Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2529: The dead body is resurrected

"Taylor, hurry up!"

Elena, who was riding the snow-white horse in front, suddenly yelled to the guy with a bunch of hair on the head behind.

The voice is loud and wild.

The strong man named Taylor heard Elena's call in front of him, and said, "Hao Le."

Then he shook the machete in his hand and slapped it fiercely. The horse's **** under the crotch, the black horse, uttered a long scream, and then quickly followed.

I saw them and quickly reached a barren land full of ruins.

This barren land is vast and terrible. The soil is black, and there is no grass on the black soil, not even a withered tree...

In addition to the black soil, what is left are those large and small rocks... and deep ravines of varying heights!

It's huge and barren.

After arriving here, Elena, who was riding on the snow-white horse, jumped off the horse vigorously first.

The moment she jumped off the steed, Taylor behind her also jumped off the steed.

"Why did the white light suddenly disappear?" After jumping down, Elena looked at the deserted place in the distance in surprise.

Na Taylor blinked his eyes at this moment, looking around. They had seen the white light fall in this place with their own eyes just now, but when they got here, how could they not see anything?

what happened?

"Damn it, did we go wrong?" Elena suddenly said while looking at the empty surroundings.

Tyler in front of him raised his hand and scratched his head and said, "I don't know, it seems that I did not go wrong!"

"But, there is nothing here at all...Where did the white light go?" Elena said depressed.

Na Taylor was also looking around there.

While searching, he buried his steps and walked towards the barren land ahead.

After just walking past, Taylor glanced inadvertently, and then glanced into the deep gully on the left, as if a person's corpse fell down!

After seeing this, Taylor, wearing brown bear fur, suddenly shouted, "Miss Elena, there is a corpse here..."

As he yelled out, Elena over there suddenly ran over here.

After running over, Elena quickly asked: "Where?"

"Here!" Taylor pointed there.

Elena raised her eyes, but saw that in the deep gully in front, there was really a "corpse" lying motionless, but it was strange that there were blood stains all over the body... and the clothes on her They are completely different, the entire head is buried in the black soil, and his face cannot be seen!

After seeing such a corpse of "unknown origin," Elena suddenly frowned.

Secretly: How could a corpse appear in such a place?

Elena thought so in her heart, so she walked towards the "corpse" step by step.

At the moment she walked over, she stretched out a foot in leather boots, and suddenly kicked the corpse, which was motionless!

Then she was about to bend down and turn the body over.

At the moment of turning over, I saw a strange character with a bronze mask on his face appeared in front of her!

"Hey, this dead guy is quite strange, with this ghost thing on his face..." Miss Elena said curiously.

Na Taylor also looked at the motionless "corpse" with a surprised look.

At the same time, his mouth murmured, "Miss Elena, how does this corpse feel so strange... a person like him... how... why is it different from us? Look, what is he wearing? Clothes? And his hair, skin color? How come?"

Yes, Tyler and Elena have a slightly darker complexion...brown.

But the skin color of the "corpse" on the ground was yellow... and the dress and dress of the "corpse" were completely different from them.

As if it came from another planet.

Elena also felt very strange, but she didn't care too much!

He just glanced at the corpse on the ground slightly, and said, "What about him? I guess I was an escaped slave... starve to death here!"

"Everyone is dead, forget it, let's go!"

Elena who was talking was ready to leave.

Just when she was about to leave, the "corpse" suddenly moved.

"Moved, did he move?" Na Taylor screamed suddenly when he saw the "corpse" moving.

Miss Elena, who had already turned around, turned her head quickly after hearing Taylor's yell, and then looked at the "corpse", but when she saw the corpse on the ground, she really moved.

He woke up!


When Li Tian's entire body was sucked in by the door of the restricted area, he felt his body falling into the bottomless black abyss!

Finally he was in a coma!

But shortly after he was in a coma... his body suddenly began to become conscious.

The intense survival in his mind also urged him to wake up.

He tried to make himself sober, trying to grasp his favorite Situ Ningbing with both hands... But he couldn't sober up no matter what.

Now, he finally felt that his body had fallen on the hard ground, and at the same time, he was breathing exceptionally fresh air in his nose. This feeling made him subconsciously stunned!

Then his favorite Situ Ningbing face suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Ningbing...Ningbing...don't...don't die..."

With an exclamation, Li Tian suddenly opened his eyes!

But what came into his eyes?

I saw two weird humans standing in front of him!

One of them was a woman with a skull necklace around her neck, and the other was a strong man wearing some kind of beast fur!

Those two weird humans are staring at him with a pair of surprised eyes!

They were shocked, that Elena, and Tyler!

But he said, Elena, and Tyler never thought that this "corpse" would suddenly wake up, and also shouted a strange name...Where is the depression right now!


"Hey, what were you talking about just now?" Taylor couldn't help cautiously asking after seeing Li Tian sober.

But what about Li Tian? But it doesn't care about the weirdness of these people.

Only Situ Ningbing was in his mind at this moment.

"Ningbing...Ningbing...where are you?"

Suddenly Li Tian got up from the endless ruins like crazy, and then hurriedly went to look for Situ Ningbing.

He still remembered that after Situ Ningbing was sucked into the door of the restricted area, he followed up...According to the truth, if he fell, Situ Ningbing should be nearby too!

So Li Tian quickly got up and looked for... that favorite Situ Ningbing.

After he got up, the strange scene around him suddenly shocked Li Tianzhen there!

All around, a barren land...Apart from the vast wilderness, where is Situ Ningbing?

"Oh my God, what is this place?" A shocked word came out from Li Tian's mouth.

p: Next week, Girl Ghost 2 will be released, and the serial will be updated at the same time as Killer! Hope everyone will wait and see

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