Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 301: real or fake? (1 burst)

Facing her father's roar, Duanmuying lowered her head and dared not speak.

However, he saw that Duanmu Heiming in the dark heard his daughter say for no reason: At the moment when Rashomon was furious, he suddenly whispered in anger, "How is it possible!"

"Rashomon: How can the nine styles be learned by others?"

"Ying'er, if you dare to lie again...I..." Duanmu Heiming's voice in the dark hides an invisible murderous intent.

Seeing the anger of her father, Duanmuying suddenly dropped tears in her beautiful eyes and stood there silently.

The entire dark space was suddenly silent.

Duanmu Heiming seemed to feel his daughter crying, and no longer screamed.

Silence, death-like silence finally rang in Duanmu Heiming's sigh.

"Ying'er, for so many years, I know for my father that you have suffered a lot of wrongs, and that you have been unhappy since your mother left, but you should not lie to me!"

"You have to know that Rashomon Kungfu is the lifeblood of our Duanmu family... Except for your uncle who has been dead for many years, no one in the world knows the Rashomon nine styles, including, I haven't studied Rashen. Nine styles, but how can you say that an outsider has learned the supremacy of our family?"

"Ying'er, if this matter is spread, wouldn't our Duanmu family be ridiculed by the other three families? Then they will definitely target us. Once at any time, our Duanmu family won't want to stand here again. "

Listening to Duanmu Heiming's words, Duanmuying slowly lowered her head.

"Daddy, I was wrong." Duanmuying admitted.

Now maybe even she is doubting herself, doubting the truth that her eyes see.

Rashomon's kung fu has always been difficult for anyone to learn except for the insiders of the Duanmu family.

Rashomon: Nine styles are the essence of Rashomon's martial arts. How could Li Tian, ​​a person in his 20s in his grade, learn it? The Duanmu family has his own erudition and versatility. His father from Tonggu to the present has not studied the Rashomon Nine Styles, and there are still fearful and invincible four elders who have not studied the Rashomon Nine Styles. In this way, with strength and darkness In the family of faith, everyone is studying to make his own power stronger almost every day, but how can he be an outsider suddenly learn the nine styles of Rashomon?

After Duanmuying thought about it this way, she suddenly felt that she was absurd. How could she be so firm in thinking that he would be a Rashomon nine styles?

I am mistaken!

This would even start to doubt herself.

"Ying'er, don't intervene in this matter for now, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible by the people in Anbu." Duanmu Heiming said suddenly in the dark.

Duanmuying did not speak, her mouth moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she held it back and stood there and nodded silently.

Duanmu Heiming continued in the darkness and said: "Since the Ouyang family has asked a group of people who are not afraid of death to do things for him, they are afraid of conflicts with our family. Since there are people who are not afraid of death, I will kill them all. "

As the ghastly words uttered, it was obvious that this murderer in the dark was going to kill Li Tian and the others.

When Duanmuying heard her father say that she would kill Li Tian and the others, she couldn't help but startled slightly. Her delicate little face looked at the darkness, not knowing what she was thinking.


Since the last time, Li Tian and his brothers have been staying inside the room for two days.

The clues of Baotong Company are completely broken. I heard that the current Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd. has begun to close. Even the previous Baotong Company taxi drivers on the street have begun to decrease.

This situation undoubtedly disconnected the clues Li Tian and the others were looking for.

Li Tian in the room is now depressed.

First, they didn't know where the Duanmu family was. For that mysterious and dark family, maybe everyone sitting there didn't know where to look for it, as if Li Tian could only be in a passive role.

Second, what Li Tian is most worried about now is the passage of time, because as time goes by, he becomes more and more worried about the poisoned future wife Situ Ningbing. He doesn't know how she is now, but it is a pity. Know where to find her.

A person sitting in the room quietly smoking a cigarette. The ashtray next to him has been stuffed with 5--6 cigarette butts. The whole room is smoky. There is still a stick between his fingers. Suck there.

After smoking the cigarette in his hand, Li Tian went downstairs.

Downstairs I saw Tang Xiaolong watching TV boredly, and Chen Qiaozhi and A Qiu beside him were also sitting there.

When he saw Li Tian come down, he smiled slightly as a greeting.

Li Tian also sat there quietly, his brows locked tightly.

Then Chen Qiaozhi couldn't help turning his head slightly, looking at Li Tian and asking, "What is the origin of that woman last time?"

After Chen Qiaozhi spoke out the words, Tang Xiaolong who was next to him was also interested, and he hurriedly leaned over and asked, "Yes, little boss, what is the origin of that pretty coquettish woman?"

What they asked was naturally that Duanmu Ying.

Li Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I am not familiar with her either. I just met two people beforehand. The first time I saw her was in Kyoto City. I didn't know that she was from the Duanmu family at that time. I didn’t know her surname Duanmu until she told me her name. The second meeting was when I first came to Jinghai City last time. She slaughtered the Tu Wei who had been killed by the Ouyang family. It was just me at the time. It's the end of the battle, and I watched her disappear from me, but there was no alternative."

After hearing what Li Tian said, Chen Qiaozhi frowned slightly.

"That woman is definitely not a simple woman, her identity must be very high in the Duanmu family." Chen Qiaozhi said softly.

Tang Xiaolong next to him smiled and said, "But that girl is really pretty."

Chen Qiaozhi glared at him as soon as he said this sentence.

"There is something I don't know if I should ask!" Chen Qiaozhi in front of him suddenly asked, staring at Li Tian.

Li Tian was startled slightly, looking at Chen Qiaozhi and said: "It's okay, can you ask?"

Chen Qiaozhi thought for a while and stared at Li Tiandao and said, "I heard that the reason you dealt with the Duanmu family was because you had a friend who was poisoned by their family's Sanshengmen? Is this true or false?"

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