Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3079: Want to die

The war was pervading the entire square.

The skeleton army summoned from the ground is really fierce.

Although each of the guardians of the temple possesses very powerful strength, they are also forced to be in a hurry in the face of such a large army of skeletons.

I saw an inadvertent, tall and thin white-shirted temple guardian who was cut in the back by one of the skeletons.


A painful cry came from the white shirt man's mouth.

Then I saw a black knife mark on the back of the white shirt man! !

The man in white shirt just wanted to turn his head and fight to the death.

It's a pity that just turning his head, another skeleton man directly raised the broadsword in his hand and chopped off his head with a puff.

In an instant, I saw the white-shirted man's wooden pile-like body, which suddenly shook twice, and then fell to the ground with a plop, dead, and bleeding all over the ground.


Here too, two guardians of the temple have sacrificed!

Although they are all extremely skilled, facing these terrifying and hideous skeleton army, they were in a frenzy for a while, and soon suffered heavy casualties.

Obviously, with these twenty guardians, they still couldn't stop the underworld skeleton army like a tide.

At this moment, only the old Xuantian was fighting fiercely.

The flying halberd of about 2 meters in his hand is really powerful.

Every time it was horribly swiped, the "skeleton army" surging around turned into pieces and died.

Seeing that, in the audience, only the old Xuantian was still fighting with the flying halberd.

The blood-red long hair headed by the Three Demons of the Underworld: The Red Devil suddenly said coldly in his mouth at this moment.

"Lao San, quickly solve that **** old man... We don't want to waste too much time here." Just listen to the gloomy red hair.

The "old third" he called out was one of the three underworld demons: Hei Jue!

After hearing the red devil's voice, Na Hei Jue gave a sly smile and said, "Yes!"

When the words were spoken, his body suddenly turned into a cloud of black energy, and he suddenly moved towards the terrible attack of the old Xuantian.

At this moment, the old man Xuantian held the flying halberd in his hand and just smashed a tall skeleton man into pieces, and suddenly he noticed a very cold wind sound coming from his back.

Now startled.

Then the flying halberd in his hand waved quickly.

With a bang, he saw his two-meter-long flying halberd horribly hit the black aura behind him.

At the moment when the "flying halberd" hit the black aura behind, the aura suddenly transformed into a human form. Upon closer inspection, the human form that was transformed at this moment was the Pluto III. The devil's black jue.

And what about Heijue's skeleton arm? It directly grabbed the flying halberd of the old Xuantian man.


At the moment when the old man Xuantian's Flying Halberd was suddenly grabbed by the arm of Hei Jue, he gave a shock, and then quickly waved his left hand, and then wanted to withdraw his "Flying Halberd".

But at the moment he shot his hand, Hei Jue gave a gloomy smile: "Only you, dare to fight with me?"

With a sharp roar, Hei Jue suddenly waved his right hand, and a strong force directly shook the old Xuantian in front of him.

"let go!"

With an angry cry, the old man Xuantian only felt a sudden tingling in his right hand, and then the "Flying Halberd" that was tightly held in his hand fell to the ground with a creak.

His weapon has fallen!

The flying halberd fell to the ground at this moment!

But he said that after the flying halberd of the old man Xuantian suddenly fell to the ground, the old man Xuantian had blood red eyes.

At the moment, he looked at that Heijue angrily.

"Hehe, old man, your weapons have fallen now? Don't you hurry up and kneel on the ground and kowtow to me?" The black desperate old Xuantian smiled sarcastically.

The old man Xuantian was breathing hard at this moment, and an old face full of wrinkles was shaking violently at this moment.

"Asshole, the old man did it for you."

Following the violent anger of the old Xuantian, he desperately rushed towards the Hei Jue, and the illusion skills he used in his hand also attacked the Hei Jue.

This is a desperate fight.

Just after the old man Xuantian desperately attacked the Hei Jue, he saw that Hei Jue grinned, and then his whole body suddenly turned into a cloud of mist, and then his figure disappeared directly.

After seeing the Hei Jue's figure suddenly turned into a mist, the old man Xuantian was startled, and then roared, "Asshole...come out...come out!"

While screaming, both hands slammed into the mist.

Unfortunately, he couldn't hit that Heijue at all.

Just when the old man Xuantian was being teased, suddenly the Hei Jue figure appeared behind him.

"Something to die!"

A sharp and unpleasant voice suddenly screamed, and then he used a quick and incomparable trick to directly hit the old Xuantian's back with a heavy palm.


The old man Xuantian was hit in the back, his internal organs suddenly pierced and pierced, and then the whole person screamed and flew straight out.


A mouthful of blood shot out from the mouth of the old man Xuantian.

"Xuantian guardian!"

The guardian in white shirt who was still alive over there quickly flew all over when he saw that the old Xuantian was hit.

After they flew over, they hurried to the elder Xuantian who was lying on the ground, vomiting blood and trembling, and then shouted in shock, "Protect Xuantian, how are you?"

The old man Xuantian spit out another mouthful of blood, and scarlet blood flowed out of his mouth and stuck to the white beard.

I saw the old man Xuantian spit out two mouthfuls of blood, and then stood up with the support of the white shirt guardian.

"Even if you die...you must guard the temple!!!" The resolute words finally came out of his mouth.

After being inspired by him, the guardians in white shirts around there nodded one by one.

"Guardian Temple to the death!"

Their heroic voices sounded in the square.

The Hei Jue of the Three Demons of the Underworld, after seeing them say this in unison, suddenly the cold light appeared in his eyes, and said: "Want to die? How easy! I will do it for you."

The moment his harsh voice came out, he suddenly saw his two hands waving, and then the entire square was instantly enveloped by thick fog.

Alien Space Illusion: Fog Hidden Illusion!

It is also the most terrifying trick of that Heijue.

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