Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3018: The Three Demons of Hades: Hei Jue

Qianxuefeng is as quiet as ever.

Below the peak, those towering old trees grow densely one by one, and the strange flowers and weeds are also eye-catching.

There are also some strange animals jumping up and down among the grass.

Just in this extremely quiet time, a very harsh and unpleasant sound...suddenly radiated from the barren forest.

The sound was so ugly, it was like some kind of terrible cry.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly saw a rough black aura that flew over here strangely.

The black python's energy is so fast that it has entered the territory of Qianxuefeng in a dazzling way.


After the terrifying black python's air suddenly diffused, it suddenly disappeared in the dense grass.

At the moment of disappearance, a harsh and unpleasant sound suddenly came from the grass.

"Damn it! I didn't expect that the old immortal thing would almost stop the deity." The harsh voice said suddenly there.

After that, a weird character wearing a black cloak suddenly appeared out of the grass.

Look at this weird person carefully. He has messy black hair draped over his shoulders. His body is not very big, but he exudes a gloomy breath, and his face has an indescribable strangeness.

Pale and weird, those brown eyes are like wild beasts.

The strangest thing is that there is a blood-red word "Ming" printed on his forehead! The word "ming" was engraved on his forehead like blood.

He was holding a purple-black scepter in one of his skinny hands. At the top of the scepter, there was a gem that exuded purple flames.

Extremely weird.


It turns out that this person is among the three demons of Hades: Hei Jue!

But he said that after this "Black Jue" suddenly appeared, his horrible purple-brown eyes suddenly looked around.

After taking a look, he suddenly raised his head full of black hair, glanced at the top of Qianxuefeng, and suddenly muttered, "Qianxuefeng?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would break into the territory of the goddess Xue Ji!!!"

After he said this sentence, he suddenly smiled gloomily.

At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps in front of him.

The moment he heard the sound of footsteps, one of the three demons of the Hades: Hei Jue, suddenly a strange and terrifying killing intent appeared on his face.

Then the figure flashed, the whole person turned into a black recklessness, and then dived into the dense jungle.

After the black jue's voice suddenly disappeared into the dense grass, after a while, I saw the figure of a beautiful woman in white slowly walking over there.

Look carefully at who is the beautiful woman in white?

It turned out to be one of the maidservants of the goddess Xue Ji!

Bai Ru!

But seeing that Bai Ru, with a round face and a white dress sand, was carrying a small bamboo basket on his back and holding the long sword tightly in his hand, he came over suspiciously.

After walking over, she blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, then stared at the surroundings and muttered silently in her mouth, "Hey, I clearly heard a cry from here just now? Why is there nothing?"

But seeing Bai Ru, a beautiful woman in white with a long sword, murmured in her mouth.

It turned out that Bai Ru was ordered by the goddess Xue Ji to come down the mountain to collect some Ganoderma lucidum herbs! Just when Na Bairu was collecting medicinal materials in this barren forest, he suddenly heard an extremely unpleasant cry, so he hurried over just now.

But after she rushed over, she found that there was nothing here...so it made her feel very strange for a moment.

At this moment, Bai Ru blinked a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at the surrounding carefully!

After looking around and there was indeed no movement, Bai Ru said inwardly, "Could it be that I just heard it wrong?"

Bai Ru thought about it this way, ready to leave.

She turned around, and was about to leave... Suddenly, behind her, there was a sound of "簌簌簌".

Bai Ru was taken aback, turned her head quickly, and then carefully observed her surroundings!

When he opened his eyes, Bai Ru was stunned by the scene in front of him.

But seeing the original lush and exotic flowers and grasses around, suddenly all of them withered...the flowers and plants all turned black! Then wither and die!

Even that piece of soil turned into a black color in an instant.

"Ah? How could this be?" When Bai Ru looked at the situation in front of him, he was stunned.

She only felt a gloomy fear invisibly and then surrounded her body.

Then she subconsciously felt something was wrong! Then tightly held the long sword in his hand.

"These flowers...how could they wither instantly?" Bai Ru looked at the withered flowers and plants in front of him in horror, and then said in shock.

Just after she said this in her mouth, suddenly those withered flowers and plants began to spread towards her!

Even the dark soil on the ground began to spread terribly under her feet!

Bai Ru in front of him saw that the black demon's aura was spreading towards her...they let out an exclamation, and quickly backed away.

While backing away, she had noticed something was wrong!


At this moment, Bai Ru was holding a long sword and exclaimed in surprise.

At the moment when her voice yelled out, a very unpleasant voice suddenly rang in all directions.

"Hehehehe!" When the gloomy voice passed into Bai Ru's ears, Bai Ru only felt pain in her eardrums... her pretty face became pale and ugly right now.

The right hand directly drew out the "long sword" in his hand, and yelled there, "Who? That **** is pretending to be a fool here! Come out with this girl."

With a cry, suddenly I saw that Bai Ru hand-dancing long sword.


Several air-breaking sword moves were displayed in the air, and then sword auras were cut towards the dense weeds around!

After the sharp sword qi slashed towards the dense flowers and plants, only bunches of flowers and plants were cut down by the terrible sword qi.

However, after that Bai Ru's sword qi slashed to the surrounding area, there was no movement in the surrounding area! Can't see anyone at all!

"Come out! Bastard." At this moment, Bai Ru felt more and more scared... Holding the long sword tightly in his hand, then said angrily to the surrounding area.

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