Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2751: Tortured

As soon as Li Tian heard it, he could tell that the voice belonged to Na Otis. .

At this moment, he turned his head to look with angrily glaring eyes. In this look, he saw the black robe Otis sitting cross-legged on a blue stone.

His pale face was exposed, with a grim and cold smile, his eyes were tightly closed...

After seeing this demon, Li Tian was extremely angry at the moment.

"Damn devil...what do you want to catch me for?" Li Tian shouted angrily.

While struggling with all his strength, he yelled at him.

But seeing that black robe Otis suddenly said with a grimly smile: "Human kid, you'll know later."

Li Tian was very surprised, he really didn't know why this demon wanted to arrest him.

There is only one word in his heart now: anger!

Being caught by this **** demon this time, Li Tian not only delayed himself from searching for his lover... but also, now that he is still trapped here, how could Li Tian not be angry?

"Asshole, have the ability to kill Xiaoye." Li Tian shouted.

When Otis heard Li Tian say this, he said grimly: "Don't worry, the old man will satisfy you after a while."

"Bastard, bastard, you **** **** devil." Li Tiantian cursed with a throat.

But Otis was as if he hadn't heard it at all.

Close your eyes completely there, pretending not to hear.

Li Tian yelled for a while, and finally got tired...he also rested.

At this moment, his mind is spinning there quickly, and now he is trapped here alive...I can't escape, what should I do?

And what does this terrible monster want to do to himself?

Li Tian looked around while thinking.

Right now, where they are staying is a canyon.

When he saw this scene, Li Tian suddenly felt inwardly: Could this be the valley of life and death that the demon said before?

The Valley of Life and Death was once the second demon war, where the human illusionist masters and the demon blood illusion masters died together.

Li Tian thought this in his mind at this moment, then blinked his eyes and looked around... Suddenly he muttered in that mouth secretly, "It seems that this place should be the valley of life and death!"

"It's just that I don't know a hundred years ago, those human masters... and those masters of the demon clan... where they were buried." Li Tian thought to himself.

Li Tian thought silently in his mind.

Just as Li Tian was thinking like this, suddenly I saw that Otis suddenly drank slightly, and then Li Tian quickly turned his head to look.


I saw that Otis spit out a breath of blood... and then the whole person's eyes opened for an instant.

It was a pair of cold-blooded eyes.

After opening it, he looked at Li Tian and smiled gloomily.

"Human kid... now it's time to clean up you." Hearing that Otis sneered there, stood up from the ground and looked at Li Tiandao.

Li Tian was trapped there at the moment... his hands and feet couldn't struggle at all, he could only stare at that Otis with anger.

"Damn devil, what do you want to do?" Li Tian asked at the moment.

Then Otis smiled sullenly and said, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask you one thing."

After listening to Li Tian, ​​he was slightly startled, and his heart secretly asked, what the **** is this demon doing.

"The old man asked you, why do you use two different illusions? Would you practice dual illusions at the same time?" Otis asked, blinking at Li Tian with those ghastly cruel eyes.

When Li Tianyi heard that Otis asked this, he suddenly felt a little in his heart.

It turned out that this demon was asking about this!

"Asshole, why should I tell you?" Li Tian shouted angrily.

When Otis heard Li Tian's words, a cruel expression appeared on his face.

"Don't you dare to say it?"

When the words were spoken, Na Otis suddenly stretched out a hand, and then he pressed Li Tian’s shoulder, and a wave of blood invaded Li Tian’s body, Li Tian only felt his entire body He was about to be shattered... endless pain was tormenting him deeply like a knife.


Pain deep into the bone marrow.

"Say it?" Otis sneered cruelly while increasing the strength in his hands.

Li Tian's painful teeth bit out blood... The whole body was shaking constantly... But he didn't say, even if he was killed, he didn't say!

Then Otis saw that he was about to torture Li Tian to death, but this kid insisted on not saying it, and at this moment he not only frowned slightly, "You human kid's bones are quite hard... Under the painful torture of bones and hands, I can persist...not bad, not bad."

"It's a pity that you are a **** human being! And you ran into me... If you don't tell me, the old man will use a thousand, ten thousand painful methods to torture you."

Na Otis said in that extremely cruel way.

"No one can live under my Chaos Twin Demon: Otis's hands." A word suddenly came out of Otis's mouth.

Although Li Tian was in pain, he was about to faint.

But the words of Otis still clearly passed into Li Tian's ears.


He, he turned out to be another demon of the Chaos Twins...Otis?

No wonder this demon is so powerful!

It turns out that he is another terrifying demon of the Chaos Twins!

The two chaotic demons are inherently deformed, one tall and one short. Looking at this Otis at this moment, the tall and deformed appearance... Li Tian finally knew that this guy is the same as Morodo who he saw on the glacier The same terrible monster! It turned out to be another fellow of the Chaos Twins.

"You bastard... deformed... devil... even if I die... I won't tell you." Li Tian said, biting his bleeding teeth, bloodshot in his eyes.

When Otis heard Li Tian scolded himself for being deformed, he yelled immediately.

The palm of his hand was raised, and a terrifying blood energy suddenly hit Li Tian's head.

"Your kid is looking for death."

He burst out, seeing that Otis was about to smash Li Tian's head with a single palm...At this moment, when the palm of Otis reached Li Tian's head, he paused.

"Hey, human boy, the old man won't let you die so comfortable! I will definitely let you taste the most painful way of death in the world... I'll see how hard your bones are."

That Otis finally did not start! But sneered in that gloomy way.

This cruel demon would not kill Li Tian so easily, he would torture him, torture him severely.

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