Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2556: Test Ling

Fire illusion?

When Li Tian heard the residents of Stormwind screaming there, he saw not only the young people in white robes.

What they used was indeed fire illusion.

"This is the fire illusion?" Li Tian said in surprise.

Accompanied by the more than 20 fire illusion students who rode through the horses, they saw a row of young people wearing purple clothes.

What those young people accumulated in their hands was the "light of thunder and lightning." The flickering thunder and lightning radiated into the air when they walked through this street, and the light of thunder and lightning flashed brightly in the air!

"Thunder and lightning illusion?"

Followed up in turn were the "Wind Magic" students in gray costumes, and finally the "Water Magic" women who wore the white clothes and looked like gods.

Each type of illusion color clothes in this Bender Academy is different, but all four fonts are written on the armbands of their arms: Bender Academy!

Obviously these are all students from Bander College.

When the students of the Bander College walked in amidst the enthusiastic calls of the ordinary residents of Stormwind, they saw a few carriages approaching the last place.

The first carriage was the most majestic, with four snow-white horses pulling there.

I saw an old man in a dark robe sitting in the carriage. The old man's eyes were clear, his thin body was sitting there slightly, and his beard under his beard fluttered with the cold wind.

"Wow, Dean of Bender Academy!" An exclamation exclaimed from Elena's mouth.

When Elena screamed, Li Tianyi asked, "Who?"

"Benefactor, look at that carriage. Do you know who the old man is in that carriage?"

"He is the dean of the Bander Academy... On the Spirit Earth Continent, the fire illusion has reached the high level 3 great illusionist." Elena in front of him introduced to Li Tian there.

When Li Tianyi heard it, he faintly lined up: Fire Illusory Advanced Level 3?

"Is it amazing?" Li Tian couldn't help asking in surprise!

He still doesn't know the level of this illusion on the Spirit Earth Continent.

I just heard that Elena's eyes widened and said: "Of course it's amazing!"

"Benefactor, an intermediate illusionist is already a very powerful existence on the Spirit Earth Continent. If it can reach a high level, then it is the existence of the illusionist! The dean of the Bander Academy is said to be fighting against the magic. When the clan attacked, he used a high-level fire illusion technique Nether Flame Fire to burn down a city of the demon clan!"

Li Tianyi couldn't help but hesitated.


so smart?

Can actually burn a city-state? Li Tian is a little unbelievable!

But seeing that Elena said, "Yes!"

After Elena in front of him finished speaking, Li Tian was surprised a lot, so he watched carefully.

Elena's eyes were full of tuts and exclaimed: "Hey! I didn't expect that this time even the old dean of Bander College, Herris, was here. It seems that Bander College attaches great importance to this illusion. Student enrollment."

The surrounding residents of Stormwind were enthusiastically cheering the illusionists of Bander College in front of them.

Their arrival seemed to add an extremely beautiful color to this Stormwind City.

Li Tian kept looking at the illusions of these Bander College illusions. He discovered thunder and lightning illusions, discovered fire illusions, discovered wind and water illusions, but he did not see the so-called illusions of air illusions!

When seeing this, Li Tian not only asked in surprise.

"Hey, Elena, didn't you tell me that there are five types of illusions in the Band Academy? Wind, fire, thunder and lightning, water, and air." Li Tian asked.

Alina said: "Yes. What's wrong?"

"Look, why are there only wind, fire, thunder and lightning, water, and illusionists in this Bender Academy? Why is there no Qi illusionist alone?" Li Tian asked!

It turned out that the illusionists who just walked past did only show the four categories of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, water, and did not see the Qi illusion, so Li Tiancai couldn't help but wonder.

After hearing Li Tian say this, Elena suddenly laughed.

Li Tian was surprised: "What are you laughing at?"

Elena said: "Didn't I tell you? Qi illusion technique is very rare in the Spirit Earth Continent! And it is extremely difficult to cultivate!"

"Even the very famous illusion school like the Bander Academy has very few Qi illusionists! I guess it may be because there are too few Qi illusionists in the Bander Academy, so they did not give the Qi illusionists. Show it out." Elena said.

Listening to Elena's words, Li Tian was not only slightly depressed in his heart!

To be honest, he has no interest in the four types of illusions: wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and water!

He is only interested in Qi illusion, because Qi illusion is commensurate with his own internal strength, but what is depressing is that this Bander Academy does not show Qi illusionist!

Li Tian not only murmured: Are these Qi Illusionists really so unpopular in this Spirit Earth Continent?

After thinking about it, Li Tian shook his head bitterly, and then continued to look at the scene in front of him.

"Where are the illusions of the Bander Academy going?" Li Tian couldn't help looking at the illusions of the Bander Academy who were walking forward and asked in surprise.

But seeing Elena said: "They are going to the Ducal Palace in Stormwind City!"

"After staying in the Ducal Palace for a day, they will go to Stormwind Square the next day, and then carry out the spirit test there!" Elena said.

Li Tian listened to Elena talk about testing the spirit, the so-called testing of the spirit is to test the spiritual power of the body! Because in Lingtu Continent, only children with spiritual power can learn illusion.

"Generally, you must be 16 years old before you can test it, because the body’s spiritual power is constantly accumulating...At 16 o’clock, it’s a real explosive period. Once you’re 16 years old, your body has no In terms of spiritual power, then this person has no hope of learning illusion in his life." Elena said.

"As for some spiritual power geniuses, when they are born, they will be taken away, and then sent to the Illusion Academy for special learning...Hey, but that is a very small number of geniuses."

Elena explained to Li Tian in a word.

After listening to Li Tian, ​​he almost understood a little.

He was silent there, did not speak, just raised his eyes to look at the illusionists who left the Bander Academy...No one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

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