Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2741: Attack the demons

The tall and thin people in front of him heard it and said, "Yes, General."

In this way, General that Torre was going to send the old principal in front of him to attack the "carriage" of the Demon Race.

"If there are no doubts, you should hurry up and prepare." Just listen to the general Torre to say to them.

Hearing that General Torre said so, they saw the old dean and said, "Okay."

Soon, the old dean and the others returned to their barracks, and Li Tian and the others followed.

I saw the old dean glance at everyone present, and then said: "This time, it is our first mission here at Bander College. I hope everyone will complete it."

After hearing the old dean's words, Anderson and the others nodded and said, "Yes."

"Everyone, get ready. After half an hour, we will gather and set off." Just listen to the old dean.

After the old dean said so, everyone nodded quickly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to clean up briefly.

This time, it was the first time they had accepted the task of an imperial general! So everyone is full of confidence!

However, they didn't know who was sitting in the Mozu "carriage" to be attacked this time.

Soon, everyone was almost ready.

Half an hour later, Li Tian and Anderson came to gather in the barracks of the old dean one after another.

The old dean saw that everyone was coming, and said at the moment: "Are you all ready?"

"Ready." Everyone said in unison.

The old dean smiled slightly and said, "Now that we are ready, let's set off."

With the order of the old dean, all of them walked out of the barracks.

Outside, I saw that Tutong Ade had already taken more than a dozen soldiers, waiting outside.

After seeing the old dean and them come out, Addutong in front of him swept down from the war horse, and then looked at the old dean with a smile and said: "Illusors, can we set off now?"

"Yes." The old dean said there.

After hearing the old dean's words, Ad Dutong smiled and said, "Then let's go."

Following an order, they saw the old Dean Heris and they also rode on the horses brought by the soldiers.

Then one by one vigorously rode up.

Under the leadership of Na Addutong, everyone rode their horses and galloped towards the distance.

Along the way, everyone almost didn't speak much, they were all following the Addutong silently.

They marched in the northwest direction.

Soon, after crossing a barren wilderness, Na Addutong suddenly signaled everyone to stop first.

The old dean and they straightened the reins and stopped.

"Dutong, what's the matter?" After stopping, the old dean looked at Addutong in surprise and asked.

But seeing that Ade was all there and said: "We are about to get close to the team of Demon Race."

Everyone was slightly startled when he heard that Ade said all of them.

I saw that Addu pointed to the wasteland ahead and said, "If there is no accident, the carriage of the Demon Race will definitely pass by here!"

The old dean looked at it.

At this moment, Li Tian suddenly spoke, and he said there, "Since the Demon Race's carriage is going to pass here, why don't we sit here and wait for them."

Hearing what Li Tian said, Ade was all startled, and then smiled and said, "This little brother makes a lot of sense!"

The old dean also smiled slightly.

"Well, let's find a place to hide, and then wait for the arrival of the Demon Race's carriage! Once it comes, we will attack them." Addu reunified.

After listening to all Adedu saying this, everyone nodded.

"Let's go, let's find a place to hide first." Addu said in that way.

"Dutong, there is a small forest in front... we can hide there first." A soldier in armor suddenly said there, while speaking, he pointed his finger at the forest over there.

Then Adedu glanced at the place in front of his left, and suddenly saw the dense small forest. After seeing it, he said in a way: "Okay! Everyone follows me and enters the forest."

After Na Adedu said so, everyone followed him to the small forest.

The grove is not very big, but the trees are indeed extremely lush.

When Li Tian and the old dean entered the woods, they thought it was indeed a good hiding place.

Then, they swept off the horses, and asked the soldiers to take the horses to the back, and then they sat in the woods and waited!

The cold wind was blowing, and in the endless wilderness, one or two huge eagles could occasionally be seen flying in the sky.

"Old Dean, fellow Rock Academy guys, why didn't you come with us?" Anderson, who was sitting next to the old Dean, suddenly asked at this moment.

But seeing the old Dean Hollis frowned slightly and said: "Maybe, the general has other arrangements for Rock Academy."

"Is it?"


Anderson continued: "I don't know who is in the Demon carriage we are going to attack this time! Haha, isn't it the highest commander of the Demon race?"

Cyril on one side laughed and said, "Teacher Anderson, you really think! Haha, if that's the case, that would be great!"

The other people around him also laughed at this moment.

Only Li Tian sat quietly in the corner.

He was leaning on one side, thinking little by little in his mind about the "Thunderstorm" illusion that Anderson had practiced yesterday.

Li Tian can only use two qi illusions, one is the slave qi technique and the thousand-kill sword technique. The other illusions are not at all! There is no chance to learn! Last night I suddenly saw the thunder and lightning illusion practiced by Anderson, which made Li Tian suddenly feel happy! So at this moment, he is still thinking in his mind.

Just as Li Tian was thinking of the thunder and lightning illusion in his mind, a sudden low voice came from Teacher Na Cyril's mouth.

"Here is someone."

As he said it, Li Tian quickly turned his head to look, while the old Dean Heris and the other people around him also turned their heads at this time and looked at the distant place.

Look carefully, but see that in the vast wilderness, a very tall orc is riding a white snow wolf, quickly riding from a distance.

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