Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 306: Female lunatic (1 burst)

Fatty Liu is now not only carrying dozens of people in and out, but also the barbarian Sangbiao under his own protection, but no one knows what this guy is afraid of?

Today's Fatty Liu is in the VIP room on the third floor of the New Century Dance City.

I saw 7-8 big men guarding the VIP room in the corridor of the VIP room.

Obviously we can know that the person in this room is Fatty Liu.

I followed the closed door, but saw that there were indeed a few people sitting inside.

On the leather sofa in the middle sits a big fat man with a fat figure, piles of fat on his stomach, and the red-faced face reveals a wealth of wealth, but he can see it intentionally or unconsciously. There was a little anxiety.

Next to him was sitting a charming girl with Yingyingyanyan, wearing a very seductive silk skirt, showing a large section of white thighs, nestled in the arms of Fat Liu, showing her flattery.

Sitting next to him was another tall and strong man, with a long and narrow scar on his face from the corner of his mouth to under his eyebrows, looking harsh and cautious.

He is the savages.

The handle of the New Century Dance City.

There were 3-4 little brothers standing next to each other respectfully.

On the crystal table in the middle, there is also a fruit plate and a bottle of Martell XO (MARTELLSUPREMEXO). Half a glass of red wine is poured in the goblet, and the two drink gently there.

I saw Fatty Liu who was holding the glass of Martell XO in his bloated hand and took a sip. He frowned and said slowly, "Have you found out what the lunatic is?"

"Damn, why did you come to Jinghai City to kill? What the **** is she for?" Listening to Fatty Liu said.

Sangbiao, who was sitting there, touched the narrow and hideous scar on his face with one hand, and said coldly, "I haven't found it yet."

"But what is certain is that this woman is definitely not an easy role."

"Lao He at Broadway Night Market, as well as the Thirteen Young Masters in DJ Paradise, were all slaughtered by her...I was wondering if this lunatic woman would come to move me?" After Fatty Liu said this, he suddenly picked up The half glass of Martell next to him was drunk.

Who is the lunatic woman they are talking about?

And there's the old Ho of Broadway night scene? And the thirteen youngest of DJ heaven? Aren't these two characters both great figures on Jinghai City Road?

It turns out that a few days ago, Lao He from the Broadway night scene and the thirteenth young man in DJ Paradise were killed one after another, as well as the lame Wang from the casino...

Although the deaths of these powerful underworld figures have not yet been revealed to the outside world, as far as Fatty Liu is concerned, he knows them perfectly.

So for so many days, he would bring a lot of people with him every time he went out, just to be afraid that he would be killed.

Who killed it?

The outside world only knows that it is a woman, a vicious woman.

The killing methods were clean and neat.

So the underworld now calls her a female lunatic.

"Don't worry, if she really dares to come, I will let her stand in and lie down." Sang Biao said in front of him, while his eyes showed murderous intent.

Fatty Liu didn't speak, and sat there quietly.

"Brother Liu, why did Lao He and the 13th Young Master get killed? Which woman has any hatred with them?" Sang Biao suddenly stared at Fatty Liu and asked.

Fatty Liu touched the corner of his mouth, his eyes let out a cold light.

"I'm not sure." He said slowly.

"I just hope that female lunatic had better not find me!" Fatty Liu subconsciously swallowed and said.


When they were talking here, they saw an indifferent figure on the third floor of the stairs stepping towards this side.

A terrifying murderous aura filled her whole body.

When stepping up the stairs from the second floor step by step, the 6-7 guards standing in the corridor on the third floor suddenly felt the terrifying killing intent!

Just as the killing intent filled their bodies, each of them couldn't help but be taken aback.

Then I turned my head and saw her!

Situ Ningbing.

She seemed to come from the darkness, approaching them step by step.

The 6-7 brawny guys here subconsciously squeezed the guy in his hands, and stared at Situ Ningbing in front of him.

"who are you?"

Just listen to a slightly bolder man who has revealed the sharp machete hidden in his body at this moment.

Because they have vaguely felt an ominous feeling.

The other copper plates around also all light up the guy hidden in his body, the knife! All machetes were held tightly in their hands.

But what about Situ Ningbing in front of him? But as if I didn't see it, I still walked step by step.

When she was almost in front of them, she suddenly raised her cold eyes and glanced at the few guys holding knives in front of her.

The light from the cold eyes made the strong men in front of them tremble uncontrollably.

Then her lips moved.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to kill you, I am here only to find Fatty Liu."

The harsh words came out of her mouth word by word.

When she said these words, the eyes of the strong men in front of her suddenly changed, and then you looked at me one by one, and I looked at you.

"Kill her!"

With a violent roar, the 6-7 men in front of them grabbed the machete in their hands and slashed at Situ Ningbing lifelessly.

When Situ Ningbing, who had been standing there quietly, saw these people who were not afraid of death suddenly rushing towards her, her eyes exploded, and then the life-threatening silk in her right wrist, hiss-- One sound!

Then the screams and the sound of broken bones filled the corridor.

Bloody and miserable.

Fatty Liu sitting in the VIP box, and the barbarian Sangbiao who were sitting leisurely, suddenly heard a miserable scream from outside the VIP box, and was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Fatty Liu suddenly turned pale, and he was so scared that he couldn't help backing away.

And that Sangbiao jumped up from the sofa, took out the Malay knife in his waist and blocked it in front of Fat Liu. At the same time, he exclaimed: "Awei, come forward and open the door. What will happen when you see the bottom?"

"Ahai, hurry up and call the brothers to come up." The Sang Biao in front of him said calmly.

But Sang Biao knew that the brothers downstairs had all fallen in a pool of blood.

On the other side, Awei, holding a three-sided knife in his hand, looked at the door of the room with trembling legs, and seemed afraid to come closer.

"Damn, open the door, what are you afraid of!" Sang Biao said angrily as he looked at the trembling little brother Awei.

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