Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2944: Together?

After Li Tian heard the old man in white shirt saying so, not only was he more and more curious about the so-called temple.

What exactly is the temple?

Those strong men in the world were really killed by the strong men in the temple? Or is there another hidden story?

This is now a big doubt for Li Tian.

"Can't you tell us now? Are those strong men dead?" Li Tian asked.

The old man in white shirt suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled there and said, "This is a secret. I have already said that I can't tell you. You will understand it only after you see it in person."

"No!" The old man in black shirt also said coldly at that moment.

Li Tian was not only depressed when he saw these two people say so.

Why are the people in these temples so strange? Refused to say.

"Xuan Tian, ​​it's time to go!" Suddenly the black shirt old man said coldly with an extremely impatient attitude on his face.

After the white-shirted old man heard what the black-shirted old man said, he suddenly looked at the gray sky and said: "It is indeed time to go."

"Young man, and your sir, we are going to board the ship." Suddenly the old man in white shirt said there.

The two people he was referring to were naturally that Li Tian and Na Long.

After he finished speaking, he saw that the huge ghost ship slowly began to drive towards the shore of the Sea of ​​Death.

Seeing that the white-shirted old man and the black-shirted old man had already begun to urge that Li Tian and Long Long to set off, at this time the old Dean Hollis, the Yin Yang boy and others all ran over.

"We are going to the temple too!"

They are all talking there.

When the old man in white shirt heard it, he frowned and said, "No, no, no, you mortals can't go..."

"Can't go!" At this moment, the old man in black shirt suddenly showed a frosty attitude on his face.

After hearing the black-shirted old man and the yin and yang boy say this, the old dean Hollis and the yin and yang boy suddenly said, "If you don't let us go, we will fight with you!"

"Even if it's dead, we won't let the big brother go to the temple with you two bad old men." Xiaoyin said with her hands on her hips, angrily.

Hearing that little girl suddenly said this, the old man in white shirt in front of them laughed helplessly.

Li Tian has no choice at this moment.

How he persuaded Situ Ningbing and the old dean was useless.

Not only was depressed there at the moment.

What can I do?

go with? Still not going?

Seeing this situation fell into embarrassment for a while, Li Tian finally looked helplessly at Situ Ningbing, and the old Dean Heris, and they said: "Do you really have to go with me? The good or bad going to the temple is unknown, it would be very dangerous for you to follow me like this."

But seeing that Situ Ningbing and the old dean were there and said: "We are not afraid! Even if we die, we will die with you."

Hearing what they said, Li Tian's heart was silently moved.


"Since you have to go to the temple with me, let's go together," said Li Tiandao at the end.

After speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the old man in black shirt and the old man in white shirt and said: "Two, you guys have seen the situation now! Since my people want to go with me Temple, then why not make it convenient for the two of you to let them go along together?"

"Your temple is so powerful... even if we go there, it won't pose any threat to you! Don't you know if you agree? If you agree, then I, Li Tian, ​​will follow you to the temple today! If you do not agree , Then I, Li Tian, ​​can only kill a lot today! Then we will fight to death and death."

Li Tian's words can only go here.

going or not?

If you go, take everyone with you.

If you don't go, you will take everyone to fight a battle, even if you die.

After hearing these words from Li Tian so decisively, the black-shirted old man suddenly seemed to be angry.

After all, as an extremely powerful temple, no one has ever threatened it! And what Li Tian said now is no doubt tantamount to threatening the old man in black shirt and the old man in white shirt in front of him.

Just when the black-shirted old man wanted to get angry, the white-shirted old man suddenly reached out slightly to stop him.

"Xuantian, wouldn't you agree to this stinky boy? You let so many mortals go to the temple?" Just listen to the black-shirted old man looking at the white-shirted old man and asking.

The white-shirted old man squinted his eyes and glanced at Li Tian and the other people around Li Tian who suddenly said in his mouth: "The old man knows that allowing so many mortals to go to the temple violates the rules of the temple! , There is a reason for what happened today...you and I understand in my heart!"

After speaking, he and the black-shirted old man took a weird look at the ancient beast: Qinglong.

"So, the old man personally feels that he can only agree to..." the old man in white shirt said there.

When I heard that the white shirt old man actually agreed! The black shirt old man suddenly groaned.

"Huh, if you agree, you will bear the consequences yourself?" the black shirt old man said angrily.

The old man in white shirt smiled slightly and said, "Well! The old man will bear all the consequences alone!"

"Okay! Since you said so, do whatever you want!"

The black shirt old man coldly threw a word, and suddenly said to the men who were following the black shirts next to him: "Let's go!"

With a cold drink, dozens of black-shirted figures followed the black-shirted old man directly and quickly flew towards the ghost ship.

The silhouettes of several people flew towards the ghost ship like a meteor, no longer caring about Li Tian and others.

After the black-shirted old man left, only the white-shirted old man Xuantian looked at Li Tian with a smile and said with a smile: "Young man, I have promised you! Let you take your people there. The temple...how? Are you satisfied now?"

Li Tian heard the white shirt old man say so, he didn't know whether he should be happy or worried!

After all, when you go to that mysterious temple at this moment, who knows whether it is a blessing or a curse?

After thinking about it, Li Tian turned his head and looked at the old dean Heris, Situ Ningbing, and the Yin-Yang boy.

"This time, I'm taking everyone that really doesn't know if it is a blessing or a curse... But, please rest assured of everything! As long as I am still alive, I will not let anyone hurt you..." Li Tian's The words came out.

Situ Ningbing in front of him, as well as the old dean Heris, and the yin and yang boy were so happy when they heard that they could finally go to the temple with Li Tian!

Although the road ahead is dangerous and full of thorns, as long as they are with Li Tian, ​​they will feel at ease in their hearts.

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