Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2753: I want revenge

Li Tian committed suicide?

Looking at the moment when Li Tian had planted his head into the canyon, Otis of the Chaos Dual Demon suddenly screamed.


But everything is too late.

He never thought that Li Tian would choose to "suicide", and he chose to plunge into the deep canyon.

The moment that Otis reacted, Li Tian's figure had completely jumped down, and then disappeared into the cloud-shrouded canyon.

"This bastard... actually jumped down." A roar came out of Otis' mouth.

"No, I must find him, and must absorb all the spiritual power in his body."

Otis said cruelly.

The spiritual state of Li Tian's body is too attractive.

That Otis must obtain Li Tian's full spiritual power, because if he can get that full spiritual power, he can cross the entire spiritual land continent.

After Otis finished speaking so cruelly, he then glanced at the deep canyon, he did not dare to jump.

No way, this canyon is too deep.

Otis thought for a while, and could only turn around and swept away in the other direction.

As far as he knows, there is still another way to go down this gorge, so now he has to drive down quickly.

But what about Li Tian?

The whole body has been completely planted into the cloud-shrouded canyon.

He only felt that the cold wind cut his face with fiery pain... Because his hands and feet were entangled by the blood binding thread, Li Tian could not move at all.

At this moment, he has only one heart: death.

In the process of falling, he suddenly remembered his lover and Situ Ningbing in his mind...and the Duanmuying who didn't know what happened to the earth...Ouyang Shiqing...and so on girls They.

When thinking of all this, a drop of tears suddenly appeared in Li Tian's eyes.

Then his body fell suddenly.

I don’t know how long his body has fallen. Suddenly, he only felt his body fall into the extremely cold deep water with a thud... The powerful gravity directly blasted Li Tian's mind, and he suddenly The whole person fainted suddenly.


Inside a deep canyon surrounded by clouds.

I saw the sound of the falling waterfall pouring from top to bottom.

Here is simply a world outside the cave.

Surrounded by green trees and surrounded by clear water, there is a huge reservoir in the front...

Take a closer look, and with the highlight of the water, suddenly a body that looks like a "dead man" emerged from the reservoir.

Upon a glance, that person turned out to be Li Tian.

It turned out that the moment Li Tian's body fell from the gorge just now... unexpectedly fell into the reservoir.

However, no one knows how deep this reservoir is... and no one knows, Li Tian is dead now? Still alive?

The only thing that can be seen is Li Tian's body floating there... the whole person is lying on the water as if dead.

Is he dead?


Suddenly at this moment, Li Tian, ​​who was originally floating on the surface of the water, yelled, and then spit out a few salivas from his mouth with a "wow"... Then his body vigorously began to wriggle toward the cover.

He is alive.

Li Tian is still alive.

It's just that he is more uncomfortable to be alive than he is to die. His face is pale and full of water. He exhausted his last bit of strength there, moved his body hard, and then crawled towards the shore.

"I want to live."

"I want to survive."

While struggling violently in the water to survive, Li Tian warned himself secretly there.

After disdainful efforts, Li Tian's will to survive finally defeated everything, his body finally surfaced, and his whole person finally reached the shore.

When Li Tian finally moved his body to the shore, he fell there all of a sudden, and then spit out a few salivas of water from his mouth crying...The whole person was panting hard.

The hot sun was on his face... His eyes were blurred, his head and clothes were full of cold water!

The whole body hurts even more like a knife cut.

However, Li Tian laughed wildly at that moment "hahahahaha".

"I live!"

"I finally survived again."

Li Tian's laughter had a strange smell, and tears of his laughter flowed out.

Then, endless hatred began to fill his mind.

Thinking of the **** of the Demon Race just now... Thinking of everything, Li Tian's eyes became blood red.

He tried to move his body, and found that his body was still entangled by the blood's **** thread.

It's just that because of time, the blood **** line is not as tight as before.

At this moment, Li Tian tried to accumulate the powerful spiritual power of his body, and then struggled to break free.

When the spiritual power of the body was accumulating, Li Tian shouted: "Broken!"

With a click, he saw the blood binding thread that was originally wrapped around Li Tian's body and was completely broken by Li Tian at this moment.

Li Tian finally got rid of the shackles.

Get rid of the control of that blood illusion.

When Li Tian was free all over, he got up from the ground in a reel. Although the pain of his whole body was extremely unbearable, he still resisted the pain and got up.

After getting up, Li Tian gritted his teeth and looked at his hands.

"I want revenge."

"The chaos twins, I swear by Li Tian, ​​I will definitely give you a taste of the pain of life is worse than death." Li Tian is full of powerful hatred.

Li Tian looked at his trembling hands. At that moment, no one could stop his hatred.

Because Li Tian's whole body was very painful, he could only sit quietly at this moment, and then healed with luck.

After sitting in the quiet canyon for a long time, Li Tian felt his body recover a little.

After he recovered a little bit, Li Tian stood up, and at this moment he opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

"where is this place?"

Li Tian looked there suddenly curiously.

I saw that this place seemed to be a paradise, surrounded by faint green trees.

There are even strange-shaped stones around...Occasionally, one or two weird birds can be seen falling on the green trees and chirping.

As Li Tian looked around, he suddenly discovered that there was a huge stone cave not far in front.

The entrance of the hole is about two meters...i is hidden in a patch of green weeds. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to see.

At this moment, Li Tian couldn't help but secretly line up after seeing the weird stone cave: Hey, why is there a stone cave?

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