Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2805: Fierce battle

Under Na Morodo's order, but under his leadership, the blood illusionists of the demon race behind him quickly swept towards the cave dwelling in front.

But he said that Li Tian, ​​who was sleeping in the tent, had heard the movement just after the attack by the blood illusion master of the Demon Race.

"The sound of fighting... something happened outside."

Just after hearing these sounds, Li Tian went straight out of the bed, then quickly opened the door and rushed out.

After rushing out, I saw a chaos in the barracks outside, full of imperial soldiers in armor running toward the front.

As they ran, they shouted in their mouths: "The demons have invaded, the demons have attacked."

Li Tian frowned, and when he saw the situation, he suddenly flew forward.

After reaching the front, he blinked to take a look at the situation in front of him, and now he saw the blood illusions of the demons in black robes, fighting with human soldiers there.

After taking a look, Li Tian didn't directly go to support him, but suddenly looked back at the place where he was watching the "cave dwelling".

"The blood illusionist of the Demon Race is really here."

"It seems that they must have come to rescue the Gorefiend."

Li Tian thought about it in his mind, and then quickly flew towards the cave dwelling behind him.

He knew that the blood illusionist of the demon race must have come for the blood demon, so as long as the cave dwelling where the blood demon was imprisoned was guarded, the blood illusionist of the demon race would have nothing to do.

So at this moment Li Tian quickly swept towards the cave dwelling.

When Li Tian flew towards the "cave dwelling", I saw the old dean Hollis and Anthony and others also heard the situation.

"The demons are coming."

With an exclamation of the old dean, Heris quickly flew out of the tent.

Who knows, as soon as he flew out of the tent, there was a "swish, swish, swish" horrible hidden weapon sound.

Take a closer look, it turned out to be the "Shadow Blood Arrow" released by the blood illusionist of the Demon Race.

The deadly shadow blood arrows were shot like dense raindrops at the old principal Hollis who had just left the tent.

The old dean Hurice exclaimed immediately when he saw the dense rain-like "shadow blood arrows" shot.

"Be careful."

As he exclaimed, he immediately displayed "Fire Escape."

Suddenly, a protective wall of "Fire Dun" emerged up and down all over the body. Then, all the "Shadow Blood Arrows" that flew from were banged, banged, and blocked on the Fire Dunk, and then one by one. Shattered.

And the other Evelyn and other illusionists who followed also quickly performed the block technique, and then all blocked the surging shadow blood arrow.

Just after they blocked all the "shadow blood arrows", a few dark shadows suddenly attacked them quickly.

These shadows are undoubtedly the powerful blood illusionists of the Demon Race.

One of them quickly rushed towards the old Dean Hollis.

With a volley, he grabbed the Tianling Gai of the old Dean Heris with terrifying power.

Seeing the attack from the other side, the old dean turned around and dodged, then quickly slapped out a palm.

The other hand suddenly accumulated flames, and with a sudden sound, a dark fire rushed directly to the blood illusionist.

The blood illusionist was also extremely powerful. Seeing the old dean's underworld flame attack, he immediately shook his right hand, and a blood qi suddenly hit the old dean's flying over the underworld fire.

With a boom, the two energies collided together and exploded.

The old dean Khris looked coldly at the black-robed blood illusionist in front of him. He knew that these blood illusionists were masters. At this moment, he urged the beautiful teacher Evelyn behind him, as well as Isha, and Anthony, and others. : "Anthony, these are the blood illusion masters of the demons, you have to be careful."

After Anthony and others heard the old Dean Hollis say this: "We know."

"Old He, you go to the cave first... Don't let the **** of the demon race save the Gorefiend." Anthony reminded the old Dean Heris there.

The old dean Heris should let the situation clear, and nodded quickly at that moment and said, "Okay."

"I'll leave it to you here."

Following the utterance of the old Dean Hollis, his figure suddenly flew up and flew towards the cave dwelling over there.

The masked blood illusionists of the Demon Race, seeing the old Dean Heris suddenly looting, immediately roared: "Stop him."

As the words uttered, two blood illusionists from the demon race flew out together on the left and the right, and then jointly performed the blood illusion to stop the old dean Hollis.

Seeing that the two demon masters were about to stop the old Dean Hollis, at this moment, Anthony and the beautiful teacher Evelyn flew together.

"Bastard of the demon, stop for me."

Anthony yelled, his palms suddenly moved forward, and then two flames poured out from his palms...The raging fire suddenly rushed towards the front demon blood illusionist.

And that beautiful teacher Evelyn used the "water system illusion technique", a trick "water shock technique", and suddenly saw a "water column" shooting directly at the blood illusionist of the other demon race.

Although the two blood illusionists were powerful, they had to turn around to block the illusion that came from behind.

Seeing that the two had no choice but to step back and block the illusion of Anthony and Evelyn.

And what about the old dean? It took advantage of this gap time, and quickly flew away.


There is the cave dwelling.

I saw Anderson and the fire teacher Loft still guarding there.

There were more than a dozen soldiers in armor nearby.

They have already seen the fighting situation ahead.

I saw that Anderson said with an ugly face, "Loft, it seems that the demons have really come! They must be for the blood demons imprisoned in the cave."

Loft in front of him also nodded cautiously and said, "Yes, we must keep here."

"En." Anderson nodded quickly.

As the two of them had just finished speaking, they suddenly shot towards them in the darkness.

When Anderson and Loft saw the blood of the Demon in the darkness shooting out, they were shocked immediately, only to hear that Anderson hurriedly exclaimed: "Be careful everyone."

After speaking, he quickly displayed "Thunder Dun" to block.

And Na Loft also immediately displayed "Fire Escape."

Just when the two of them blocked the flying blood, the dozen or so soldiers in armor next to them were not so lucky.

I saw a wave of fierce and poisonous blood, directly piercing the bodies of the dozen or so armored soldiers.


After a while, I saw that the poor dozen soldiers were all fallen into a pool of blood...There were blood holes bleeding all over the body...

The death was terrible, and he fell in a pool of blood.

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