Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 2993: Advanced Illusion Barrier

The so-called "four-image vertical air technique" is to rely on the illusion art to transform into the "four-image thing" to fight for it!

The current Li Tian has condensed into a single head in just half an hour: Tiger Elephant!

It can be said that the cultivation speed is simply too fast, and it is simply incredible.

You know, if these four-image vertical energy techniques are extremely talented, it would take months!

All this is because Li Tian ate so many fairy fruits.

However, after Li Tian condensed into a tiger elephant at this moment, an excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Tiger Claw!"

Li Tian screamed in his mouth, but saw the tiger elephant that morphed out of the void suddenly roared, two tiger claws caught in the air through the air, hissing energy followed the tiger claws' grasp. Out and radiate this voice.

"Not bad! Very good!" When Li Tian saw that the tiger elephant had such an offensive power, not only was he secretly surprised.

At this moment Li Tian has already trained as a tiger elephant, and he will continue to cultivate the remaining three elephants when he is left!

Tiger, leopard, eagle, snake!

Four animal elephants!

Next, Li Tian should cultivate the remaining three elephants!

The remaining three elephants only took Li Tian more than an hour!

As this hour passed, Li Tian's whole body was steaming white gas... Those weird white gas slowly evaporating from the top of his head!

Li Tian's eyes closed tightly, suddenly opened, and then his hands put out two completely different seals in the void!

One is the Eagle Seal!

The other one is the snake print!

After showing two seals with both hands, Li Tian shouted: "Eagle hits the sky!" "Snake tangled up!"

When he yelled out, he suddenly heard a "neigh" and saw a giant eagle transformed from Qi form flying over Li Tian's head, but the giant eagle was almost one meter away, and at this moment the giant eagle flew out. , Two claws grabbed into the air, whistling and fierce!

And at the same moment, I saw a poisonous snake about two meters long from Li Tian's foot position. The poisonous snake was also transformed by breath. I saw that the poisonous snake had a triangular head, a cobra! At this moment, there was a poisonous core, and then the whole snake body was slightly entangled, lying in front of that Li Tian.

This is the "eagle form" and the "snake form".

At this moment, Li Tian, ​​when he saw that he had fully realized the "four-image vertical air technique", not only a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Great, I Li Tian finally learned another layer of powerful Qi illusion!"

I saw Li Tian said in that extremely pleasantly surprised way.

Now Li Tian has learned all the "Four Elephants"!

The tiger, leopard, eagle, snake, and the four elephants have all been deeply grasped by Li Tian.

After learning this Qi illusion technique, Li Tian did not continue to learn other illusion techniques...Instead, he quickly ran towards the old dean who was cultivating over there.

"Old Dean, how is your cultivation?" After Li Tian walked over, he looked at the old Dean Heris and asked.

But seeing that the old dean Heris didn't have time to pay attention to him at all, at this moment, a pair of eyeballs stared at the peerless illusion on the stone wall in front of him, slowly studying there.

"Old Dean?" Li Tian saw that the old Dean did not answer, and at this moment he not only cried out again.

However, at this moment, the old dean still seemed to have not heard it at all! He was completely indifferent to Li Tian's question.

Li Tian saw that the old dean hadn't looked at himself from beginning to end, and he was not only discouraged!


It seems that this old Dean Khris is about to get caught up in the practice! You can't even hear the shouts in your ears!

Forget it, if that's the case, then Li Tian won't bother him anymore!

Looking at the old Dean Heris, Li Tian finally murmured there: "Old Dean, I'm going to look for that Ningbing first... and Long Lao them!! Wait until I find them," I'll call you again!"

After speaking, Li Tian was ready to leave this second heaven!

Li Tian is not obsessed with these illusions in front of him, in his eyes, although these illusions are high-level illusions! But he is not a fool, because he has only reached this second day!

Don't forget, there are thirteen heavens in front of you!

Since the wood **** once said that in these thirteen days, there are peerless illusions, then there is no doubt... the above ten illusions are definitely more profound than the illusions here!

So Li Tian felt that he had to learn the strongest illusion technique! And you can’t just waste time on the first and second tiers.

After Li Tian thought this way, he began to prepare to step into the third heaven.

After taking a last look at the obsessive back of the old Dean Heris, Li Tian began to walk towards the attic.

When Li Tian was about to go up to this attic, he suddenly discovered that there was a layer of illusion barriers around the ladder leading to the third heaven!

When Li Tian saw it, he was stunned.

"Hey, what is this? There is still something blocking it?"

Looking at this faint illusion barrier, Li Tian suddenly stretched out his hand to touch it, and a rebounding force immediately shook towards that Li Tian!

Li Tian's arm was numb for a while, and then quickly retracted.

"So powerful!"

"Could it be that this leads to the third heaven, but also to break through the illusion barrier?" Li Tian thought secretly.

What he had guessed was correct!

Except for the first heaven, all the levels that go up will all enter one to: the assessment of the advanced illusion barrier!

And this illusion barrier with huge resistance in front of me is the so-called "advanced illusion barrier."

Not everyone can go to these higher heavens casually! otherwise? The thirteenth heaven, isn't it that whoever wants to reach the number one will reach the number one?

Anyone who wants to set foot on a higher level of cultivation level must rely on strength to break through the "advanced illusion barrier" in front of him, otherwise he will not be able to reach another higher level for a lifetime! ! !

The "advanced illusion barrier" in front of this is natural!

Except for using illusions to break this illusion barrier, any external force... or method can hardly break this illusion barrier! !

Even with the use of gunpowder and bombs, it is difficult to break the "advanced magic barrier" in front of him.

However, at that moment, Li Tian, ​​at the moment when he was looking at the faintly transparent "advanced illusion barrier", he not only murmured: Huh? Am I still not on the third heaven?

"Let me break your illusion barrier!"

After Li Tian secretly said these words in his mouth, he then suddenly began to accumulate the spiritual power of his body onto his arms!

After accumulating the spiritual power of the whole body and reaching his arms, Li Tian then stretched out his right hand slightly, and then pressed it toward the "advanced illusion barrier"!

At the moment his hand, which had accumulated spiritual power, slightly extended to the "advanced illusion barrier", a huge counter-shock force suddenly began to block that Li Tian!

After Li Tian felt the extremely powerful resistance, his heart faintly lining: "It seems that this advanced illusion barrier is a bit weird! Why is the resistance so strong?"

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