Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 255: puzzle!

The guy who was beaten up and yelling paled at the moment, looking at Li Tian with fear as if looking at the devil.

"I said... I said."

"I... I, we just want to steal money... That's why..." said the bald man with a pale face.

When Li Tian heard this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Lied to me?"

"Just because you want to lie to me?" Li Tian said while twisting the bald man's wrist with one hand, and with a click, the guy's wrist was twisted and broken.

The wailing screams of painful hysteria.

"Now tell the truth? Do you still lie to me?" Li Tian said coldly.

It turns out that the money that the guy just said was completely nonsense.

It's a pity to be seen by Li Tian, ​​this will be a heavy hand.

The arm that was twisted by Li Tian could not be lifted at this moment. The trembling guy fell to the ground with a trembling face, with despair in his eyes and finally said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll be honest. be honest……"

"Let's talk? Why deal with me? Deal with Ouyang family?" Li Tian asked coldly.

The man's pale mouth trembled and said, "Because...because...we thought you were relatives of the Ouyang family...so we wanted to arrest you."

"But why do you move people from the Ouyang family?" Li Tian continued to ask.

"I can't say this." The man suddenly showed a trace of terror in his eyes.

Listening to what he said, Li Tian suddenly felt that things were getting a little stranger.

"Why can't you say?" Li Tian asked.

"I'm going to talk, they will definitely kill me... I will definitely die." The man said with fear in his eyes.

they? Who is going to kill him? Is it the person who made them do this?

Li Tian sneered and said, "If you don't say anything, I will kill you now."

Speaking of Li Tianguo as if he was about to kill him, the man suddenly filled his eyes with despair.

"Quickly say... if you say it now, maybe you can live for a while..." facing Li Tian's compelling question.

The man felt utter despair, and he died if he said it.

After the man thought for a while, he finally prepared to speak helplessly.

"they are……"

Just as he was about to tell Li Tian who would be unfavorable to the Ouyang family, suddenly a gun shot from a mysterious place.

With a puff, the bullet accurately hit the head of the guy who was about to tell Li Tian the secret.

Suddenly the plasma shot from the bald man's head sputtered.

Li Tianyi saw that there was a gunman nearby, and was shocked immediately, and quickly dodged aside.

After he avoided, he couldn't help being shocked.

Who shot it? Could it be done by the people who made them do it?

Where is the gunman?

Li Tian cautiously hid beside the garbage dump. At this moment, he didn't care about the smell of the garbage. He just crawled down hard to cover his body with the smelly garbage.

His eyes looked around alertly.

After the gunshot killed the man who was about to give the clue, the other three guys who were knocked down by Li Tian on the ground screamed lifelessly and began to run around.

Li Tianyi suddenly felt bad when he saw them running. Since the other party could kill the guy who drove, he would definitely kill all the remaining three people, because he was definitely afraid that these three people would tell their secrets.

"Don't go out... hide." Li Tian shouted.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Puff puff gunshots rang again in the silent garbage dump.

With the sound of gunfire, all three of them were shot and fell to the ground.

One shot was fatal, and the accurate marksmanship shot from the dark.

All three people were shot to death in a blink of an eye.

Although Li Tian was hiding in the dark, he determined the gunman's position after three shots just now, and it should be in a vast area not far in front.

He was hiding there, not daring to show the slightest, because he knew the opponent might be aiming at him.

At the same time, he was shocked in his heart: Who on earth did it? Who is unfavorable to the Ouyang family?

Obviously, this time the incident was not directed at him, but this group of people mistakenly believed that he was really a relative of the Ouyang family? That's why Li Tian thought of it more and more strangely...

At this moment, he was hiding there quietly, not daring to move any minute of his body.

The gunman hiding in the dark didn't seem to be ready to kill Li Tian deliberately. After shooting the three people, there was no movement on his side.

5 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed.

After half an hour has passed, Li Tiancai slowly poked his head and looked at the position of the shooter...


Li Tian slowly moved his numb body, and after he really didn't see the gunman reacting, he cautiously walked out of the hiding place.

After he walked out, he hurried to the few guys who had been shot.

All four people were killed in one shot.

The marksmanship is vicious and precise.

Li Tian looked at the four corpses on the ground, filled with doubts.

Sitting on the ground sullenly and thinking about it, he suddenly stood up quickly and searched into the bodies of the four people.

After searching the bodies of the four people, nothing was found. The only thing that can be seen is that all the four people belong to the taxi group, because they all have common certificates. The taxi driver...

It can be clearly seen that these four people should belong to this Jinghai Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.

After the only clue, Li Tian sat there staring.

Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.?

Could it be that something is wrong with this company? Who is behind this company? Maybe only by finding out who is behind the company, can we find out who is unfavorable to the Ouyang family?

Li Tian thought to himself.

He now wants to tell the Ouyang family as soon as possible. Although he knows that this matter does not have much to do with him, after all, the Ouyang family is not bad for him, and he also promised to help him find the Duanmu family.

So Li Tian decided to help.

He left this garbage dump alone.

He took a taxi on the road and rushed back to the Ouyang family. He was going to tell Ouyang Shiqing about what happened today.


Ouyang family.

After Li Tian left, Ouyang Shiqing was thinking about her own thoughts.

No one knows what her wise heart is thinking...

At this moment, she walked along the mansion of the Ouyang family towards an ancient building in the last row.

This building is behind the mansion of Ouyang Zhengtian, and it is also the oldest Chinese-style building in the Ouyang family villa group.

The building looks like an old house from the 1930s.

The blue brick and red door, with ancient sounds and colors.

Who owns this house?

If you are a member of the Ouyang family, you will naturally know that this is the place of the elder of the Ouyang family, the residence of a generation of strange people in the Ouyang family in the 1960s.

p: Dear fans, these chapters are over-chapters, which may look a bit boring, but tomorrow you will know what a conspiracy all these foreshadowing will present! Who on earth is dealing with the Ouyang family? What kind of character is the old man of the Ouyang family? There is also a fan of Tianshu Danjuan...

All will be announced tomorrow! There is also a happy thing to tell my dear book fans that the female ghost is about to release a physical version, hehe, it will come out next month, and then I will give away a few copies of my female ghost collection to my friends! Although there are not many, but it is my little care...

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