Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2608: Steal the illusion

You can see the tall teaching building of the Thunder and Lightning Department from a distance.

At this moment, when Li Tian was walking towards the Thunder and Lightning system alone, to be honest, he had a sincere attitude in his heart.

He really wanted to apologize to that Borg.

It's just that he didn't know whether that stupid big Boge would accept his apology.

Li Tianxin thought this way, and at this moment he has reached the training ground of the lightning system.

The sound of thunder and explosion can be heard from a distance.

Li Tian knew that these sounds were made by the thunder and lightning illusion students practicing terrible illusions.

Accompanied by the voice, Li Tian walked forward to look, but saw that in a huge square, one by one illusion students of the Thunder and lightning department were practicing diligently.

"Lightning strike from the sky!" With a loud shout, I saw a thin young boy flying into the air, and then two lightning beams appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he clicked and smashed down from the air.

"Thunder and lightning chain!"

A student over there roared, suddenly a lightning chain as thick as an arm appeared in the palm of his hand, radiating dazzling electric light.


Li Tian stood there at the moment, looking at these, he had never seen an illusion, not only an excited light flashed in his eyes.

Just as Li Tian looked at the illusion students of the Thunder and Lightning Department, one by one, only a voice came over.

"Hey, isn't that a trash kid?"

"Why did he come to the place where we practiced Thunderbolt illusion?"

With the voice coming, I saw a tall and lanky boy in the front of the square. At this time, I saw Li Tian standing on the side.

When his voice suddenly uttered, the thunder and lightning illusion students who were cultivating over there stopped at this moment, and then they all blinked to see that Li Tian.

"Yeah, how did this kid reach our training ground?"

"I heard, didn't this kid choose the most useless Qi type illusion technique? Why... how come we come to our lightning type illusion technique training ground?"

Just listen to the illusion students of the Thunder and Lightning Department, and they all looked at Li Tiandao with doubtful eyes at first.

"Damn it, isn't this kid wanting to learn our thunder and lightning illusion!" a student shouted there.

"Grass, it must be!"

"He must think that the Qi illusion he cultivated is useless illusion, so he sneaked into the training field of our Thunder and lightning system, and wanted to learn the illusion of our lightning system..."

"Damn, catch him! Give it to the teacher."

"Yeah, catch this **** kid."

With a roar, I saw the students of the Thunder and Lightning Department, suddenly running towards Li Tian one by one.

Li Tian didn't know what was going on. At this moment, he saw the illusion students cultivating in the square, suddenly running towards him hostilely, frowning immediately.

"Why are these people so hostile to themselves?" Li Tian not only secretly said,

Just as he was thinking about it in his heart, he saw that the illusion students of the Thunder and Lightning Department had surrounded Li Tian.

I saw one of the well-proportioned students with a dark complexion, Li Tian staring in front of him.

"Boy, you are so bold! You dare to break into the illusion practice field of our Thunderbolt Department!" the student roared there.

"Don't you know that there are clear regulations in the college that students in each department are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving other departments?"

When Li Tian heard this, he immediately understood. It turns out that there are strict regulations at Bander College. Students in each department are forbidden to enter the training area of ​​other departments.

Li Tian was very depressed, because he had just come to the Academy of Illusion, he really didn't understand these rules, so he said at the moment: "Sorry, I just came to the academy, and I really don't know these rules."

"I came here today mainly to..."

Li Tian hasn't finished speaking yet, but seeing the other students of the Thunder and Lightning Department illusionist, they have already begun to roar.

"Boy, do you want to secretly learn our thunder and lightning illusion?"

Li Tianyi was depressed at the moment.

Steal the thunder and lightning illusion? how is this possible?

Li Tian immediately explained: "No, I am not stealing your thunder and lightning illusion. I came here this time mainly to apologize to Borg."

"What? Apologize?"

"Who are you lying to?"

"Grass, you clearly want to secretly learn our thunder and lightning illusion."

Those students didn't have a good impression on Li Tian, ​​so they all insisted that Li Tian was here to learn their lightning illusion.

Li Tian explained there, "I really came to apologize to Borg!"

"My body doesn't have any spiritual power...How could I steal your lightning illusion?" Li Tian explained there.

Hearing what Li Tian said, the illusion students of the Thunder and Lightning Department who surrounded Li Tian not only frowned slightly.

"Yes, this trash kid doesn't have any spiritual power in his body! Even if he wants to learn secretly, he can't learn it!"

"Haha, I forgot..."

"It seems that this guy really didn't come to learn our thunder and lightning illusion." Those illusion students of the thunder and lightning department, at this moment, when they heard that Li Tian's body had no spiritual power, they couldn't help but understand.

"Boy, what do you mean, you really came to apologize to Borg?" I only listened to the illusion students of the Thunder and Lightning Department.

Li Tian nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

"Grass, you almost killed Boge last time. You came to apologize this time? The ghost forgave you."

Li Tiandao said: "It was because of my recklessness last time that I came to apologize to him."

"Well, since you want to apologize, we will call out Borg! But Borg can't agree, haha, that's another matter." The illusion students of the Thunder and lightning department said there.

"Go, go and call out Borg, saying that the trash kid came to apologize to him." said the students on the side.

So only one student quickly ran towards the front teaching area.

Li Tian stood here, waiting for Na Borg.

After a while, he saw the sturdy Borg approaching.

When Naboge saw Li Tian, ​​his eyes first showed a sense of shock, and then his eyes were filled with angry hatred.

"Where is that trash boy." I saw the student who brought Borg there, pointing to Li Tiandao.

Li Tian also saw the stupid big Boge at this time, and he saw the anger in his eyes.

"Borg is here." When the students saw Borg coming, they couldn't help giving way.

I saw that the tall Borg walked from the crowd with endless anger in his eyes.

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