Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3006: Moment of panic

But he said that after Situ Ningbing suddenly heard the terrible sound, Situ Ningbing was shocked. .


Situ Ningbing retreated while holding her water bag tightly, and suddenly exclaimed there.

Two beautiful eyes stared wide there, and then looked at the deep grass.

Here, the ancient trees are towering to the sky, and the surrounding flowers and plants are also extremely luxuriant... In such a wild forest, no one knows what exactly is in the grass just now.

But he said that at the moment when Situ Ningbing screamed out, suddenly there was a loud noise from the bushes again!


Situ Ningbing was scared enough this time! The body quickly backed away.

While retreating quickly, he exclaimed, "Who, where is who?"

After that Situ Ningbing just called out, the sound of "huh, huh," suddenly came from the grass.

It was as if something was gasping.

At this moment, the extremely dense grass in front suddenly "rustled" movement.

It's as if something is moving inside.

Then, when Situ Ningbing's beautiful eyes widened, two sturdy ankles suddenly emerged from the bushes. Upon closer inspection, a huge lizard-like monster appeared on Situ Ningbing's. before.

The monster's body was the size of a crocodile, and there was a disgusting scaly layer all over the body!

The two pupils are blood-red, with long pointed fangs, there are mucus, the limbs are sturdy and strong, at this moment, they drilled out of the grass, and then raised the bloodthirsty eyes, unblinking He stared at Situ Ningbing in front of him.


Not bad!

In the wilderness forest under the Thousand Snow Peaks, there are indeed many strange beasts!

These strange beasts are all carnivores and they are extremely cruel. I really didn't expect that Situ Ningbing would encounter one now.

But he said that Situ Ningbing suddenly screamed when he saw such a cruel beast appeared in front of him.


With an exclamation, Situ Ningbing quickly began to back away.

As soon as she retreated, three or four more came out of the grass!

Those three or four monsters were about the same size as the strange beasts in front of them. After the "huh, huh" crawled out, they lifted the blood-red eyes and stared at the Situ Ningbing... the sharp fangs still In that ghastly stretched out.

When Situ Ningbing suddenly saw that she had met so many ferocious monsters at once, at that moment, her heart was about to jump out.


Who can see these 45 huge beasts in this wilderness, who can't be afraid?

Besides, after Situ Ningbing felt the fear, then Situ Ningbing began to run away, and she ran towards the Yang Tong like crazy.

But he said that after Situ Ningbing ran out, the four or five strange beasts behind him suddenly "roared", opening the mouth full of fangs, and then chasing after him.

The limbs of these beasts are extremely developed, and their running speed is very fast, very fast...

At this moment, he soon chased after that Situ Ningbing!

Besides, Situ Ningbing screamed while running...The voice of fear echoed throughout the jungle.


The young boy who was waiting for Situ Ningbing to receive the water was taken aback after hearing Situ Ningbing's screaming sound from the front.

"Sister Situ has an accident!"

After Xiao Yangtong noticed it, he suddenly ran to Situ Ningbing quickly.

"Sister Situ?" Yang Tong, who ran over to support, shouted there.

Just a few meters out, I saw Situ Ningbing running towards him in horror.

But seeing that Situ Ningbing suddenly saw Yang Tong at the moment, he suddenly shouted: "Yang Tong, run...Run..."

The young boy was still depressed, and he didn't know what happened. So at this moment there is not only a slight hesitation.

Just when the young boy wanted to ask what was going on, he suddenly roared, and one of the terrifying beasts that was about to catch up suddenly rushed to the Situ Ningbing.

The mouth opened, the big blood-red mouth full of fangs, biting at Situ Ningbing.

Situ Ningbing saw the strange beast bite from behind, and immediately screamed, one hand hurriedly performed the "water polo technique" subconsciously, only to see a water-condensed water ball hit the strange beast all at once. On the head.

The strange beast was hit, and its body fell to the ground with a splash, without the slightest injury.

Then he roared again, chasing Situ Ningbing, extremely brutal.

The young boy finally saw the strange beast, and was shocked there at the moment.

"Yangtong, run!" After Situ Ningbing rushed over, he grabbed the young boy's little hand and called.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Because those terrifying and cruel beasts have completely surrounded the two of them.

The five alien beasts all held up their blood-red pupils, and then opened a big mouth full of fangs to surround Situ Ningbing and Yang Tong in front of them.

Situ Ningbing and Yang Tong were surrounded by them. Their faces were ugly and pale, and their eyes showed horror.

"Sister Situ, these...what are these... beasts?" Yang Tong said in fear.

After all, he was still a child, and of course he would be scared after seeing such a few brutal beasts.

Situ Ningbing stared at the beasts in front of him in horror, while comforting the young boy there and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... there is a sister, my sister is protecting you."

"But... but... can we resist these beasts?" Yang Tong asked fearfully there.

Situ Ningbing also felt cold!


The strength of the two of them is really not comparable to the ancient alien beast in front of them... because these alien beasts have hard scale armor to block damage, and their speed and strength are very fast.

As far as Situ Ningbing and Yang Tong are somewhat weak, they are indeed in great danger now.

"Don't worry, elder sister will take her life to protect you!" Situ Ningbing finally looked at the young boy there.

Yang Tong hid behind Situ Ningbing, trembling with fright.

At this moment, the beasts surrounding them began to attack.

I saw that the first one to attack was the biggest ferocious beast. The beast opened its fangs and bit at Situ Ningbing in front of him.

Situ Ningbing let out an exclamation, swept up slightly, and then released a water arrow from the air!

With the sound of piercing through, the small water arrow shot towards the alien beast.

With a bang, but seeing that the water arrow hit the alien beast's body fiercely, the alien beast blocked the water arrow with its scale armor! Then the water arrow was scrapped... but the strange beast showed no signs of injury.

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