Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2763: betray

Looking at the numerous corpses of human soldiers on this battlefield...and the corpses of half-orcs of the Demon Race, Li Tian was stunned.

"My God, is there a war here?"

Li Tian thought so in his heart, while looking at the corpses.

But seeing that the skin color of those corpses has not changed...

"It seems that this war should have broken out within these two days." Li Tian thought secretly in his heart.

The crows in the distance fell among the horrible piles of corpses, crying sternly, "Crack, croak, croak," the blame.

Abandoned war horse stands alone there...

Miserable and desolate.

"Hey, it would be great if there were no wars." Li Tian looked at the dead soldiers... and the corpses of the half-orcs of the Demon Race could not help but sighed long.

Just as Li Tian was standing in the pile of corpses in the wilderness, a flame that soared into the sky suddenly a few kilometers ahead.

Li Tian was taken aback and looked up at the flame.

"Netherfire flames? Fire illusion,"

"Could it be that someone there is performing illusions?"

When Li Tian saw the purple flame soaring into the sky, he immediately recognized it.

At this moment, he quickly raised his head and looked at the distance a few kilometers away. Then, he stretched his figure and started flying past.

He wants to see and see who is performing fire illusion in front of him.

Soon, but seeing Li Tian's ups and downs, he landed in those few kilometers.

There is a river in the front, and that river is not very wide.

There is still a row of small woods here, but there are dozens of figures fighting in the front place.

Everyone is performing illusions there.

"Someone is fighting?"

Li Tian was taken aback, and quickly moved to the front, then hid in the woods, observing the situation.

I saw that on the other side of the river, dozens of figures were fighting fiercely with illusions.

A fire flashed, but saw a young man in a gray robe... was knocked to the ground... and then screamed and died there.

Immediately afterwards, I saw another gray-robed man and rushed over.

While casting the fire illusion, he yelled at the same time: "Traitor! You human traitors... My Rock Academy is fighting with you this time."

As his yelling voice uttered, Li Tian not only took a closer look, but was shocked at the moment.

"My God, isn't this the Dean of the Rock Academy, Anthony?

Look carefully, but all the people around him are from the Rock Academy... Among them can be seen Edgar that Li Tian saved in the Blackstone Forest before, but the handsome Edgar is very embarrassed at the moment. , A gray robe was dyed red by blood...

On the other side, you can see the pretty pale and terrified young lady Mayvis.

When Li Tian saw that it was a member of the Narok Academy, he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's them?"

Just when Li Tian was thinking about it, suddenly he saw a sneer voice coming out.

At the very front, an old man wearing a black robe and a gray beard was talking.

"Anthony, I believe you should have heard a sentence, call the people who know the current affairs as a good man. You have also seen that mankind is doomed to escape... The army of the empire has been beaten to pieces... The frontier fortress is about to fall, the next step The demon army will invade the imperial capital! Is it true that you, Anthony, really want to take your college students... to prepare for the destruction of the entire army?"

Listening to the voice at the moment, I saw that the old man with white beard from the Black Shura Academy was speaking? Rutov?

Beside the white-bearded old man Rutov, there are 78 students from the Black Shura Academy!

Among them is the Kane who was in the last illusion contest?

"Anthony, if you choose to surrender to the demons like us now...I might beg for mercy from the saint and let you keep the Rock Academy! If you insist on fighting for humanity, then hehe, I Rutov can only kill him today." But the old man with white beard suddenly smiled.

Anthony, the dean of Narok College, looked pale at the moment and trembled with anger.

And look at the Rock Academy members behind him...34 of them have died, and all the rest have suffered extremely serious injuries.

Only Anthony was still fighting fiercely at the moment.

However, after hearing that Rutov, the Dean of the Black Shura Academy, suddenly said that, Anthony yelled at Narutov’s nose with his finger out there.


"Rutov, you are simply a human shame, you shouldn't be put on human skin."

"As a human... you surrendered to the demons to survive... I am really ashamed of you."

A loud curse passed into Li Tian's ears across the river.

When Li Tian heard these words, at this moment, he couldn't help being shocked.


Did the people of Black Shura Academy betrayed?

They surrendered the demons?

Li Tian became furious as soon as he heard it.

To be honest, during the Empire Illusion Contest, Li Tian was dissatisfied with the Black Shura Academy. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be when the humans needed the most help? Surrendered to the demons?

The more Li Tian wanted to get more angry, he couldn't wait to shoot immediately and kill all those black Shura people.

But he finally held back.

He needs to look at the situation first.

But he said that after Anthony stubbornly scolded the dean of the Black Shura Academy, suddenly the white-bearded old man Rutov snorted coldly there: "Anthony, you are toasting and not eating or punishing wine."

"It seems that my Rutov can only kill you all this time... Are you satisfied?"

Anthony pointed at Narutov’s nose and cursed, “Old bastards, even if I die, I won’t be like you, go to the Demon Race to be a dog.”

When Narutov heard it, he screamed.

"you wanna die."

I want to shoot right now.

Just when he was about to make a move, Kane, who was standing next to him, suddenly spoke.

"Dean, you don't need to deal with him, just let me come." Kane said while facing Rutov in front of him.

When the old white beard heard it, he laughed and looked at the strongest Kane in their academy. Narutov smiled with satisfaction and said: "Very well, worthy of being the No. One student, Kane, go up and kill him."

Kane nodded silently, and then walked towards Anthony.

However, when Li Tian across the river saw Kane walking towards Anthony, he clenched his fists.

"This bastard... At first, I thought he had a good heart... I didn't expect that he was such a despicable villain like the white beard!!!" Li Tian angrily said.

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