Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2783: Long Lao

I saw that this weird old man with a sloppy dress and a huge wine gourd tied around his waist was no one else, but the sloppy old man who had met Li Tian in Stormwind.

He is also the strongest illusion cultivator in Lingtu Continent, a strong man who has reached the level of the sanctuary.

Saint, Long Lao.

At this moment, I saw Long Laozai slightly frowned and glanced at Li Tian who was lying on the ground. The white brows were frowning and muttered: "This little baby is hurt so badly, it looks like he needs to drink. A heart-warming wine."

After the words were finished, Na Long suddenly raised Li Tian's head with one hand, and quickly pulled out the huge wine gourd on his waist with the other hand, and then unplugged the wine cork.

After unplugging the wine gourd, Na Long started to pour the wine into Li Tian's mouth.


In a blink of an eye, Li Tian was poured into a few strong and strange spirits.

After the strong liquor entered Li Tian's body, Li Tian only felt that there was a ball of flames burning vigorously in his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the body that was originally painful gradually became healed.

I have to say that the things in this old wine gourd are indeed excellent things.

But I saw that Li Tian, ​​who had been fainting for a long time, soon recovered almost after drinking the strong wine in the old wine gourd.

After a while, but when he saw him, he woke up.

After that Li Tian woke up, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he stood up from the ground in a flash.

He was shocked.

He was almost put to death by the Mozu, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was intact, and he was still standing in a deserted and remote place.

"I'm not dead?"

"Why am I here?" Ten thousand questions flashed in Li Tian's mind.

Then he hurried to see his hands, feet, and the iron chains that were originally bound to him all disappeared.

Li Tian has now completely restored his freedom.

Just when Li Tian was very surprised, suddenly a "cough cough cough" voice came from the left side.

When Li Tian heard this, he turned his head in shock and looked carefully, only to see an old man in sloppy clothes and drinking with a huge wine gourd in his hand, standing on the side.

The moment Li Tian saw his figure, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked, "Who are you?"

As he asked, Na Long suddenly put down the wine gourd slightly and looked at Li Tian with a smile.

Then Li Tian could see the face of the sloppy old man clearly.

After seeing the true face of the sloppy old man, Li Tian's eyes widened. At this moment, the sloppy old man in front of him with his fingers pointed in shock and yelled, "Is it... you?"

"You are... the old man in Stormwind City?" Li Tian finally recognized it.

After that Li Tian recognized Long Lao, at this moment Long Lao squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Not bad, I don't think I still remember the old man." I just listened to Long Lao smiling at Li Tiandao.

When Li Tianyi heard that Elder Long admitted that he was speechless at the moment, he never expected that he was actually the legend of the Lingtu Continent: Elder Long.

"Oh my God, how come you are here, old man?"

"And... I... why am I here?"

"What the **** is all this?" Li Tian suddenly thought about it.

Suddenly at this moment, he raised his head and glanced at the old man Long, he was taken aback, and then his eyes sparkled.

"Old man...you saved me, right?"

"Damn, I'm so stupid, I didn't expect Senior to be an outsider!"

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace." Li Tian said as he hurriedly faced the old man Long.

Now he finally understood.

He knew that he was saved by the sloppy old man in front of him.

After hearing Li Tian understand the truth, Na Long smiled faintly, poured some strong wine into his mouth, and then smiled and waved his hand there: "Don't be polite, don't be polite."

"Senior, how did you rescue me from the demon army barracks?" Li Tian asked curiously.

You know, he was surrounded by an army of 100,000 demons.

The old man in front of this was able to save himself in front of so many demon army... and it seemed to be effortless, which made Li Tian not only extremely curious.

Because he felt more and more that the old Long in front of him was too mysterious and too powerful.

After hearing Li Tian's question, Old Long frowned and said, "Isn't it easy to save people..."

"But, I was surrounded by an army of one hundred thousand demons at the time. Could it be that the senior... alone entered the barracks of the demons?" Li Tian asked in surprise.

Old Na Long touched his beard and whispered his beard and said, "Hundred thousand army? Ha ha, what about even two hundred thousand army? The old man is just walking through, it's no big deal."

Long Lao's tone is domineering and mighty.

Listening to Li Tian's ears, Li Tian only felt shocked.

Li Tian was shocked now, not only blinking his eyes at the sloppy old man in front of him.

He suddenly remembered that when he was at Bander College, the old Dean Khris had mentioned that he was a strong man at the level of a saint.

Then, Li Tian thought about his own business again...think about what Herrys said before.

"Old predecessor... Could it be that you are the legend of the Spirit Earth Continent, that saint: Long?" Li Tian finally recognized it.

After that Li Tian said so, but seeing Old Na Long suddenly laughed.

"Forget it, don't make trouble with your little baby."

"Yes, the old man is Long."

After Na Long finally admitted his identity, that Li Tian was not only extremely excited.

At the moment, I looked at the saint Long Lao in front of him with extremely reverent eyes.

"Thank you Long Lao for his life-saving grace." Li Tian thanked him again.

Old Na Long waved his hand at that, "Little Wawa, how come you have so many mundane rituals."

When Li Tian heard it, he laughed awkwardly.

"Little Wawa, come here, I'll ask you..." Suddenly Na Long was facing Li Tiandao.

Li Tian already knows that this sloppy-looking old man in front of him... is a legendary figure in Lingtu Continent, so he didn't dare to be careless at this moment, and quickly walked over and said, "Old man, please ask... If Li Tian knows, he will definitely answer all the seniors."

Elder Long squinted slightly and smiled, and then said: "Little Wawa, why did you suddenly break into the Demon Clan's 100,000 army barracks alone? Do you want to go and die?"

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