Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2715: Dead village

All ruined?

The woman raised her desperate eyes and continued saying: "Yes, the village is destroyed, everything is gone..."

"The **** of the demons, captured the strong man in the village, and killed the women in the village...burned all the houses."

Hearing what the desperate woman said, the old dean and the crowd's hearts shook.

"Where is the army of the empire? Didn't they protect you?" The beautiful teacher Evelyn on one side asked in surprise.

The desperate woman suddenly sneered: "The army? They can't even take care of themselves... how can they care for us poor people."

After the desperate woman said these words, she took the children in her hand and walked forward.

The old dean could not help sighing deeply as they looked at the woman's back.

"Hey, it seems that our empire's army in the frontier fortress is about to be unable to resist." The old dean in front of him suddenly said in that disappointment.

"Everyone keep on hurrying!" Following the order of the old dean, everyone immediately mounted their horses and started to hurry.

Along the way, they saw many poor people fleeing disasters!

Most of them escaped from the north, carrying heavy salutes.

Looking at those poor people, Li Tian not only sighed deeply: It seems that this world is exactly the same as the earth! Whenever there is a war, the poorest people will always suffer.

This day will soon pass.

According to the map of the old dean, they had already walked almost three-quarters of the distance.

If nothing else, they will arrive at the deserted border fortress tomorrow.

When it was about to get dark, they suddenly saw a small village.

"Old dean, look quickly, the front is like a village." After seeing the village, Anderson pointed and said.

The old dean Heris lifted his glasses slightly, then glanced at a village about 56 miles away, then looked at the darkening sky, and said to everyone: "Everyone, go to that village. ! After two days of driving, our horses are too tired...tonight, we will be repairing in that small village."

After listening to the old dean's words, everyone nodded.

Then they rode horses towards the small village.

That small village is not very big, one after another it seems that there are only dozens of people...

When the old dean led everyone to the front of the village, they didn't even see a living person along the way!

"Why is this village so quiet? Can't even see a living person?" I saw the beautiful teacher Evelyn suddenly frowning and said in surprise.

The old dean Heris and other people have also noticed this situation, and everyone not only blinked their eyes and looked at this strange and silent village.

The old dean Herris glanced at the weird village and said, "Let's go, go to the village to see the situation."

As he said, he led everyone to the village.

The houses in the village are constructed very regularly, most of which are close to each other.

It's just that the houses seem to have been destroyed, and some doors and windows have been cracked...and some have all the glass broken.

Although these houses are different, they have one thing in common!

That is: there is no living person.

"Why is this village so lifeless... and people?" Anderson yelled depressedly.

"Dismount, let's go into the house and have a look."

Following the order of the old principal Hollis, everyone immediately jumped off their horses, then tied the horses to the side, and then they walked towards the silent houses.

When he walked to the door of the house, Li Tian was the first to smell the smell of corpses, and he not only frowned.

The rest of the people had already pushed open the door at this time. After the door was pushed open, a corpse leaning on the door fell to the ground with a plop.

A strong smell of rancid corpses suddenly came to everyone's noses.


"There are dead bodies."

In the exclamation of everyone, they saw a moldy woman's body lying inside the house...

If you look carefully, you don't know how long the corpse has been dead. The whole body is already moldy, and a lot of worms have been born. It looks very sick.

Everyone looked at the corpse, not only was they depressed there at once.


"Are all the people in this village dead?" The old dean said in the uncontrollable shadow with a pair of surprised eyes.

Then he hurriedly sent Anderson and Cyril to see the other houses.

After Anderson and Cyril ran to another room to see, they also found 3 moldy bodies.

"It's all dead."

"The people in this village have all died." After Anderson came back, he said to the old dean Heris depressed.

After hearing that Anderson's voice, everyone was not only depressed there.

"Oh my god, who killed the people in this village?" Isha asked with wide eyes.

The old dean Heris sighed there: "It's close to the barren frontier...presumably it was killed by the **** of the demons."

"It's pitiful!" everyone said with emotion there.

The old dean looked at the dead village, and finally said: "Don't be sad, everyone, wars have been like this since ancient times."

"Anderson, Cyril, you find a few students, then clean up a few rooms and come out. We are staying here tonight." The old dean Heris ordered.

After hearing the old Dean Khris said this, Anderson and the others nodded.

Anderson, with three students, went to find the room to clean.

After a while, I saw Anderson and the others came back.

"Old Dean, there is a small tavern in front, and the space inside is not bad. We have cleaned up the corpses inside...Tonight, we all will stay in that tavern to rest." Anderson was running over there. Tao said.

After listening to the old dean Heris, they nodded and said, "Okay."

Then under the leadership of Anderson, everyone walked towards the front place, and soon they saw a room in a two-story building.

That place is a tavern.

After arriving at the tavern, the old dean instructed the two classmates to tie all the horses to the stable outside the tavern, and then they entered the empty tavern.

After finishing the inside, it is relatively clean.

The tables and chairs are all neatly arranged, but there is still some dust on them.

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