Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2958: Nine Tailed Phoenix Luan

But he said that when the enchantment of that day was constantly hit by the dark breath, I suddenly saw a figure floating in the air.

Look carefully at the figure, it turned out to be one of the main gods of the temple!

Yuzu Furugi!

But he said that after that Gu Mu Xijue appeared in the air, he raised his head, and the few white hairs remaining on his bald head were blowing in the wind.

The whole face looked solemnly at the black air current that violently hit the "Enchantment of Heaven".

Suddenly, he muttered in his mouth; "Evil fellows, you still want to break through the barrier?"

"Huh, delusion!"

With a loud shout, the black snake scepter in Gu Mu Xijue's hand slammed into the air!

There was a loud thunder in the air, and then I saw that Gu Muxi's elder man was supporting the sky with one hand, and the black snake scepter in his hand suddenly emitted infinite light, and then rushed toward the "sky enchantment"!

When that group of rays of light rushed up, the evil black whirlpool was immediately dispersed!

However, just after the evil black whirlpool air current was washed away, the black air suddenly billowing behind the sky struck again.

Look carefully, but see that the black horror aura condenses into a horrible appearance of a skull, with teeth and claws tearing the "sky enchantment" in the air.

No matter it was the black snake scepter in that Gu Mu Xijue's hand, it seemed impossible to stop it!




The thunder was loud, and the evil black skull was violently hitting, tearing the barrier of heaven.

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the temple are watching the scene in front of them! Everyone was there with eyes wide open, looking at the scene in the sky! An extremely solemn and worried look appeared on everyone's face!

At this moment, a "fengming" cut through the sky, and the sound resounded like a strange bird.

Then I saw a flame of light suddenly appeared in the western sky!

"What is that?" Li Tian and the others screamed when they suddenly saw a red flame suddenly appeared on the western sky.

Li Tian also looked at the western sky solemnly.

He didn't know, what exactly came from the strange croak just now!

Just when he was surprised, the people in white and black outside the temple not only screamed.

"It's the goddess who is out...It's the goddess' tail beast..."


Just as they exclaimed, there was another "scream" suddenly!

Then I saw a "flying bird" full of flames flying straight to the blue sky from the sky below!

It was a huge and weird bird, not only filled with flames, but also had nine tails! ! !

Each tail was burning with raging flames, and at this moment, it was flying towards the side of Gu Mu Xijue.

When Li Tian and the others suddenly saw a weird bird with nine tails and flames burning from the sky, they were all stunned.

"Oh my God, what is that stuff?"

"Yes... Is it... Fire Phoenix?"

Situ Ningbing said with her beautiful eyes wide open.

Lao Long in front of him also shook his head dullly and said, "It doesn't seem to be a phoenix...like...like a legendary ancient beast!"

Li Tianyi was startled when he heard Na Long say this.


"Ancient fierce beast?" Li Tiandao!

He already knew that the blue dragon in his body was an ancient beast! I also saw the "Yi Turtle Beast" of the White God, and at this moment another ancient fierce beast appeared.

But what is this?

Just as Li Tian asked, Elder Long by his side suddenly said, "If I'm not mistaken...this is a fierce beast with nine tails and flames burning all over...It is the legendary...Nine-Tailed Phoenix Luan!!!"

Nine-tailed Fengluan?

When Li Tian heard them, they were all shocked there.

Everyone's eyes showed surprise... a rare expression of surprise.

Then everyone looked at it carefully, and saw a beautiful figure standing on the "Nine-Tailed Phoenix Luan" that was full of flames.

The figure is graceful and graceful, with a fiery red body, blending with the nine-tailed phoenix!

If you don't look carefully, you can't see her appearance clearly.

Her appearance is like a fairy, and that beautiful and flawless face has beautiful eyes that make people sway...Under the straight bridge of the nose is a small red mouth!

The dark hair was coiled on top of the head, and then there was a phoenix tail hairpin stuck in the head!

A fiery red dress made her look so eye-catching... and among her snow-white slender hands, the "whip" exuding infinite luster was even more noticeable.

She was standing on the "Nine-Tailed Phoenix Luan", and then she looked at the evil black "skull and crossbones" in the sky with beautiful eyes.

Then there was a cold drink in his mouth.

"Wood God, I'll help you!"

As the sound fell, the nine-tailed phoenix she was standing on suddenly neighed, and then flew towards Gu Mu Xijue.

That Gu Mu Xijue also saw her right now!

The moment he saw her, a smile appeared on Gu Mu Xujie's old face.

"Xue Ji, you are out!"

Following the desolate and deep voice of Gu Mu Xijue, the "Xue Ji" standing on Jiuwei Fengluan nodded slightly and said: "It's time to leave!"

"Okay! Let's fight the evil invasion together!"

I saw that Xue Ji had already flew over on the Nine-tailed Phoenix Luan at this moment.

The nine-tailed phoenix who was burning with flames suddenly neighed, and then Xue Ji suddenly raised her hand, the "whip" in her hand that exuded infinite light suddenly flashed a glimpse of an aurora, and then shot directly into the black skull .


The sky trembled violently.

The two air currents attacked together, directly hitting the evil skull, but seeing the black skull making a "weird" whistling sound in the air, and then swish, the black whirlpool breath disappeared. Without a trace...Hidden in the endless sky!

And the extremely weird sky curtain just now slowly began to return to its previous splendid appearance at this moment.

The moment the people in white and black clothes in the temple saw the wood **** and the goddess blocking the evil back together, they couldn't help being happy.


"The evil has been defeated!"

"The barrier of heaven once again blocked those things!"

Only the people in white and the people in black were shouting with great joy.

And what about Li Tian and Elder Long?

I was completely shocked by the scene before me!

They looked at the wood **** in the air: Gu Mu Xijue! And the beautiful woman riding a nine-tailed phoenix... they all stayed at that moment.

What happened here?

Who is that stunning woman riding the ancient beast Nine-Tailed Phoenix Luan?

Also, what was the terrifying black airflow that was flying from the sky just now?

All of this is a huge mystery to Li Tian and the others!

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