Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2925: One word: God

One black and one white. .

An old man in a white shirt and an old man in a black shirt just turned out of the void.

They appeared like a miracle. The moment they appeared, the wind roared and the surrounding yellow sand filled the sky.

The old dean Khris was already shocked and couldn't say a word.

He had no idea how the two old men, one black and one white, got out of the void.

Maybe only Na Long knows that it is the kung fu that can be displayed by "entering the state of transformation".

This skill can actually be used by Long Lao.

But at that moment Old Long, looking at the two weird elders who were "one black and white" suddenly came out of the nihilization realm, I couldn't help but feel the weird shadow: these two mysterious and powerful elders, Why have you never seen it on the Spirit Earth Continent before? Or heard of it? Who are they?

Just as Old Long was thinking like this in his heart, he saw that the black and white old man had already walked over at this moment.

Their footsteps seem to be slow, but their speed is surprisingly fast!

The dazzling effort has reached the front of Old Long and the old Dean Hollis.

After two old men, one black and one white, came over, the old man in white shirt suddenly squinted his eyes and looked at Elder Long, and the old Dean Hollis smiled and said: "Good fragrant meat! Let us two brothers taste it Do you taste it?"

When the old man in white shirt said so, the old man Long suddenly smiled and said, "Why not?"

"Okay, refreshing!"

After speaking, the white-shirted old man and the black-shirted old man really sat down and started to eat.

They don't care at all, just eat like that.

"It really fragrant!" The white-shirted old man ate with relish while admiring it.

"Fragrant!" Where is the old man in black shirt? It was a stubborn word of approval in the cold mouth.

The old Dean Heris, who was completely stunned on the other side, watched the mysterious two eating unscrupulously there. At that moment, the eyeballs almost popped out, and he couldn't help but wonder: Who is this Nima?

Besides, when the white-shirted old man and the black-shirted old man were eating with relish, Na Long suddenly smiled and said, "I still have wine here! Adding wine and meat together, maybe the effect will be better!"

After speaking, he suddenly picked up the huge wine gourd in his hand and threw it lightly.

At the moment when it was thrown out, the white-shirted old man in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand, and a weird traction directly drew the huge wine gourd.

"Thank you!" While catching the wine gourd, he smiled while looking at Na Long there.

Old Long saw that the white-shirted old man took the wine gourd and smiled slightly.

The old man in white shirt was not polite, grabbing the wine gourd and slurping a drink, taking several sips in one breath.

After drinking, the white-shirted old man screamed and said: "Okay, good wine! The wine has a pleasant fragrance, and it is definitely a good wine in a million."

"Xuandi, you have a taste."

After speaking, the white-shirted old man suddenly reached out and threw the huge wine gourd to the black-shirted old man in front of him.

The old man in black took it and drank with his mouth.

Guru, Guru.

A few big mouthfuls of spirits entered his body, and the old man in black shirt suddenly shouted, "Good wine! Meaty!"

Looking at the mysterious two eating and drinking, the old Dean Hollis couldn't help being surprised at last.

He ran to the old man Long and said: "Old Long...These two are...like lunatics...Who are they?"

Elder Long shook his head silently, and then said: "Maybe it's a worldly expert!"

After hearing the words of Elder Long in front of him, the old dean Herris opened his mouth suddenly and stood there, not knowing what to say at this moment.

But what about the old man in black shirt and the old man in white shirt?

The two of them had eaten up all the grilled birds in an instant, and they even drank more than half of Na Long's "Yin and Yang Flame Wine" and almost drank it.

After eating and drinking, the old man in white shirt narrowed his eyes and smiled.

While smiling, he touched his belly there, saying: "It's so comfortable, so comfortable."

The old man in black shirt also repeated there: "Comfortable."

The second elder who was talking suddenly rose from the ground.

"Thank you for your meat, thank you for your wine!" The white-shirted old man and the black-shirted old man stood in front of the old man Long and thanked him at the moment when he jumped up.

Elder Long looked at the weird elder and smiled slightly there, "You are welcome, this is considered to be an invitation from the old man."

The white-shirted old man suddenly said, "Our two brothers have not eaten such a delicious meal for a long, long time, and now we are very fortunate to have tasted such a delicious meal! Therefore, both of us should also give you a generous gift."

"The rebate!" The black shirt old man spit out three words coldly.

Hearing this weird old man suddenly said that he would give the old man a generous gift in return, Mr. Long was slightly startled, and then said to the beard with white flowers under his beard: "No, no need..."

Who knows that the white-shirted old man said at this moment: "You have to accept this generous gift! Because only you are the one to match the Spirit Earth Continent."

"Only you deserve it!" The old man in black shirt also said.

Old Long was even more puzzled.

What the **** are these two mysterious old men doing? Why do you have to give yourself a generous gift? But what is the gift?

After thinking about it, Mr. Long couldn't get rid of it, so he smiled there and said, "Well, since the two are so stubborn, the old man will reluctantly accept it! Excuse me, what is a gift?"

The moment Na Long said to receive a gift, the white-shirted old man suddenly shook his arm!

Suddenly a black token flew towards Na Long Lao.

"Please take it!"

Seeing the black token flying, Long Lao was slightly startled, his right hand flickered, and he used the force of strength, and suddenly caught the black token in his hand.

The old dean on one side Khris was already dumbfounded.

He didn't understand at all what Long Lao, and these two mysterious old men said, and what they did.

But he said that at the moment Na Long caught the black token, Old Long couldn't help feeling the chill coming from the token.

Then, he slowly looked down at the token in his hand.

The moment his fingers slowly took out the token, his pupils suddenly widened...

He saw it, saw the words on the black token!


A word was engraved on the black token, revealing endless domineering and awe-inspiring power.

The moment Long Lao saw this word, at that moment, he stayed for a while.

Then the whole person suddenly murmured in that weird mouth: "The rumors are true...The rumors for thousands of years turned out to be true..."

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