Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3024: Sword of Burning Heaven

But he said, what is the weird thing about the water that intercepted him just now?

When I took a closer look, I saw that in the middle of the lake, I don't know when a "water man!" more than two meters high appeared.

It turned out to be the "water man" who guarded the temple.

This water man appeared once when blocking Li Tian, ​​but he did not expect to appear again now.

But he said that after Na Hei Jue saw a "water man" suddenly appear in the middle of this tranquil lake and blocked him, that Hei Jue's face showed a strong killing intent.

"Damn thing! I didn't expect something like you in this lake to block the deity."

After that Heijue finished speaking coldly, suddenly a mark quickly condensed in his hand.

"Black Fire Seal!"

With a cold drink, suddenly Hei Jue stretched out his right hand, and a black steaming aura like flames flew towards the water man.

Let’s also say that when the "water man" saw such a flame-like black aura flying in, his two-meter-long body suddenly shrank, and then blocked the black "black fire mark". .

Then a water flow arm suddenly extended, rolling towards the black jue with a swish.

Na Heijue glanced at it, sneered, his right hand cut into a palm, and then attacked the water man.

puff! puff! puff!

The Hei Jue's cut palm directly cut off the water man's extended arm, and then shouted angrily, the "black fire mark" that had just been cast flooded the water man.

Although the "water man" is extremely supernatural, he is not a human being after all!

So it doesn't know about blocking at all.

There was a bang, but the "black fire mark" cast by Hei Jue suddenly surrounded the body of the water man.

Facing the flame-like black steaming aura, the water man suddenly uttered a painful cry of "creak".

"Blast!" Then he roared, but when he saw the water man "boom", his body burst directly.

Then the whole body turned into a cloud of black water, scattered in the lake!

The "Waterman" couldn't stop the black jue before him.

However, he said that after that Hei Jue killed the "water man" who was blocking him, he didn't even look at it again, but flew in the air to the thirteenth heaven.

What does the Hei Jue of the Three Hades want to do?

He, why come to the thirteenth heaven?

No one knows all of this.


Within 13 days.

There are many, many cultivators...how many are there? No one knows.

They all practiced peerless illusion in these thirteen days. Some people practiced for a lifetime, while some people died of old age in these thirteen days.

What about Li Tian?

What level has he cultivated now?

Within the seventh heaven, the flames of the sky were burning in the room of the seventh heaven.

I saw the flames being manipulated by a shirtless man.

Look carefully, the person operating this golden flame is the same Li Tian.

It turned out that Li Tian cultivated on the seventh day: the sword of burning sky.

"The fire of burning the sky, the sword of flames!"

After Li Tian suddenly uttered these eight words, from the golden flame, a sword light of fiery rays was suddenly shot out.

This is: Sword of Burning Heaven! ! ! !

The magic of light illusion.

Look carefully at this refined "Sword of Burning Heaven", but see this sword floating in the air, golden light permeates all around the body, and the flames are biting. In the process of Li Tian waved slightly, this one" "The Sword of Burning Heaven" immediately flew out to the left as if breaking the wind.

There was a bang, but he saw this "burning sky sword" directly hit a huge bluestone over two meters high.

At the moment of impact, that huge bluestone turned directly into pieces!

The raised scum flying in the air...

"What a strong sword!!!"

"It really deserves to be an immortal technique!" Suddenly Li Tian exclaimed in horror.

It turned out that this "Sword of Burning Heaven" was created by magical power from people, and once transformed, it will be used for life.

There was an indescribable excitement in Li Tian's eyes looking at the "Sword of Burning Heaven" he had refined.


Under Li Tian’s loud shout, suddenly I saw the "burning sky sword" flew towards Li Tian with a whistling sound. After reaching Li Tian’s side, the whole sword body turned into nothingness. The light then penetrated into Li Tian's body.

Li Tian has already practiced the magical technique of light: Xianshu!

Sword of Burning Heaven.

It's just that he still doesn't know how effective this "Sword of Burning Heaven" is? How powerful is it?

Li Tianzai in front of him was delighted, because he had clearly felt his physical strength continued to grow stronger! As for how strong he is now? He doesn't even know.

Just when Li Tian had cultivated the "Sword of Burning Heaven", suddenly a pair of brilliant eyes in the darkness looked at him with relief.

When he saw Li Tian finally put away the sword of Burning Heaven, those shining eyes shouted in a low voice, "This kid is good, good!!"

After murmured these words in his mouth, suddenly his figure disappeared within the seventh day.

But he said that Li Tian didn't notice that he had a pair of eyes that had been staring at him during the seventh day.

He was just happy there.

Just when Li Tian was happy that he had cultivated the "Sword of Burning Heaven", suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from below the thirteen days.


The violent explosion made the entire "Sky Tower" tremble.

After Li Tian felt the sound of an "explosion" in the following several days, he was not only stunned for an instant.

"Huh? What's the matter? What exactly was the explosion sound just now?"

Just as Li Tian was wondering in his heart like this, suddenly there was a "violent explosion sound" from below.


The explosion was stronger than before, causing Li Tian's body to shake uncontrollably.

Feeling such an explosion, Li Tian felt very strange.

"What seems to be happening down here? I'll take a look."

After Li Tian felt that something strange appeared in the next few heavens, he was ready to go down and take a look.

After thinking this way in his heart, Li Tian flew out directly from the window of the seventh heaven!

He didn't directly descend from the top of the ladder, but directly flew out from the window on the seventh day.

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