Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2861: Ghost cave

"Is it true?"

"Did Shura... Shura betrayed the Demon Race?" The Demon Emperor flopped and sat on the dragon chair, his entire face becoming so ugly and ugly at that moment.

All the illusionists in the entire temple were silent, and the air seemed to be completely frozen at this moment!

No one speaks anymore!

No one dares to speak!

"Asshole! Damn it!"

Suddenly the voice of the Demon Emperor resounded like a bomb in the entire palace! ! !

At the moment when the Demon Emperor roared out, all the masters of the Demon Race in the audience knelt to the ground with a thump.

"The Demon Sovereign, please calm down!" Everyone was calming the Demon Sovereign.

There was endless bloodthirsty feeling in the eyes of the Demon Emperor.

No one can understand the anger in his heart!

"Sura, you dare to betray the emperor!!! This emperor will make you regret..." With a curse of hatred, the demon emperor was full of bloodthirsty feeling at that moment.


It was getting darker and darker.

Then the rustling north wind blew from afar, blowing across this black land.

After the black soil struck by the cold wind, a feather-like blizzard began to float in the hazy sky.

It's snowing and it's cold.

Amidst this gloomy and cold wind and snow, a black figure in the sky passed by like a gust of wind.

Extremely fast.

He is the Supreme Asura.

There were also two small figures on the left and right beside that Shura, they were the yin and yang boys on the left and the right.

What about Li Tian? It was at the end that Shura used his breath to float.

Li Tian was ignorant in his head now, he really didn’t understand why this Shura rescued himself... He wanted to ask, but unfortunately because the speed was too fast, the cold wind blew his whole body with biting pain, especially Those flying snowflakes stuck to his deep wound, and it made him unable to speak in pain.

Just as there was a mess inside Li Tian's head, the voice of a boy from Yin and Yang came in front of him.

"Master, if we rescue this human being like this, the Demon Sovereign will definitely be very angry, right?" It was Yang Tong who was talking. The little boy blinked bright eyes while looking up and asking the Supreme Asura. Windy.

But seeing that Shura did not answer his words.

It was the little girl next to her "yin girl" who answered.

"Huh, what's the use of being angry?"

"Our master can do whatever he wants, is he in charge of the devil?" The little girl's voice was full of unreasonable feelings.

When the little boy heard this, he giggled and said, "Sister said so! Our master, under the world, who can do anything to him?"

The two of them laughed and talked while following their master "Xura" Yufeng.

Soon, they had already moved away from the capital of the demons, and instead flew all the way to the westernmost direction.

Walking through a dense jungle, I suddenly saw a series of hills in front of me.

Some mountains are extremely high, some are extremely steep, and some are low and continuous...

I saw that Shura was carrying the yin and yang boy, and Li Tian suddenly shot down from the air when he flew over this lofty mountain.

"Hey, we finally got home." A word came out from the little girl "yin girl"'s mouth and laughed.

It turns out that this place is known as the Demon Realm on the Spirit Earth Continent: Nether Ghost Cave!

But he said that when the little girl's words fell, Shura suddenly yelled: "Fall!"

Immediately afterwards, their figures were like flying geese, straight down!

With a swish, he flew down from mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Shura took the yin and yang boy and Li Tian already flying to the bottom of the endless mountains.

After they fell, they saw a row of stone forests, which were huge and huge.

Shura brought the yin and yang boy and the suspended Li Tian towards the stone forest.

Li Tian's whole body was suspended, and he could only look around him with his eyes sideways.

"Hey...Where are you taking me?"

"let me go!"

Li Tian suddenly shouted there.

He didn't understand at all now, why this Shura brought himself here, let alone where it was, so he shouted there.

Hearing Li Tian's voice, Shura ignored him.

The yin and yang boy even ignored Li Tian's cry.

Li Tian yelled a few times, but seeing that the other party didn't respond to him at all, he could only give up.

When that Shura and the Yin-Yang boy arrived in front, they suddenly saw a huge stone gate embedded in the mountain stand out.

It also had a few blood-red characters written in **** cinnabar font.

"Netherworld Ghost Cave".

It turns out that Shura really brought Li Tian into this ghost cave.

After reaching the outside of the stone gate of the ghost cave, the young boy ran over quickly, and then suddenly turned with his hand on a raised stone wall on the left side of the mountain. As the raised stone turned, suddenly I saw the nether The huge stone gate of the ghost cave was opened rumblingly.

After the huge stone gate opened rumblingly, a suffocating gloomy breath suddenly blew out from it.

In the blink of an eye, the inside of this ghost cave was extremely cold and dark.

"go in."

After that Shura finished speaking, suddenly he took the Yin-Yang boy and Li Tian into the Nether Ghost Cave.

But it was said that the space inside this Nether Ghost Cave was huge, but it was so dark that the eyes could not see clearly.

However, after stepping into this ghost cave, one can hear wailing sounds... as if there is something terrible and dirty lurking here.

Occasionally, you can hear the sound of ghost howls.

Such a weird place does make people feel creepy.

No one would have imagined how long that Shura and the Yin and Yang boy lived in this ghost cave.

Walking inside, through the extremely weak light, you can see a crooked stream in front of you, and you can hear the sound of running water.

At this moment, I saw that Shura took the yin and yang boy, his footsteps flew slightly, and then his body style shot past like a shadow.

Soon, they crossed the crashing stream, and then reached the other end of the ghost cave.

When he reached this end, Shura suddenly waved his sleeves, but on the dark icy wall, suddenly one after another bright torches appeared.

The blazing torch ignited all at once, reflecting the entire scene in the Nether Ghost Cave at this moment.

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