Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2497: Terrible instinct

"Xiaolong is dead? Wuhen is dead, Dugu, Guimu, and Qiaozhi are all dead?"

Li Tian suddenly widened his pupils at that moment, repeating these terrifying words in a daze.

Suddenly, his pupils began to shrink violently, and even his whole body became trembling, and the terrifying killing intent emerging from his whole body instantly enveloped the entire space.


"My brother... are all dead?"

"All dead..."

Li Tian muttered these words, and suddenly the whole person "laughed" strangely...but his smile became even worse than crying...sharp and ear-piercing.

The Baihua Fairy was stunned when he saw Li Tian suddenly "strange smile".

"Tian'er, what's the matter with you?" Fairy Baihua suddenly felt that the surrounding aura began to become violently cold... This kind of coldness is the kind of gloomy coldness that is full of the spirit of killing!

At the moment when the Baihua Fairy faced Li Tianwen, Li Tian in front of him suddenly raised a pair of eyes full of "endless destruction" and cast coldly on the Baihua Fairy.

Those eyes were hollow and terrifying, with murderous gazes.

Fairy Baihua subconsciously felt that her whole body became gloomy...Looking at Li Tian's eyes, even she was not only scared at this moment.

"Tian'er...Don't you scare Aunt Hua?"

"What happened to you?"

Suddenly Baihua Fairy asked that Li Tian again.

But what about Li Tian? The whole body was crying and laughing...The mouth was still murmuring: My brothers are all dead...

Then I saw Li Tian's body of strange auras beginning to wander all over his body...Those terrible energy, some are black like devil, some are red, and some are golden light...This Three qi bursts all over his body.

His energy was confused.

This is a symbol of confusion.

Fairy Baihua looked at Li Tian in amazement.

After Li Tian's whole body was confused, his face was red, black, and golden...

Suddenly, with a bang, a loud noise erupted from Li Tian's body.

A group of blood-red light burst out from his body, and the strong aura swallowed directly towards the fairy Baihua in front of him.

With a scream, Baihua Fairy's body... was directly blown away!

Fairy Baihua's body was directly destroyed by the shock...A mouthful of blood was shot out directly, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

Look at Li Tian's moment again. With the release of the extremely strong blood energy, his whole body suddenly burned with a raging red flame. The red flame is not actually a flame, but the terrible energy released from his body surrounds him. , Forming a blood red flame.

he's changed.

At this moment, Li Tian completely released the evil spirit in his body.

Even the blood-red "Sha" word originally printed on his chest was completely swallowed by Li Tian.

His eyes are no longer humans, and there is only killing and destruction in those eyes.

He clenched his hands tightly, as if he was going to destroy the world, as if to slaughter sentient beings.

what! ! !

With a loud scream, the violent qi directly shattered all the surrounding thousand-year-old ice...... All around Li Tian exploded.

"Tian'er..." A weak scream came out from the mouth of Baihua Fairy.

Fairy Baihua would never have thought that Li Tian, ​​who she loves most, would suddenly attack her, and it seemed that Li Tian had completely changed.

His people, his whole body, and his breath have all changed, becoming extremely fierce and terrifying.

At this moment, Fairy Baihua had all five internal organs damaged, with blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, and finally fell to the ground and shouted.

But what about Li Tian?

But he only slightly twisted those terrifying eyes, stared coldly at Baihua Fairy, and then his body covered in blood-red flames suddenly rose, and a huge blood flow radiated from his whole body, and then The Baihua Fairy with all his internal organs was sucked to his side.

Fairy Baihua felt that her body was about to be shattered, looking at Li Tian in front of her in that painful distortion.

"no, do not want……"

But just as she said these words, there was a sudden "boom", and Fairy Baihua's body was directly shocked to bloodshed by the powerful energy.

Then her body was like a withered cherry blossom, slowly falling from the sky.

Her beautiful eyes closed at that moment.

She is dead.

She died in the hands of Li Tian who had become a blood evil demon star.

After Li Tian cruelly killed the Baihua Fairy in front of him, his body suddenly floated towards the ice cave...No one knows what exactly Li Tian is doing with such a terrifying face at this moment.


When the scream of Baihua Fairy came out, it happened to be heard by the elder Qinglong and the elder Xuanwu who were rushing, and they also heard the violent explosion sound just now.

After hearing that terrible voice, the old man Qinglong's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"No! Something may have happened."

After the old man Qinglong finished saying a word, he quickened his body skills and swiftly swept towards the ice cave where Li Tian stayed.

The three girls behind Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying, and Ouyang Shiqing were also suddenly frightened.

Because they all heard the scream of Baihua Fairy just now.

When they all swept over, a shocking scene suddenly appeared in front of them, and saw that the thousand-year-old ice in the passage here was all shattered by the huge energy, and the broken ice was all scattered. on the ground.

And among the broken ice, a pool of red blood appeared shockingly there.

Taking a closer look, among the cracked ice, a beautiful body in white clothes lay motionless on the ground.


When seeing such a scene, the four elders in front of them all exclaimed, and then swiftly swept toward the body.

When Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, and Duanmuying who followed closely watched that scene, not only did they all scream.

"Auntie Hua..." An exclamation came out from the mouths of the three girls.

Then they rushed over madly, but it was a pity that Baihua Fairy was dead there like a withered cherry blossom.

Her death was miserable and terrifying, bleeding from seven holes, and her veins were shattered alive by the powerful energy.

Seeing the tragic death of Baihua Fairy there, the three girls cried out all of a sudden.

"Auntie Hua...no...no...don't die..." It's a pity that Fairy Baihua is already powerless.

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