Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2623: Master of Qi illusion? -


The moment that Mayvis was sucked in a breath of energy, she screamed.

Then she opened her beautiful eyes, and suddenly she saw a weird man wearing a bronze mask, looking at him with blinking eyes.

"You..." Mayvis exclaimed a word.

I saw the man wearing the mask, and suddenly put her delicate body down.

Mayvis was stunned, she was placed on the ground blankly, and then she looked at him in front of him with a pair of incredibly beautiful eyes.

Li Tian.

It turned out that it was Li Tian who used the slave air technique just now, and then sucked that Mayvis's body over, which made her escape from the danger.

Edgar, Cindy and other Rock Academy students over there, they all froze for a moment when they saw Mayvis was rescued by a strange guy wearing a mask, and then all turned towards May. Weis ran over.

"Mayvis..." Edgar and the others quickly ran towards the pale face of Mayvis.

After running over, they first glanced at that Li Tian in horror, then looked at the frightened Mayvis and said, "Mayves, how are you? Are you injured?"

"Yeah, Miss, you must not be injured. If you are injured, we go back, the dean must kill us." Cindy in front of him was also breathing heavily.

But what about the Mayvis girl? She shook her head dumbly and said: "I...I...I'm fine."


"Mayves, you're okay, we can rest assured." Cindy couldn't help screaming happily when he heard Mayvis say it was okay.

I saw that Mayvis didn't pay attention to this Cindy, she was just looking at Li Tian in front of her with incredible eyes.

Not only did Edgar and Cindy in front of them all turned their heads, they looked at Li Tian in front of them incredible.

"You...you...are you?"

Li Tian heard the voice from behind, and suddenly looked back at Edgar and others in front of him, and then said, "Go away! It's dangerous here."

Edgar and the others were stunned when they heard Li Tian say this.

"Then...then...what about you?"

"what would you do?"

Li Tiandao: "Don't worry, I will stay to deal with this beast."


"You...you...you want to deal with the bear king alone?" Cindy exclaimed there.

Li Tian didn't know that this huge roaring giant bear was the bear king. He felt that this beast was similar to the unicorn beast before, so he was not afraid at the moment.

"No, we can't leave you behind! We are definitely not greedy and fearful of death... let alone ungrateful! You saved Mayvis just now, and we all thank you! Now we will work with you to deal with the bear king." Seeing Edgar who speaks of righteousness suddenly said to Li Tiandao.

Li Tian glanced at Edgar, and said in a slight voice: "Well then, whatever you want."

While Li Tian was speaking, he saw the roaring giant bear rushing towards them angrily.

Two terrible paws were waving there, as if to slap Li Tian's head all at once.

When Li Tian saw the roaring giant bear leaping towards him, he immediately sneered, and then suddenly used the "slave energy technique", and then a mass of aura gushed from his body.

"Get up!"

Suddenly Li Tian stretched out his hands, and his two hands each controlled two huge stones on the ground. The two huge blue stones were instantly lifted by Li Tian, ​​and then Li Tian raised his hands again.

Two huge stones smashed directly at the roaring giant bear that was coming.

Bang, bang!

The huge stone hit the body of the roaring giant bear and broke apart.

The roaring giant bear suddenly roared in its mouth, and his body moved back slightly.



"He's Qi Illusion...Master?" Cindy here was shocked when he saw Li Tian could move things in the air.

The other two Rock College students around him and Edgar were all shocked! ! !

You know, no one chooses to practice Qi Illusion on the Spirit Earth Continent!

Of course, no one will ever see how powerful a Qi illusion master is.

And now, the few students of Locke Academy in front of them saw that they had never seen Li Tian who could use Qi illusion so powerfully... so they couldn't help but screamed.

Moreover, after Li Tian's stunning display of this awesome Qi illusion, the roaring giant bear was smashed by two huge bluestones.

At the moment, roaring there, suddenly with a loud scream, the giant bear grabbed a sturdy tree root beside him, and then swung towards Li Tian with a "sudden" sound.

The roots of the tree were extremely thick and rock-like, and it was absolutely unpleasant to hit people.

But as soon as he swung over, Li Tian moved his hands slightly, and saw that the huge tree root that was thrown over suddenly stopped in the air!

He was controlled by Li Tianyong's slavery skills.

Then Li Tian gave a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Smelly bear, **** power!"

After he finished speaking, his hand moved slightly, and the huge tree roots suddenly turned, and in turn smashed towards the giant bear's body.




After smashing the snarling giant bear three times, the screaming bear was screamed.

Watching Li Tiangen play against the terrifying Bear King, at this moment, the students of the Rock Academy in front of him were completely stunned!

They couldn't imagine that the weird guy wearing the bronze mask in front of him had such a powerful "Qi illusion".

Who is he! ! !

The students of the Rock Academy in front of him were looking at Li Tian speechlessly.

But what about Li Tian? With his palm stretched and pushed, a huge traction hit the roaring giant bear.

With a bang, I saw that the huge body of the roaring giant bear fell heavily from the air on top of a bluestone, and its head was smashed with blood in all directions... Then the terrible bear king rolled on the ground and hissed several times. , Finally can't move anymore!


A terrible bear king was easily killed by Li Tianji.

Looking at the slain Bear King, Cindy here, and the students of the Rock Academy around him are already stupid...stay!

Looking at Li Tian in front of him as if looking at God.

"It's solved." Li Tian said with a smile, clapping his hands slightly.

After speaking, Li Tian suddenly turned his head there, smiling at Edgar in front of him, and Mayvis, whose beautiful eyes were full of admiration, and said: "Okay, now There is no danger here...you leave here soon."

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