Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3009: Keep them

At this moment, the goddess Xue Ji suddenly flew slightly from the stone altar.

At the moment she flew down, she slowly walked towards the Situ Ningbing who was fainting on the ground in front of her...and the Yang Tong.

After walking to the fainted Situ Ningbing, the beauty of the goddess Xue Ji's peerless Qingcheng was slightly startled, and she looked at Situ Ningbing curiously.

Looking at Situ Ningbing's delicate and flawless face.

The straight bridge of the nose... the thin eyebrows like willow leaves, and the red and moist fragrance.

At that moment, the goddess Xue Ji not only showed a slight movement in her beautiful eyes.

"Unexpectedly, there are such beautiful women under the sky..." Suddenly the goddess Xue Ji in front of her said while looking at Situ Ningbing.

It turned out that she was shocked by the beauty of Situ Ningbing.

This goddess Xue Ji is naturally beautiful and unparalleled! I consider myself the number one beauty in the world! But after seeing this peerless face of Situ Ningbing, this not only surprised her slightly.

It turns out that Situ Ningbing's beauty is almost equal to that of the goddess Xue Ji!

And Situ Ningbing is still young...

Although the goddess Xue Ji has the appearance of an overwhelming country, there is no doubt that she is still a bit old!

So at this moment, the goddess Xue Ji was not only moved.

"Forget it, since the four of you saved these two strangers... Then take it to your resting place first!" Suddenly a word came out of the goddess Xue Ji's mouth.

The goddess Xue Ji did not even ask that Situ Ningbing and Yang Tong be thrown down the Qianxue Peak, but left them both!

After suddenly hearing what the goddess Xue Ji said, the four beauties in white were all taken aback at the same time!

They didn't seem to think that the goddess Xue Ji would agree to this.

At this moment, after a little stunned, the 4 beauties in white clothes hurriedly said, "Thank you Goddess!!"

After speaking, he hurriedly helped the fainted Situ Ningbing... and the young boy arrived at the resting place.


Time doesn't know how long has passed.

Finally, Situ Ningbing, who was overly sad and fainted, suddenly became sober.

At the moment she was awake, she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and then looked around.

But seeing her sleeping on a soft bed surrounded by all kinds of beautiful exotic flowers and plants, the fragrance was pleasant.

Situ Ningbing looked around with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"Here...what's the place?" she muttered there.

While talking, I looked around, but I saw that there were icy stone walls around! She seems to live in a stone cave, with women's clothes and various utensils, all neatly arranged.

Looking at everything around him, Situ Ningbing was there in a daze.

She doesn't know what exactly is this place in front of her? Don't know where she is?

Suddenly when Situ Ningbing was very surprised, the sound of footsteps came from outside, and there were also voices of women talking and laughing.

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he was startled, and quickly stepped off the soft bed, and then looked carefully.

At this moment, two beauties in white suddenly walked out of the cave.

When she saw these two beauties in white clothes at first glance, Situ Ningbing was momentarily startled: "Is it them?"

Situ Ningbing knew these beauties in white.

But he said that just when Situ Ningbing was very surprised, the two beauties in white who suddenly walked in also suddenly saw Situ Ningbing in front of them.

"Huh, are you awake?" Just listen to one of the tall beautiful women in white looking at Situ Ningbing with a smile.

Situ Ningbing looked at them cautiously, then nodded slightly and said: "En..."

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Situ Ningbing asked quickly.

After that Situ Ningbing asked slightly, the two beauties in white clothes suddenly smiled and said: "My name is Qingluan! My name is Bairu!"

Two beauties in white introduced themselves there.

After hearing the self-introduction of these two beauties in white, Situ Ningbing continued to ask: "I... why am I here?"

"Have you forgotten? You were unconscious, we rescued you." One of the tall girls named Qingluan smiled there.

When Situ Ningbing in front of him heard it, he suddenly remembered.

Yes, she was indeed in a coma before...

Thinking of everything before, Situ Ningbing suddenly woke up.

"You... You... saved me?"

The beauty in white clothes in Qingluan smiled and said, "Well!"

"Where is the young boy? Where is the young boy?" Suddenly, Situ Ningbing thought of the young boy and couldn't help asking.

The beautiful Bai Ru said: "Are you talking about that kid? He is resting!"

After the two beauties in white clothes said so, Situ Ningbing finally understood.

It turned out that these beauties in white really saved them.

After thinking about it, Situ Ningbing looked at them and said, "Thank you."

Bai Ru smiled and said, "You're welcome!"

"By the way, are you hungry? We brought you some snacks." Only one of the white-clothed girls said kindly.

While talking, he really reached the place over there, and then brought some exquisite snacks.

Situ Ningbing looked at them kindly, and said: "Thank you, but I am not hungry now."

"Well, that's okay! Then I will put the snacks here first...when you are hungry, then eat." Qingluan said.

Situ Ningbing looked around for a while and wanted to ask: "Two girls, may I ask, where am I now?"

"Qianxuefeng, the top of the peak!" said the tall Qingluan.

When Situ Ningbing heard it, he was suddenly startled.


"You...you...you told me before...say...say...Li Tian is dead? Is it true?" Situ Ningbing's voice was trembling suddenly at Qingluan and Bai Ru who were looking in front Tao.

When the two beauties in white clothes heard what Situ Ningbing said, they were all startled, then looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Situ Ningbing in front of them.

"Actually... he... the man you were talking about... seems... as if he is indeed dead." Qing Luan said slightly.

When Situ Ningbing heard this, he suddenly felt as if he had a knife stabbed in it!

pain! Distorted pain!

"How could this happen? How could this happen?" Suddenly Situ Ningbing said in pain.

The crystal clear tears in the beautiful eyes also all dripped down.

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