Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2518: The bottomless black hole 2 more

In this way, the old man Sixiang led the old man Wuji and began to walk forward continuously along the ice cave.

The old man Wuji was very puzzled. He didn't know where the gate of the restricted area was. At this moment, he just silently followed the old man Sixiang to the front.

After passing through several ice passages, suddenly the old four elephants in front stopped.

After stopping, the old man Wuji was not only taken aback.

Why did you stop here?

Just when the old man Wuji felt extremely curious in his heart, suddenly the old Sixiang turned around slightly and said to the old man Wuji, "You get away a little..."

The old man Wuji was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly stepped to the side to stand.

After he moved away from his footsteps, he saw that under his feet, there was a huge pattern with a weird triangle shape...The moment the old man Wuji saw this weird pattern, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Several seniors... Is this the gate of the legendary thousand-year forbidden zone?" Wuji suddenly looked at the old Sixiang in surprise and asked.

But seeing the old four elephants suddenly smiled slightly.

"No, this is just the entrance!"

"The gate of the real restricted area is actually at the deepest bottom of Piaoxue Peak," said the old man from Sixiang.

When the Wuji in front of him heard the old Sixiang suddenly say this, his eyes widened.

He would never have thought that the gate of the restricted zone was hidden deep at the deepest bottom of this soaring Piaoxue Peak.

When the old man of the four elephants suddenly finished saying this, he saw the old man of the four elephants, suddenly showing a strong vigor, and then slowly spreading it towards the thick cold pattern.

As the inner strength of the old four elephants spread, the thick ice totem suddenly cracked open.

After splitting, a huge black hole gradually formed.

The black hole was about two meters wide, and it didn't see the bottom... it was dark and dark, and you couldn't see anything at all, as if inside this deep black hole, it was an endless abyss of hell.

Looking at the hellish black hole, even the old man Wuji frowned deeply.

"It's so deep." The old man Wuji said in astonishment.

The Sixiang old man smiled and said to the Wuji old man, "Are you ready? If you are ready, let's go down with us to witness the gate of the forbidden zone for that thousand years."

The old man Wuji heard them say so, so he nodded.

Then, when I saw the old man of the four elephants, he glanced at each other suddenly, then his figure stretched, and all of a sudden, the old man of the four elephants flew towards the dark deep hole.

The Wuji old man saw the Sixiang old man and all flew into the endless black hole. After thinking about it, he started flying in too.

When the old man Wuji flew in.


The endless darkness is enveloping his body...

Except for the declining wind, there is nothing to see or hear.

Inside this black hole, the temperature is extremely low and extremely cold. If it weren't for the old man Wuji and the old man of the four elephants who possessed peerless skill protection, I am afraid they would be frozen alive and freeze to death in less than ten minutes after entering this black hole.

come down!

Constantly falling downwards.

Even the old man Wuji didn't know how deep this deep black hole was. He only felt that his body seemed to be sucked deeply by some terrible attraction... descending rapidly.

Time passed by every minute.

The old man Wuji kept dropping like this.

I don't know how far the Wuji old man and the Sixiang old man have fallen, and how long, when he suddenly saw a strange light coming from the lowest place.

The moment he noticed the light, the old man Wuji was not only surprised.

Then I lowered my head to look, but saw that at the bottom of the bottomless, a cloud of light began to slowly expand as they descended...expanded...

"Be careful, we are about to fall."

The voice of the old man Qinglong suddenly sounded below.

Accompanied by the influence of the old man Qinglong, he saw that the old man Qinglong suddenly lifted his breath at the moment he was about to fall, and both palms hit the ground below.

With a bang, the force of the counter-shock slowed the falling gravity... Then the old man Qinglong fell slightly.

The other three elders, like the Qinglong elder, took advantage of the force to block the resistance... and then slowly fell down.

The old man Wuji made the same choice after seeing the old four elephants falling in that way!

Then I saw that the old man Wuji also slowly fell from the black hole at this moment.

They are here!

Finally reached the deepest and deepest bottom of Piaoxue Peak.

I saw that after the old man Wuji fell, a huge light appeared in front of them. Looking up, I saw a strange blue intertwined with gold in the huge space more than 20 meters away from them. The light flashed dazzlingly.

The light pierced people's eyes...Because the light was too dazzling, Old Man Wuji couldn't clearly recognize what it was.

In order to avoid damage to his eyes, the old man Wuji had to turn his head. At this moment, he turned his head, but seeing this huge space horrified, he completely appeared before his eyes.

Such a large space.

Such a big cave!

Is this true?

I saw a powerful stone pillar, a horror of more than ten feet high... and these pillars are very thick, very thick, they are carved with huge granite...

On the mottled ancient stone wall in front, there are still carved humanoid images, but those humanoid images do not seem to be from this era, because they are wearing weird armor...

The sculptured figures are male, female, old and young, and some city-state murals...soon to live.

"Oh my God, what exactly is this place?" The old man Wuji suddenly shouted in horror.

Then stepped forward to see the sculptured figures...

I saw the human sculptures, each of them was extremely vivid and immersive, just like real people. Looking at these sculptures, the old man Wuji not only stayed there.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the face.

I saw the old Xuanwu came over.

"Do you feel weird?" The old Xuanwu said suddenly, squinting his eyes and looking at the old Wuji in front of him.

The old man Wuji admitted and said, "Yes, it's so shocking!"

"I would never have thought that there would be such a huge secret hidden at the bottom of Piaoxue Peak in this Tianshan Mountain, and there are such gleaming human sculptures."

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