Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2935: The generation of ants

The demon army finally arrived.

"Saint, we are here! We finally reached the sea of ​​death."

After the demon army reached the sea of ​​death, I saw the surrounding demon soldiers talking in excitement.

Situ Ningbing also showed joyful eyes there.

It was just that when she opened the sedan curtain and saw a wave of Xiao Sha and a biting cold wind, her eyebrows wrinkled deeply for an instant.

"What the **** is this place!!!"

Even Situ Ningbing at this moment was not only astonished.

"I really don't know, what kind of attack my foster father and his elders encountered here." Situ Ningbing thought secretly in that heart.

Just as Situ Ningbing was thinking this way in the icy world, suddenly the sentry in front heard a scream.

"Saint, there is movement ahead!"

"Someone was found ahead."

With the yelling, two sentries dressed in animal skins ran over from the cold wind, panting and screaming, while ran to the Situ Ningbing and said.

When Situ Ningbing heard the sound, he quickly walked out of the sedan chair, and then ran over quickly.

"Someone? Where is it?"

Situ Ningbing rushed over and asked quickly.

The sentry under him replied in the cold wind, "It's just ahead..."

Situ Ningbing said, "Go, let's go over and take a look."

Under the order of that Situ Ningbing, she immediately led the mighty Mozu army to the front.

Soon, they rushed over, and through the gray fog, they really saw four motionless figures standing a few hundred meters ahead.

There really are people.

When Situ Ningbing saw the four shadows, he was immediately startled.

"Enclose them all!" A loud shout came out from Situ Ningbing's mouth.

Immediately after that, the mighty demon army ran forward, holding weapons in their hands, and began to surround all the four people who were standing still.

After the demon army surrounded the four mysterious people at once, Situ Ningbing led people to walk quickly.

"Get out... get out!"

Situ Ningbing walked over while letting the surrounding soldiers make way.

After the soldiers of the Demon Race stepped aside, Situ Ningbing saw the mysterious four people who were motionless.

Those four were wearing thin white shirts and black shirts! They just stood like that, there was no trace of emotion on their cold faces, and no weapons in their hands...just stood motionless.

Weird and strange.

Situ Ningbing felt strange after seeing these weird four people.

Who are these four? How could it appear in such an ice world? Do they have anything to do with the person who killed their foster father? These are the questions that Situ Ningbing had in mind at the moment.

Looking at the four of them, Situ Ningbing suddenly spoke.

"Who are you? How come you are here?"

Following Situ Ningbing's question, the black-shirted man with a cold complexion standing in front suddenly spoke.

He glanced at Situ Ningbing coldly and said, "We are waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Situ Ningbing was taken aback when he heard the black-shirted man suddenly say so strangely.

Even the army horses of the demon group around him were all startled at that moment.

"You...wait for me?" Situ Ningbing asked in surprise there in disbelief.

The black mountain man still had that cold expression on that mountain and said, "Yes!"

"Why?" Situ Ningbing asked puzzled.

The black-shirted man suddenly replied, "Aren't you here just to find us?"

When Situ Ningbing heard this, her heart suddenly moved, and then she said, "You...you...are the **** who killed my foster father?" Situ Ningbing was smart and heard the man in black say so. , I understand now.

The man in black shirt just stood there, and then said, "We did kill a bunch of ants!"

His words are like gods!


In his eyes, the Demon Sovereign, as well as the great masters that the Demon Sovereign brought before, are all like ants.

After the black-shirted man said something like this, all the surrounding demons were shocked, and even Situ Ningbing couldn't help being slightly startled.

it's him! They killed their adoptive father!

Thinking of this, a sudden anger and hatred rushed directly onto Situ Ningbing's heart.

"Asshole, I want to kill you all! I want to avenge my foster father."

Situ Ningbing suddenly burst out.

Then she rushed over, a gust of water suddenly rose from her two slender hands, transformed into a water knife, and then attacked the man in black who had spoken before.

The black-shirted man didn't even look at that Situ Ningbing. He said coldly, "Troublesome people are dead!"

The moment the cold words were uttered, his right hand suddenly lifted, and a gust of wind suddenly swept towards that Situ Ningbing!

With a bang, Situ Ningbing's body had not yet rushed in front of the black-shirted man, and immediately after the whole body had been shaken by the powerful hurricane, he flew back upside down.

Jiao Chu slammed into the frozen ground with a plop!


She squirted blood out of her mouth.

When the demons' men saw that Situ Ningbing was seriously injured, they immediately exclaimed.

"Holy Woman!"

Then a dozen subordinates hurriedly helped Situ Ningbing up.

Situ Ningbing was held up with difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and bit her teeth there and said: "Kill...kill them...revenge the foster father...!"

Under the order of that Situ Ningbing, the war began.

The army of the demons suddenly took their orders, and then rushed toward the black-shirted men and the white-shirted men surrounded by them.

The cold wind is blowing... the billowing clouds are floating.

Here is a battle of slaughter.

When the turbulent demon army rushed towards the four people, all of them suddenly flew up.

"He who disturbs the gods, kill!"

"Anti-God, kill!"

"God obstructer, kill!"

"The ants, kill, kill, kill!"

The terrifying and suffocating words were uttered from the four people, and suddenly, the four people shot together.

I saw a light curtain suddenly appeared in the entire floating space, and that light curtain was always caused by the four people performing strange illusions together!

Then, as the light curtain spread violently, it exploded in the middle with a bang.

The huge energy suddenly began to burst...

Boom boom boom!

The people of the demons in the range were all shocked by the terrible energy.


The miserable howl and the sound of death are endless.

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