"Child, if you don't admit your mistake, I will expel you. You will never be a student of Bander College in the future. Think about it yourself." There is really no way for the old Dean Hollis to intimidate you at this moment. Li Tian.

He now hopes that Li Tian can admit his mistakes and let him save some face.

In this case, the face is saved, and this genius can be retained.

After the old dean Heris finished speaking, he saw that Li Tian stood up from the ground stubbornly.

There was still blood in his mouth, and his whole body was still trembling.

The whole body looked extremely injured.


"Okay! From now on, I, Li Tian, ​​will leave Bander College." A word came out of Li Tian's mouth.

The moment this sentence came out of Li Tian's mouth, it hit everyone's heart like a thunder in a sunny day.

Li Tian really wants to leave the Bander Academy!

When Li Tian said that, the teachers and students in the school were speechless.

The old dean Heris almost jumped up with anger.

"Boy, you are forcing me to expel you! Well, since you are so stubborn, from now on, get out of Bander Academy." The old Dean could not bear it anymore, and suddenly roared at this moment.

The teachers and students at Band College hadn't seen the old Dean Hollis get angry for so many years. At this moment, they couldn't help being taken aback when the old Dean was screaming with anger for Li Tian.

One by one looked at the old Dean Hollis with incredulous eyes.

But what about Li Tian? Without saying anything, he suddenly dragged his seriously injured body and walked towards the gate of Bander Academy with difficulty step by step.

He really wants to go?

"Li Tian..." Yisha watched Li Tian stubbornly about to leave, and shouted there at the moment.

Ran over and took Li Tian's trembling arm.

"Li Tian, ​​why, why are you leaving the college?" Yisha looked at Li Tiandao with tears in her eyes.

But seeing Li Tian slowly turned his head, looked at the only one who was good to him at Bander College, Isha, and said: "Isha, I have already decided, I don't want to stay here anymore."

Listening to Li Tian suddenly saying this, Yisha looked at Li Tian in disbelief, "Why? Why?"

"No why!"

After saying these words, Li Tian suddenly walked towards the gate of Bander College step by step.

He is really ready to leave.

Seeing that Li Tian walked out of Bander College step by step, every student in front of him stood there blankly.

The old dean was even more mad with anger, he stared at Li Tian's back.

When Li Tian walked towards the gate, he suddenly fell to the ground with a plop because of his body injury.

Na Yisha saw Li Tian fell to the ground and hurried over to help him up.

But at this moment, the old dean Khris suddenly roared there: "Isha, you are not allowed to help him! Whoever dares to help him today, I will fire anyone." An angry roar came from the old dean's mouth. The inside roared out.

"Isn't he very capable? Since he is very capable, then get out of Bander Academy by himself." The old Dean Hollis roared again.

Everyone could see the endless anger that came out of the eyes of the current old Dean Hollis.

After hearing the angry voice of the old dean, Isha, who originally wanted to help Li Tian, ​​could only stand there blankly.

At this moment, the entire Bander College students were looking at Li Tian sympathetically.

I saw Li Tian lying on the ground severely injured, his body trembling in convulsions.

No one dared to help him at this moment, Li Tian just lay down like that... as if he could never get up again.

The old dean Heris looked at Li Tian who was difficult to get up, and couldn't help but roar in his mouth: "Smelly boy, you are asking for this pain, no wonder I am."

Li Tian just lay there.

After lying down for a few minutes, he seemed to be dying in these few minutes, and he remained motionless there.

The students around were looking at Li Tian with great worry.

Just as they blinked their eyes and looked at Li Tian, ​​suddenly Li Tian's body moved again.

Then he saw his bleeding hands propped on the ground, and then slowly climbed up.

Looking at Li Tian who got up again, the teachers and students of the Bander Academy around at this moment not only exclaimed: This kid is really stubborn.

Finally, Li Tian's trembling body stood up in the horrified eyes of everyone.

His body was shaky, but he didn't fall.

After he stood up like that, he walked out of the gate of Bander College step by step.

From the moment he left the gate of Bander College, from now on, Li Tian is no longer a student of Bander College.

Everyone was there looking at Li Tian's figure, and everyone had a very complicated expression in their hearts.

As for the old Dean Hollis, his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

Finally Li Tian left.

Li Tian's figure disappeared into the sight of everyone.

After that Li Tian disappeared, the old dean in front of him, Heriston Shi, said angrily to all the teachers and students, "Disband..."

"From now on, no one is allowed to mention that stinky boy's name to me again. He has no contact with our Band College anymore."

After hearing the old dean utter these words angrily, the old dean took a stride and left directly.

What about the students around? Everyone stood there blankly with a strange expression on their faces.

"Disband, disband all of them." In the end, the teachers in each department dominated their students and left.

Among the crowd, only the white-clothed Yisha was watching Li Tian's disappearing figure with her misty eyes blinking with tears.

"Isha." Suddenly a clear voice came over, and I looked carefully, it was Evelyn, the illusion teacher of the water system.

Isha wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, turned her head and looked at Evelyn and said, "Teacher."

"Isha, don't be sad, he's gone." Evelyn said, taking her sister's hand.

Isha tears down like pearls, and said there, "But...but...the result shouldn't be like this."

Evelyn sighed deeply and said, "Hey, things are unpredictable! It has already happened, so don't be sad anymore."

"To be honest, our Bander Academy regrets no more than the old dean...because we all misunderstood that Li Tian, ​​no one thought that Li Tian would have such a powerful spiritual power... And can be self-taught!!! We are to blame for all this, we are sorry for him." Evelyn said in that guilt.

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