Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2554: Restore internal force

After hearing what Elena said in front of him, Li Tian not only became curious about the so-called illusion school. .

"However, if you want to enter the Illusion Academy, it is by no means a simple thing! Because the first requirement to enter the Illusion Academy is to have strong spiritual power in the body!"

"Hey, I couldn't enter the Illusion Academy because my body had no spiritual power." Elena not only sighed there.

Li Tian in front of him heard Elena say this, and not only asked in surprise: "Spiritual power? What is spiritual power?"

"What about spiritual power? It's some special physique of the body!"

"Some people are born with very strong spiritual power... that kind of people are more suitable for practicing illusion! Some people have no spiritual power at all in their lives, which also indicates that they will not be able to learn spiritual power for the rest of their lives." Linna explained to Li Tian.

Li Tian asked: "Then how do you know whether a person has spiritual power?"

Elena said: "In every city, there will be a place to test spiritual power! It can be tested by a spiritual test stone."

When Li Tian heard it, he secretly said that everything is like this!

To learn illusion, you must first have spiritual power!

Thinking of this, Li Tian not only stopped asking.

He just sat there quietly, and then looked at the "Qi Illusion" secret in his hand.

Elena on the other side, after seeing Li Tian fell silent, did not say any more, lying on the side and rested.

At this moment, only Li Tian was there carefully watching the secret of "Qi Illusion Technique".

After opening it, I saw that there were dense rows of fonts inside.

It says that the basic knowledge of Qi illusion: entraining Qi, crossing Qi, accumulating Qi...

These three stages are the most basic introductory knowledge of Qi illusion! If you want to practice this Qi illusion technique, you must first practice these three.

Li Tian glanced, and to be honest, he didn't have much interest in illusion! Therefore, I wanted to close the secret of "Qi Illusion Technique".

But just when he was about to close the "Qi Illusion Technique" secret, he suddenly remembered something.


"Could it be the same as your own internal strength?" Li Tian suddenly thought of it.

While on earth, Li Tian's internal strength can be said to be unprecedented, but I don't know why, his internal strength suddenly disappeared after reaching this other world!

If his internal energy vigour had not disappeared, he would not be seriously injured by the Scarlet King's lightning illusion so easily.

Thinking of this, Li Tian suddenly began to look like the secret of the "Qi Illusion Technique" in his hand!

Because he discovered that the introductory knowledge of Qi illusion technique is exactly the same as his own practice of internal power! The same is to entrain air, cross air, and store air!

"If I practice this Qi illusion technique, will my internal strength recover?" Li Tian said inwardly.

Of course Li Tian would not know that the internal energy qi he cultivated on the earth was actually some simple qi illusions, because the qi of the body is also qi!

And the lowest level of Qi illusion technique is to condense the body's Qi!

After the middle level, he began to condense the qi outside of his body, which means the qi in the air!

Once reaching the high-level Qi illusion technique, the cultivator will begin to slave Qi, using his own power to control the breath of nature.

But Li Tian still doesn't know what this "qi illusion technique" really is.

Now he only wants to restore his inner strength. In that case, his kung fu will be fully restored. Once he recovers, he will no longer have to be bullied by the Red King!

He believed that with his skill, he could definitely kill the Red King.

After thinking of this in his heart, Li Tian began to look at the cultivation method of Qi illusion.

Qi illusion; elementary introductory knowledge.

Enqi Jue.

Looking at the Yin Qi Jue, the dense fonts on it, Li Tian began to recite slightly.

"The Qi of Sanqing, condensed in the body, unblocked and the body..."

As Li Tian began to practice the Qi Yin Secrets, he closed his eyes slightly, and then began to talk about the cultivation techniques that caused the Secrets over and over again. As he recites these Qi Yin Secrets over and over again, then he Just try to slowly guide the Qi Jin in your body.

However, he found that his body was like an empty shell, and he couldn't guide it out.

After practicing for a while, Li Tian was not only a little frustrated!

"Damn it, why can't my body lead out a little energy? After I arrived in this world, did all the energy of my body disappear without a trace?"

Li Tian was thinking there.

Looking at the secret of the "Qi Illusion Technique" in his hand, Li Tian is not reconciled!

"I don't believe it, isn't all my energy and internal strength gone?"

After Li Tian shouted angrily in his heart, then he started chanting the mantra again and again! Then began to bleed little by little.

If he failed once, Li Tian tried again.

Try again and again.

Finally, after Li Tianyi tried dozens of times in a row, suddenly there was a faint energy in his abdomen dantian slowly rising out.

The vigor was very weak, but even so, Li Tian could feel it resolutely.

"I succeeded, and finally I can successfully feel my breath." Li Tian yelled in horror.

Facing Li Tian's sudden scream, Elena and Taylor, who were resting in front of them, not only turned their heads in surprise and looked at the weird Li Tian.

"Benefactor, what's wrong with you?"

Elena and Taylor both looked at the extremely excited Li Tian and asked.

But seeing Li Tianzai was overjoyed and said excitedly: "I can finally feel my inner strength, great."

Elena and Taylor didn't know what happened when they heard Li Tian scream!

What is internal strength? They don't understand!

Li Tian knew to explain to them, but they didn't understand, so he didn't explain too much to them. At this moment, he quickly sat down on the side and continued to vent his breath!

He wants to restore all his internal strength...

I saw that after Li Tian first felt his vigor, he began to infuse Qi all over his body. After a while, a vast vigor in his dantian surged out.

Li Tian certainly would not know that this world is completely different from the earth.

When his body arrived in this world, it had completely changed...The whole body's internal energy seemed to be blocked by barriers, and it was not needed at all.

But now, fortunately, there is a method of entraining Qi on this Spiritual Earth Continent. By slowly entraining Qi, Li Tian's previous Qi Jin internal force is slowly dredged out.

Now, his internal strength began to recover little by little!

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