Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3060: Mysterious **** man

The thirteenth heaven. .

After the goddess Xue Ji left, Li Tian stayed alone in these thirteen days.

Looking closely at the situation in the tenth day... Then Li Tian stepped forward to the day pool.

I saw the steaming heat in the pool that day...

After Li Tian walked to the side of the Tianchi, he not only frowned slightly, but muttered there, "What's the matter with this Tianchi? How could the goddess Xueji faint here before?"

"Could it be that the water in this Tianchi is a little weird?" Li Tian thought secretly there.

He still didn't understand that the goddess Xue Ji fainted because of the pain of "bone washing". Any strong person who wants to break through the tenth heaven must go through this stage!

Because Li Tian still doesn't understand the situation, he still doesn't know the pain of washing the bones.

Looking at the steaming Tianchi, Li Tian muttered in his secret mouth: "I'll go in and try! See if there is really a problem with the water in this pool..."

Just when Li Tian was about to take off his clothes and enter this Tianchi, suddenly, a strange and melodious flute sound came from that distant place.

The sound of the flute is from the wind...

The sound of the flute is tactful, like gurgling water, winding endlessly, and it really sounds like an extremely smooth feeling in people's ears, making the whole person's heart shocked.

"What a wonderful flute sound!" Suddenly, after hearing the extremely melodious flute sound in Li Tian's ears, he yelled in surprise.

"Where did the flute sound come from? Why is it so beautiful?"

Li Tian said curiously.

As his ears listened carefully, Li Tian suddenly discovered that the sound of this extremely melodious flute came from the "West".

Melodious and melodious, it is really beautiful.

Although Li Tian didn't have much research on the flute, he couldn't help being a little obsessed with the extremely pleasing sound of flute at this moment.

"Who the **** is this? Can you play such a beautiful note in the world? Melody?" Li Tianzai murmured in shock.

The melodious flute sound is still floating gently in the wind!

Then a little bit passed into Li Tian's ears, and Li Tian seemed to be a little fascinated by it! Drunk in the sound of the flute.

The weird and melodious sound of the flute carries a terrifying attraction... even Li Tian at this moment seems to be sucked!

Not only did he subconsciously want to see who it was, playing such a nice sound of flute.

This beautiful flute sound made Li Tian even delay his cultivation!

He wanted to go and see...see who played such a beautiful flute?

After thinking that in Li Tian's mind, he was going to take a look.

"I'm going to see... to see who is playing such a beautiful flute!" Li Tian murmured.

After he made up his mind so determined, he was really ready to go and see... Li Tian belongs to the kind of people who just do what they say, and will never procrastinate.

Therefore, after making up his mind at this moment, his figure suddenly flew out towards the window of the tenth heaven.

That melodious and beautiful flute sound came from the west...

So after Li Tian flew out, he flew directly to the west.

The place to the west, but I saw an ancient virgin forest...it was extremely barren, there was nothing...at this moment, Li Tian listened to the fingerprints of the flute sound in his ears, and then flew to the flute sound extremely fast go with.

After passing through a thicket of towering old trees, Li Tian got closer and closer to the sound of the flute.

He wanted to see who was the one who played such a beautiful flute?

As Li Tianfei was getting closer and closer to the sound of the flute, suddenly, the sound of the flute that was still beautiful just now suddenly stopped at this moment!

No more... The sound of the flute suddenly disappeared.

But he said that Li Tian originally flew over according to the sound of the flute, and after the sound of the flute suddenly stopped at this moment, he was stunned.

"Stop? Why did the flute suddenly stop?"

As Li Tian thought, he shot straight from the air and flew down.

Without the fingerprints of Xiaosheng, Li Tian suddenly lost his direction.

I saw him standing in the woods very depressed at this moment, looking up at the barren surroundings, and muttering in his mouth: "This is unfortunate...what can I do?

Li Tian, ​​who was thinking this way, waited quietly for a while again.

He hoped to hear the flute sound again... but after waiting for a long time, there was no flute sound again.

Li Tian is not only depressed at this moment.

However, he just could feel it, he is getting closer and closer to the sound of the flute...If nothing else, the person who plays the flute should be somewhere near here.

"I'll look for it... If I'm lucky, I might be able to meet him!" Li Tian at this moment thought slightly in his heart.

After Li Tian thought this way, he walked towards the dense forest in front of him.

Then began to search slowly.

After searching for a long time, Li Tian suddenly saw the figure of a middle-aged man appearing in the dense forest in front.

Look closely, the figure is tall and burly, wearing a navy blue robe, sitting there slightly.

A head of dark hair was scattered on the shoulders... and there was a strange breath in the whole body. As for how that breath felt? Li Tian couldn't tell at this moment.

Not far in front of him, there was a blazing bonfire, and a fragrant hare was grilling on the bonfire!

The most important thing is that he also holds a black hole flute in his hand.

"Huh? Is he the one who played the beautiful melody just now?" Li Tian suddenly said with his eyes on the man in front of him.

After Li Tian thought so, he walked over quickly.

When he walked to the mysterious middle-aged man wearing a navy blue robe, Li Tian glanced at him, then said politely: "Hello..."

After hearing the sound, the man in navy blue lifted his head slightly.

It was a handsome contoured face, a tall nose, thin lips, and a pair of shining eyes.

The eyes are like distance light, giving people a sense of insight into the human heart, very bright, very bright.

After the weird middle-aged man raised his head, he looked at Li Tian in front of him slightly.

"In the mountains and wilds, I didn't expect to meet someone destined... Ha ha, hello." Suddenly the handsome middle-aged man with the black flute in his hand was smiling and looking at Li Tiandao.

Li Tian heard his extraordinary conversation, and at this moment, he had a slight feeling of favor with this middle-aged man.

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