Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2780: deceive

"Then don't talk nonsense, answer me..." Situ Ningbing angrily said to Morodo.

Na Moruo hesitated, but did not immediately answer Situ Ningbing's words.

When the blood demon on one side saw that Morodo didn't know how to answer, he quickly took it.

"Saint, in fact, your headache is caused by...severe damage to your head before." Blood Demon said.

When Situ Ningbing heard his doubts, he said, "Break hard?"

The blood demon said: "Yes."

"Then why... can't I remember? Why don't I remember that my head was severely injured?" Situ Ningbing questioned there.

The blood demon said: "This is because your previous memory was confused after your head was hit hard... temporary amnesia."

"Amnesia?" After Situ Ningbing heard this, her beautiful eyes widened.

"You mean, I am amnesia?" Situ Ningbing said quickly.

The blood demon nodded silently and said, "Yes."

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he was astonished at the moment.


No wonder I can't remember the past.

Situ Ningbing was thinking there suddenly.

"Then tell me, how can I restore my memory?" Situ Ningbing asked urgently.

The blood demon frowned, and said there, "This...this...it's still unclear...but please don't worry, saint, I will definitely try to cure the saint's amnesia and restore the saint. before."

Situ Ningbing was silent for a long time when he heard the Gorefiend say so.

"Then tell me what I was like before? And what is my name? What have I done before?" Situ Ningbing asked suddenly.

Since she can't remember the past, she has to ask now! She must know who she was before... and what she had done before.

When the blood demon heard what Situ Ningbing said, the whole person was slightly startled, as if there was something unspeakable.

Seeing the blood demon not speaking, Situ Ning asked coldly, "What's wrong? Don't you know?"

"No, no, no... how could we not know?" The Gorefiend said with an awkward smile.

Situ Ningbing said: "Then why don't you answer?"

The blood demon was asked by Situ Ningbing and couldn't help it. At this moment, he not only thought about it, but said there.

"Cough cough cough, saint, you were also our saint before, you have always been in the demon clan... you have always followed the demon emperor's side, from childhood to adulthood." The blood demon said.

Listening to the blood demon saying this, Situ Ningbing always felt that his words were awkward, as if they were telling lies.

After thinking about it, Situ Ningbing continued to ask, "Okay."

"Then I will ask you again, what was my previous name? Except for the title of saint..." Situ Ningbing asked.

The blood demon had a headache when he heard it, and said in his heart: Damn, why is the saint so strange today? Could it be that she recalled the past?

"Say, what was my previous name?" Just when the blood demon was stunned, Situ Ning's cold voice suddenly came over.

The blood demon casually made up a name and said: "Saint, your previous name was Natasha."

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he was immediately puzzled.

"You said... my previous name was... Natasha?" Situ Ningbing questioned.

Morodo on the other side hurriedly said: "Yes, the blood demon is not bad at all, saint, your previous name is indeed: Natasha."

Situ Ningbing was muttering "Natasha" in her mouth, but she didn't have the slightest impression in her mind.

She could feel that this name was not her name at all, because it was too unfamiliar, and even if it was her, she would not have taken such a name.

"My name is Natasha?" Situ Ningbing asked in confusion.

After thinking about it, she said, "Then why didn't you tell me before?"

The blood demon and Morodo quickly replied, "Because...because...this is the order of the demon emperor! Because he is worried that after telling you your name, you will recall the past... It caused you to suffer from headaches, so the devil king and his elders asked us not to mention the previous things as much as possible."

After Situ Ningbing heard what the two of them said, he frowned and said: Is this true?

"Holy girl, the reason why the Devil Emperor and his old man do this is all because he cares about you, I hope you can understand his old man's mind." Morodo said on one side.

The blood demon also said, "Yes, saint, please don't disappoint the old demon emperor's heart."

Situ Ningbing thought for a while, and said with emotion: "Okay, I finally understand everything now."

"It turns out that that **** human kid really lied to me...huh, he also said what Situ Ningbing I am...and that he knew me before...he used to be lying!" Situ Ningbing suddenly said angrily.

She seemed to no longer believe in Li Tian at all.

When the blood demon and Moroduo heard that the saint said that, they murmured there at the moment: Damn, it turned out to be that human kid! !

Just listen to Morodo saying: "Holy woman, the **** human kid must be trying to deceive the holy woman! That's why he made up a lie to deceive you... The subordinates think it is better to kill this person as soon as possible."

The blood demon also said: "Yes, that kid is a human illusionist, treacherous and insidious. He must know the saint’s amnesia, so he took the opportunity to break into our barracks and fabricate an absurd reason. I want the saint to believe...Fortunately, the saint is smart and wise, without the tactics of the human treacherous."

After listening to the words of Morodo and the Gorefiend, Situ Ningbing believed it to be true.

At this moment not only said angrily: "It's really despicable and shameless, fortunately I didn't fall for him."

"Okay, I will order you now to kill him." Situ Ningbing ordered there.

After hearing what Situ Ningbing said in front of him, the blood demon and Morodo suddenly smiled strangely.

"Yes, saint, we are going to kill the human kid now."

Situ Ningbing let out an "um" in his mouth, then turned around and stopped looking at the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, Morodo and the Gorefiend in front of them also exited the tent.

After the two arrived outside, they saw the short stature Morodo suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Damn it, you and I, I almost missed it today..."

The blood demon chuckled and said, "Yes, fortunately I got back in time..."

"Hehe, you are quite capable of composing it. We actually said that our saint’s name was Natasha, Gorefiend. I ask you, where did you come up with such a bad name for a woman?" Morodo said to the Gorefiend. Said with a smile.

The blood demon said: "I am acting on the fly."

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