Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2612: Slave

Li Tian felt the warm breath of his body just like that.

"What exactly is this warm breath?" Li Tian wondered.

After thinking for a while, he secretly said: "Could it be the internal strength of my previous body?"

After thinking like this, Li Tian didn't think much anymore.

He cleaned the room and then rested on the bed.

After resting for a while, Li Tian felt bored, so he sat up from the bed.

He looked at the dilapidated dormitory and then around, suddenly his eyes fell on the elementary knowledge of Qi illusion.

Looking at the practice method of the elementary introductory knowledge of Qi illusion technique, Li Tian not only smiled bitterly.

"Hey, am I still practicing?" Li Tian said thinking about it there.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he was really boring, so he started to try to practice.


"I will try again."

After thinking like this, Li Tian began to sit on the bed cross-legged, and then began to slowly accumulate the Qi of the Dantian, and then after the accumulation of that Qi, he began to wander around his body non-stop!

After wandering, Li Tian began to pour the breath towards his hands and arms!

Before, Li Tian always failed in this link! Li Tian knew that this was caused by his lack of spiritual power! It is said that only by relying on spiritual power can the Qi slowly be poured into both hands and arms.

After Li Tian arrived at this link this time, to be honest, he didn't have any hope at all!

He just casually guided the breath towards his hands and arms...

Just when Li Tian did this, suddenly something strange happened, and the surrounding air suddenly rushed towards Li Tian's two arms like a river.


After Li Tian noticed this situation, he was shocked!

"How could this be? I can actually guide that anger?" Li Tian exclaimed suddenly there.

Yes, I saw that qi began to continuously pour from his body towards the two arms, and gradually began to flow into the palms of Li Tian's hands!

The natural energy ran across Li Tian's hands and arms.

"Great! I actually made it."

Li Tianwan didn't expect that he could succeed, and he was completely excited at the moment.

Slave Qi: Take the Qi to slave things! What really needs to be done is not to guide the qi, but to use the qi of the body to control or move the surrounding objects! This is the true essence of slavery.

Although Li Tian now controls the Qi in his body, he has not really learned the "Slavery Technique".

He was just filled with indescribable excitement in his heart, excited there.

"Since my hands and arms are already running through the air, then I should try the real secret of this slave air technique! I want to use the air slave!"

After thinking about this in Li Tian's mind, he then raised his eyes, and then began to observe the surroundings of the room. His eyes saw a small wooden block in front of him. The small wooden block was very small. , The volume is not large, how far is it from Li Tian? It is only 45 meters away.

After seeing the small wooden block, Li Tian suddenly said in his heart: "Am I going to use the slave qi technique to try the wooden block? See if my energy can move the wooden block?"

After thinking like this in Li Tian's mind, then with an unknown excitement, he began to prepare to use that slave energy technique.

I saw Li Tian urge the breath in his palm, then spread the breath from the palm of his hand, and then control the small wooden block not far away!


I saw that the small wooden block suddenly moved when Li Tian's invisible aura was conveyed!

"Moved?" Li Tian couldn't help screaming at the moment when he saw that small wooden block was actually moved by himself.

He never expected that his slavery technique had really succeeded a little bit! It could really move that small wooden block at a distance of 45 meters!

After seeing that small wooden block move, Yang Xie instantly became excited, and then quickly began to continue the experiment.

After he passed the breath in the palm of his hand again, the small wooden block really squeaked...creaked...creaked on the table 45 meters away in front.

Although the magnitude was not very large, it was already extremely shocking to Li Tian.

Li Tian saw how excited he was at the moment when he could actually push the small wooden block!

This is a kung fu he has never seen before on earth... to be honest, it is like a supernatural power! At such a long distance, it is indeed extremely rare to rely on the invisible Qi to push the small wooden block.

After Li Tian was able to push the small wooden block at this moment, he secretly said: "I can already push the small wooden block now, should I try to throw the small wooden block up? Then let it float in the air?"

After thinking this in Li Tian's mind, he continued to use the warm current of his body, and then poured a larger part of his body into his hands and arms.

After the infusion, Li Tian continued to control the small wooden block!


I saw that the small wooden block once again accumulated strong energy in Li Tian directly suspended!

"It's really up! That little wooden block really hangs in the air."

Looking at the small wooden block hanging in the air, Li Tian's eyes widened in disbelief!

But as soon as his breath stopped, the wooden block fell from the air again!

Looking at the small wooden block falling on the table, Li Tian was not only excited there.

"It's great, I can finally be a slave..."

Although Li Tian’s current ability can be said to be inadequate even with the elementary Qi illusion, he can achieve the ability to hang objects in the air in just a few minutes... but no one can compare it. of!

So Li Tian began to practice in the shabby dormitory.

So far, the only one that Moore gave him is the basic knowledge of Qi illusion!

Everything else is, what kind of qi...what kind of qi...wait for some knowledge! These are of no use to Li Tian! Because Li Tian has learned it a long time ago! All he has to learn now is that illusion!

In the morning, Li Tian stayed in that room to practice the little wooden block!

At the beginning, Li Tian could not control the qi, nor could he control the small wooden block in the air!

But as he practiced more and more proficiently, gradually, that Li Tian had already begun to be able to control the small wooden block slowly!

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