Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2703: A legend

"Is that slavery?"


"My goodness, that kid Li Tian can actually cultivate the most common qi illusion technique, the most common slave qi technique, to such an incredible level?"

"And... and... can you break through the protection of Huo Dun? Controlling that Burton?"

"Too...too...too incredible!"

"What level of spiritual power has he reached? How can he be so strong?"

Cyril, the wind teacher at Band College, and Loft, the fire teacher, said silently.

At this moment, even Anderson, who had always been hostile to Li Tian, ​​was completely astonished.

Muttered in that mouth: "This kid...boy...too...too surprising!"

The old dean on one side Hollis also smiled.

This is what he wants to see!

This is the genius that "Long" really introduced!

"Genius! This is the real genius!!!" The old dean Heris exclaimed with emotion.

As for the beautiful water students at Bander College, they cheered even more.

I saw the situation on the ring has become an overwhelming situation!

Li Tian had already completely controlled the "Burton" with a slavery technique.

Suddenly Li Tian's right hand fell violently, and the "Burton" who was controlled by the slave qi technique immediately exclaimed, and his whole body slammed straight toward the hard ground!

With a bang, Burton took his "Fire Escape" protective cover and slammed it against the hard ground.

The entire huge game venue was knocked out of a huge hole!

Although Naburton was protected by a fire escape shield, the heavy blow still made his head dizzy and his whole body was in pain!

Li Tian threw Na Burton to the ground heavily, causing an uproar in the audience!

And the old white-bearded man from Black Shura Academy screamed at that moment.

"That **** boy, is it a monster? Or a monster? How can there be such a powerful Qi illusion? And it can also defeat Burton's high-level fire illusion?"

The black robe elders around were all speechless!

All the excitement just now disappeared! Everyone was looking at the mutant Li Tian in disbelief.

Of course these elders would not know how terrifying the burst of spiritual power in Li Tian's body was!

And now, they finally saw it!

I have seen what is called a full-level spiritual power cultivation base!

On the field, Li Tian continued to use the slave energy technique to control Na Burton's body severely, and then rammed around!

Naburton is like a monkey being teased at the moment, being played by Li Tian!

Every time he hits the ice-cold rock hard, Na Burton felt his head make a dumb sound...

All over the court, seeing that Burton was thrown by Li Angel Jin like a ball, smashed...they burst into laughter.

The Black Shura Academy has lost face this time!

Throughout the Black Shura Academy, everyone's face was covered with an expression of wanting to kill!

But what can they do?

Just when Burton was thrown to the ground like a ball by Li Tian, ​​Burton finally couldn't help it! He can't stand the laughter from all around... can't stand the insults he is being like!

At the moment he burst out: "I'm fighting with you."

As soon as his roaring sound came out, suddenly, his body rumbling, canceled the fire escape that had originally protected him, and then roared, and a mark was formed in his palm: "The sea of ​​fire is buried!"

Advanced Fire Illusion!

And it is a fire illusion with great lethality!

When Na Burton tried his best to use the "fire sea burial", suddenly a huge circle of fire appeared on the top of the field about a dozen square meters. As Na Burton's hands were sealed, the whole More than ten square meters of ground has all become a sea of ​​fire!

The raging flames blazed into the sky, as if in this sea of ​​fire, anyone and any object would be burned to ashes.

"Fire Sea Burial" is a high-level fire-type illusion with a large range. Because this fire-type illusion has a large range, it has a very powerful effect on the battlefield! And the lethality is also great! Anyone or any object will be burned to ashes as long as it is shrouded in flames! "

No one thought that Burton would have such a cruel and large-scale fire illusion in order to deal with that Angel Li!

At the moment when the "Sea of ​​Fire Burial" was on display, the entire ground became a sea of ​​fire!

The sky was burning with flames, and Li Tian's figure was completely enveloped in the endless fire.

He could not be seen.

"Where is Li Tian?"

"Yes, where is Li Tianren?"

Everyone around was screaming!

At this moment, not only the people in the Bander Academy were stunned, even everyone in the Black Shura Academy was staring at the fire, looking at the fire!

Everyone is looking for Li Tian.

Suddenly, just as this sea of ​​fire was violently spreading and burning, a figure broke through the area of ​​the fire at the speed of light.

"Thousand-killing knife, mercilessly cut!"

He shouted out, and saw a light curtain in the air suddenly condensed into a giant blade in the air!

Then accompanied by the sound of the air being torn apart, the giant blade suddenly slashed and slashed towards Burton.

Burton never imagined that Li Tian could actually break through his own sea of ​​flames... At the moment he saw that Li Tian used the technique of the Thousand Killing Swordsman, he stayed!

His body wanted to use "Fire Dunge" to block, but it was completely useless!

Because his body was suppressed by the powerful breath of Qi illusion... he couldn't breathe completely...

Just like that, he watched, that terrifying giant blade fell from the sky and slashed towards his head!

Relentlessly cut! Cut the sky, cut the ground, cut the people!

"Burton..." The white-bearded old man and the black-robed elders around him couldn't help exclaiming when they saw that Burton was about to die by Li Tian's ruthless knife.

The entire Black Shura Academy was also completely stunned...

But, who can stop Li Tian?

No one can stop it!

With a merciless cut, it directly slashed towards Burton's head.

Burton knew he was going to die, his eyes closed at that moment, and he didn't want to make senseless resistance.

Just as everyone watched Li Tian's terrifying Thousand Killing Knife mercilessly slashing and was about to chop off Na Burton's head, suddenly Li Tian's giant blade came to a halt in front of Na Burton's head!

And the powerful sword energy directly shattered all the hard ground around Na Burton! ! !

The crackling sound of the ground cracked, stunned the audience.

This is the power of the Thousand Killing Sword, the terrifying power of the high-level Qi illusion technique.

Li Tian didn't even kill Na Burton!

Instead, he stopped the blade in his hand in front of Burton's head!

The audience suffocated.

Everyone was staring at Li Tian there, and no one thought that Li Tian would not attack him.

Burton was also stunned. The traces of cold sweat left on his face flowed down from his black cheeks, and then his trembling eyes broke away, looking at Li Tian who was like a **** of death.

"You...you...you... didn't kill me?" Burton questioned.

The voice was shaking.

Li Tian glanced at Burton coldly, then ignored him, waved his right hand, and the Qi-shaped blade that had been transformed with Qi suddenly disappeared into the air.

Then Li Tian turned around, never looking at Na Burton again, and strode down the court.

All the people stayed!

Then everyone screamed again.

"Li Tian! Li Tian! Li Tian!"

Everyone enthusiastically called out a name, and this name was flying around the venue of the imperial capital like an immortal legend.

And Bander College cheered enthusiastically at this moment.

"We won! Li Tian won!"


All the students in the entire Bander College were calling Li Tian's name there!

Only the people of the Black Shura Academy showed a very disappointed look on their faces. Everyone was clenching their fists tightly, watching this scene...


A real shame!

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