on shook violently at this moment.

p: I have something to delay today, two updates for now

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